I made it home from Canton, and guess who was here!

DeeDee and Granddad!

I need to look this up... is it Granddad or Grandad. Oh, I just answered my own question...it's gotta be Granddad! Anyway, they were in town for Todd's niece's wedding. And my girls were happy to see their grands!

And this mama is ALWAYS excited to see some help!

Cause when they are here, my girls just wanna hang with them! Especially THIS high energy one!

Gabbi kinda still likes to hang with mama!

By the time I got home, they'd already had a fun day with the grands at Chik-fil-a's new indoor playground!

And this time it wasn't only DeeDee and Granddad, but also Todd's stepbro and his wife, Laurie.

More on the whole clan later! I have LOTS of pics to upload!
All the while, Todd stayed glued to the TV and college football! Some things just never change!

Can't wait for more pics. Enjoy the family time, that's always nice.
It's heartwarming to me, watching kids with their grandparents. Enjoy your visitors.
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