"push your 'extra tissue' around so it looks like your buff" pose!!
And then down in the peds building.... Karl is having some one on one time with Turner!
And Beth and Rebecca discuss very important billing matters, while Rebecca sits and wonders to herself WHY she didn't bring ME a Sonic diet coke!!
This is what the drying area looks like after our toys and tools are cleaned. Ashley perpetually has her "mouth" tools out drying after being cleaned. And apparently her farm animals too!!
And don't forget the all important treat box!! All kids work hard to swing by this place on their way out!!
Ashley has always maintained a little brag board. If the kids do well in speech, they get to choose a sticker and post it on their sheet. I am sure there is more to it than that, but that's what I can get from it.
And then all of her speech kiddos in the West Monroe clinic also made a pumpkin mobile, of sorts, to dangle from the ceiling. I LOVE festive things!! I even had my nai
More speech therapy supplies!
Ashley's Speech Therapy room is always in the spirit!!
A few hats in the big marketing cabinet.
This is a PECS board. Picture Exchange Communication System. (I think). The kid, who is typically non-verbal, will point to or choose the photos which represents what he or she wants to do in the therapy session. In doing so, he is communicating needs, thus decreasing frustration.
I think Patchez may be part hoarder!
And here is the pediatric OT room in the West Monroe clinic.
I just LOVE it when the therapists use holiday activities to help the patients work toward their goals.!! It makes me smile.
We have closets FULL of unique toys and games to meet the needs and ultimately goals of our patients.
This is the rainbow, fun!!, door in the OT room.
This is the IMOT room. I am pretty sure that if you are a long time reader, you know about IMOT. Intense Model of Therapy. It is a cool program, and the equipment in this room is highly unique! Have I ever mentioned that Karl flew one of our cages out to Hollywood years ago and worked with Dick Clark after his stroke?! I don't think I did.
think it's cool that we have Bible verses around our clinic. It sets the tone for who we are and what we believe.

Random pics of the clinic. These balls are piled high on the slide in the peds gym.
I'm not sure why, but I thought I'd share with you the cute paint job in the girls' bathroom in the pediatric building. I painted it!! Years ago! It is kind of in need of an update!! The boys' was preoccupied. It is kelly green and white vertically striped.
HEre's Miss Lauren. I have practically RAISED this girl!! She and I have been in weekly contact for about 17 or so years. Really!!
This cat is almost 80 years old!! And he is PLANKING!! Go ahead, buddy!!
And here's miss Penny. I love that she is ok with so many of us swarming her with cameras!! That's Becky there also
This is Hector. He shows up every year about this time. His daddy, Keif, makes sure to bring him up to the clinic to let him freak everybody out a bit. He is seriously the creepiest little dude you could ever imagine!
But I guess having him hanging here where we can all keep an eye on him beats hiding in a closet where you are NOT expecting him to be when you swing that door open!!
Everyone has a few pics of his or her family members at their desk. I just stuck a few 0f my Moo cards on the wall. I LOVE these funky little cards with pics of my sweet babies!! They are actually all over the clinic. These and tiny little stickers with their pictures sprinkle the adult clinic.
Mo, it is so evident that you truly enjoy what you do....and you help sooooo many people when you do! God bless you my friend with many years of service to others! Thanks for sharing this.....huggers, BJ
It's so wonderful that you love what you do so much, that is very important! Love all of the creativity!
Don't think you ever shared the story of Karl and Dick Clark, cool!
Happy Thursday!
I can feel the power of love, determination, hope, and fun in your pictures. You are a treasure, and that is that is that!
Mo, I have spent years taking my son to physical therapy in Virginia. I so wish there was one of your offices here. While his therapist have been good, we have NEVER had anything near the MMPT clinic experience. How wonderful that you make this such a fun place for kids to go!!! You rock!
Good Morning! I want to work at MMPT!! Shame it's not in Missouri!
You have a fantastic gift being able to pick your employees. They all shine just like you!
Makes me smile.
It makes it all the BETTER when you LOVE your job!! It is so evident in your post! I love how everyone is FAMILY and it's more than "just a place to make a paycheck". It's evident that the patients not only are getting the best of care from a fine staff, but enjoy their time there. Definitely a place many of us would LOVE to work or use the facilities if the need arises. It's no wonder that MMPT is given great accolades annually from area residents.
Good Job Mo!! I love to see you change hats and get in "work mode"!! You are awesome!!!
Hi Ms. Mel, my name is Aimee Landry and I completed an internship at your West Monroe clinic during the summer of 2010. I just wanted to let you know that I have kept up with your blog and I absolutely love seeing posts about the clinic. I loved my time there and actually remember working with Turner. WOW has he grown!! Please tell Mr. Karl and Ms. Becky, along with everyone at the WM clinic, I said hello and appreciate everything they taught me while I was there. Thank you again- Aimee
i enjoy you sharing all aspects of your exciting life. i don't think so many of us would be here following if we didn't. and by sharing your experiences, you inspire others!!!
You have no idea just how much I wish we lived closer to one another...I would definitely have Bo at your center!
Thanks for the pics...it's always a blessing to see how you help so many people.
Love seeing you in your workplace. Just wish you were closer to NC. You are such an inspiration!
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