In light of the significant tragedy we encountered this week, at my house, the show had to go on. It was week one of Camp Creative, and I had 17 little girls fired up about being there! This is my Wednesday group..

There was a Monday group too! Mary Allison was scheduled to be my helper today, but seeing as how her world was turned upside down this week, Veronicia sweetly stepped in to help me with this class.

And in the process, she got to make her own canvas!

And as you might expect, we did pumpkins.... again!!

I can't help it. I love that they can stay up for a full two months. Actually THREE months if you do one at the beginning of September. This is Emma. She is pretty passionate about art. I love that about her!

I also love that every kid really does her own thing. She picks her background color after we have a lesson on "the color wheel" and what complimentary vs. analogous colors are.

I think having a knowledge of the color wheel is a valuable tool throughout life... for making a canvas, or picking out an outfit, or designing earrings, or picking the wallpaper out for your house. It is just a fundamental piece of information that makes color choices easier for years to come. Profound?!

This is Maddie and Caroline. They apparently knew each other from school. They are kind of quiet and did a lot of whispering amongst each other.

As long as they come away with a rockin' pumpkin, I am A-OK with that. And check out Paige... she painted with a cast halfway up her arm!!

And here's Mollie. She chose a teal, as did I! My example is ther to the right of her.

While we let our backgrounds dry, we partook in a little chip and dip, compliments of Clara's dad from the Monday class. Thanks, Steven!!

And then it was time for the foreground!! Think ORANGE!

Veronicia is going to be hard to beat as an assistant. She rocked it, since she is an elementary school teacher and wanted things put away quickly and wanted a clean environment. I could dig it!

Here are Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum again!! Caroline was just here because a couple of sisters were out of town, and I knew we'd have space for an extra. But, after all this bonding was going on, I think I may just have to squeeze one more in from here on out!

And finally a group shot... Mollie and Lexi.

Emma Lou, Angel Grace, and Emma,

Lexi did a good job with her stencils and spray inks... for swirlies.

And here are Maddie, Caroline and Paige.

I gotta tell ya, I am most impressed by these girls' works!! And I am living my dream which is super cool!! Looking forward to earring making next week!!
P.S. I am so grateful that not only I, but also Mary Allison, her sister, and Pam's best friend, Judy, who reads this blog, were able to read this blog yesterday and see how many people from across the country were praying for them and caring for them, and loving them! I am thankful for my blog friends!! The tragedy was a horrible one. My blog was not the place to share it, but you can find out more from the Vicksburg paper on Tuesday or Monroe paper on Tuesday or Wednesday. Pam Mitchell was not "Pam" as we knew her for the past few weeks. The Pam we knew was vivacious and loving and the life of the party! Her girls actually asked the pastor to announce that she'd gotten mixed up in some prescription meds which had really caused her apathy and intense periods of sleep. They want the people who attend the funeral to know that THEY know that their mom would never do what she did if she were acting as "herself". And I totally agree!! She was just not the Pam we all knew, and the medicine was the culprit! And I happen to KNOW that this HAD to be the case, because her children meant EVERYTHING to her. If you are questioning some medications you are taking, please consider your family and see your doctor! Many of these medications are meant to be WEANED from and we are not skilled to know how to take these matters into our own hands. And some are not meant to be mixed! Be careful! I know the girls would want me to use their mom's death to call attention to a serious problem and warn others. They are such strong girls. We spent a good deal of the day together today, and although they have anger, they are similiarly heartbroken. With the holidays, graduation, from college and high school, weddings, and births, all on the forefront, I pray that they can find forgiveness in their hearts and peace in the situation. Also, that they will take comfort in knowing their mom loved them more than ANYTHING else. And she is the reason they have become the admirable young women they are. Please continue to lift them up, as well as their dad, Jay, their aunt Nicole (only remaining sibling) and all the very close friends and co-workers Pam had. I am here to tell you... that woman was LOVED!!
Well Mo,
Several things to talk about. I love that GIANT ornament canvas! Where was that during the retreat? I'm so glad to see your Camp Creative off and running. Those girls made some awesome pumpkins! I have no idea where you fit 17 of them!! And yes, the color wheel talk - very profound! I attribute this knowledge to your beautifully color coordinated house. I am continuing prayers for Pam, MA, and their entire family.
Prayers continue.
So sorry to hear about MA's Mom. She is fortunate to have you! Please let the family know that they are in my prayers.
The night this week that you couldn't sleep was also the night that it was 11:11 when I turned out the light. Always think of precious Jake when I see 11's anywhere. Sweet boy who touched so many people because of you keeping us connected.
Those girls did an amazing job on their canvases.
Continued prayers.....
Love the paintings the girls did....I know they must have had the time of their lives! You are such a good role model Mo..keep up the good work! ......and prayers will continue for MA, her sister, her dad and the rest of the family......huggers to all, BJ
My prayers for MA and her family as well as you and yours during this difficult time. Having experienced the same type of tragedy for a very dear friend, I feel your pain. It was so out of character and not the person we knew. Meds can be so powerful and unfortunately we found out the hard way.
Time will begin to heal their pain but the unanswered questions will always be there.
God bless you all and hug those girls always.
If those girls can paint a canvas, I should be able to! Haha I'm sure I'd need your direction though. They all turned aout beautiful.
Still praying for everyone. Such a tragedy. You are a great person Mo.
My heart has been heavy for MA's family since I read your blog 2 days ago. Please let her know that we have been praying for her sweet family! Much love from Atlanta! xoxo
The pumpkins are amazing! They all did such a great job.
My heart is breaking for MA and her family. They are in my prayers. You all are such a wonderful, loving group of people and I know you will be there for them in the days, months, and years to come.
The canvases the girls painted look awesome! I agree with Zhohn, if they can paint that well, I should be able to learn too!
My daughter & I were in the kitchen last night when I happened to look @ the clock on the stove, & it was 11:11. I said "Hi Jake" & she & I discussed that it was his angelversary. Of course, she already knew all about him.
My prayers continue for all of ya'll. Please give Mary Allison my love. Praying for peace for all of you. Much love from Dallas, Georgia!
After reading your post yesterday, my mind and my heart was encompassed with such grief and concern for Mary Allison, her family and your's. So much for such young souls to bear...
You all have consumed my thoughts and I pray for the days ahead to be gentle, peaceful and full of love.
Hugs to you and yours,
Ostrander, Ohio
It's all I could think about yesterday. Praying for all she touched. So sad...
How blessed you are to have such a creative outlet and how wonderful that you continue to share it with people of all ages.
Continued prayers for you and for Pam's family. I trust that the foundation she built for her girls will see them through this time in their lives and ultimately they will find a way to make something good from their heartache.
Mo... my heart breaks for your sweet Mary Allison and her family. My sweet goddaughters lost their mother at a tender young age as well and several of us stepped up to fill the unfillable void that will never go away. I know you will continue to be a fixture in her life and give her the love she knows her mom approved of. My prayers are with them as they say goodbye and begin their journey forward.
I thought of you last night at 11:11... I always seem to see the clock at that time every night too!
Love and hugs!
Your post always lift me up whether they are happy or sad...Hugs and prayers to you and Mary Allison..
It's so scary knowing how powerful medication can be. Please know we are praying for comfort for MA and all her family and friends!! She is very blessed to have such a special friend like you Mo!!
Wanted to let you know that you and Mary Alison are being lifted in prayer in Minnesota. Sending hugs and love your way.
Love the beautiful work by the girlies.
My heart is broken for MA and her family. I lost my Mom at a young age as well so I know how she and her sister are feeling. I will be praying for peace and strength for their family during these days. May God wrap them in His great big arms and comfort them. I'm so thankful you are in their life to provide support. You all remain in my prayers.
The canvas painting was awesome! Those girls rocked those pumpkins! I'd love to hear/see your color wheel talk. You're amazing, Mo! And I have to add that my prayers continue for MA and the family. There just are no words to express my feelings except I'm praying.
I am heartbroken for Mary Allison and her family. Knees to the ground storming the heavens with prayers for peace and comfort for all affected by this tragedy.
Praying for MA and her family...God speed Pam! So sad!
it is no accident that God placed mary allison in your life...He knew what her future would hold and that she would need you in her life..many prayers during this terrible time....
the classed looked awesome for the girlies!!!
mary allison and family - even though we have never met, know that prayers are going up for you and your family from here in wv!!! stay strong and hang onto your faith no matter how tough it gets!!! love you!!!!!
Dear Melanie, I have hardly been able to stop thinking about Mary Allison and her family since I read about what happened. How terrible a tragedy. These things are so hard to understand; we will never understand!
Praying for God's loving grace over all of you.
SO thankful that MA has precious people like you to surround her during this unfathomable tragedy they have endured. My heart breaks for all of you. You seem to have a very incredible group of people in your lives, and I just pray that you can all cling together and help one another through the coming days, weeks and especially the holidays.
Praying for MA. Sending my heartfelt prayers for the famiy. My heart broke when i read this and tears came flowing. I know how much it means to love your kids. I have two daughters too. My heart really goes out to them. Will keep the meds on my mind as i'm on allot and yes they can mix with others thanks to a wonderful husband who checks before i take others it's never to late to make sure and MA is paving the way but sharing this to make sure it dosn't happen to another person. She is very special daughter. As is her sister. Let her know her online family cares too. God bless,
From pa.
I can only imagine the pain MA and her family and friends are suffering right now. It's obvious the love you and your girls have for her.
I am praying for Mary Allison and her family. My mom died when I was in high school (from cancer) so I know a little of how she feels. I am so glad that she has you in her life!!!
Hold on tight to MA and her family. I know they feel the love and support. The hardest things to deal with are those that have no reason. May God bless all of you.
I can tell that W.Monroe is a close knit community by your writing and I am continuing to lift this family as well as your entire community up in prayer. I know the Lord will give you all His comfort and peace in the days, months, years to come. May God bless y'all!
Didn't get a chance to read MoJoy yesterday, so very sad to catch up and hear about Mary Allison's Mom. I will keep you all in my prayers. I know you will all be a great comfort to one another. Hold on tight and give those baby girls some extra hugs. Quite impressed by the Camp Creative talent!!!
Mary Allison and Elaina,
I am another complete stranger drawn to Mo Joy for, well, Mo Joy. I am so sorry. I don't know that there a words that will every suffice. May you know the peace that passes all understanding and may the God of hope fill you with understanding when you feel most alone. You are prayed for and clearly the light of your mama's eyes!
P.S. Dearest Mo...I ache for the triple pain of losing your dear friend, having to help your wee ones, especially Ellie, understand loss so early, and finally for having to watch your precious Mary Allison suffer. God bless you Mo!
I am so heartbroken for those girls and their family. I lost my 15 year old nephew on Dec 27th last year to a mixture of drugs which he took at my house. We have since locked up ALL medicine in our house. I would have never dreamed that he would steal from us. :0( It has been the most painful year of our lives... I know you can relate... I will certainly add their family to my prayers...
RE-POSTING: Meant to post the comment here:
Oh Mo. I read the article and it brought back memories of young lady who suffered a similar tragic incident. I once worked at a pharmacy and I saw "firsthand" how these Rx meds can totally be abused and transform a person....TOTALLY! I watched a WONDERFUL LOVING and CARING WIFE/MOM transform before my very eyes. I held my breath every time she came in "totally incoherent" w/3young kids in tow. They were 6, 4 and 1 at the time. We would make her "stay put" until we could get a hold of her husband (who was at work) to come and get her. We were afraid she would kill herself, kids or someone else while driving. She would have a 30day supply of this "certain med" and on day 31 she would come in with a NEW Rx to fill more!! I watched in horror as she "popped the meds" before even exiting the store. Much to our urging/pleading she would not bring the kids w/her. However, we knew that she probably drove with them under the influence of those meds at other times. That prove to be the truth. One afternoon while driving enroute to pick them up from daycare, she passed out at the wheel and drove thru a fence and hit a tree. Sadly...she never made it to those sweet babies. We all think that "street drugs" are deadly...sadly "certain Rx meds" are even more deadly. The scary things is "they are legal" what's UNLEGAL is the Dr's that write these Rx's out knowing full well they are not being used for the manner in which they were presribed. I saw the same Dr's prescribe them over and over. As long as the Rx are "legal" the pharmacist fills them! Just last year they had a crackdown on local Dr's who abuse their "authority" of administering these Rx's to ppl. They would literally have lines outside their offices by 6am. The office did not open until 8am! They have known to move to rural areas to "keep the visibility" of their operation on the "hush"! I as well implore ANYBODY, if you see this sort of abuse going on, notify the media anybody who can draw attention of this growing epidemic. We are losing far too many of our loved one, behind nothing more than a $$$$. We should also check on our teens, yes...this happens to our young ppl too. Check your med cabinets! Dispose of old pain meds (from dentist offices especially)!!
Sorry to use this as a platform for my anger. But darnit...I am angry! I'm angry that a husband has lost a beautiful wife, 2 beautiful young ladies have lost a great wonderful mother, a community have lost a great friend.
It's unethical, its wrong and sadly it's too late to save a great woman.
If you find yourself or see yourself in this situation, get help now...Please. If not for it for the ones you love. Please.
Mo - I missed a day or two and came back to see your sad news. Bless that family - and yours. I feel like I know MA from reading your blog these past years - she is an incredible young lady as anyone can tell from your words. Prayers for her, her sister, father and aunt!
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