Just an average ol day! Had a babysitter over... Ellie sitting on the table, bossing the 12 year old...

Face FULL of make up... being melodramatic over a new "bobo".

wasting all of my art projects... and putting sticker paper dolls on every surface in sight....

other friends swing by and we play beauty shop and jump on the bed...

and then my good friend, Paula, comes by to help me tediously polish silver for this weekend's big MoZart retreat!!

And what'd you do?!
(Let's have more than three comments today, how bout it?! ha..)
Paula is a GOOD friend to help polish silver!! Not my favorite job!! Girls look like they are living the life!! Hooray for the Groves!!
I'll admit, I've been lazy the last few days and haven't commented. I'm sorry, but I read every post!
Ellie is such a hoot. Loving the fb picture of her 'sleepover'. You have such great friends, Mo. I can't believe what your sweet baby girl did with the lipstick! You to fill us in on that story.
Have a great week!
Mo.....I can't believe you are polishing the silver for "us girls"!!! No need for that!!! Okay I made a promise to Sofia (4 year old grand-daughter) when you do an art retreat for the little girls, I'll take her.....LOL...I am not sure she could keep up with Ellie - I can't believe the latest lipstick episode - she definitely keeps you on your toes...I can't wait to meet those two sweeties!!! See you soon. Can't wait.
I don't comment often (my ancient laptop doesn't always co-operate), but I'd love to attend one of your retreats one day! This week is homecoming at my daughters' high school so we are "making mums". Do Louisiana high schools do the big mums like Texas? If so, I can's wait to see what you come up with for your girls!!
Oh Mo! I can't wait for this weekend!!! I am ready for some serious crafting! Finally, I'll get to meet your girls too! I haven't received the email packet. Have you sent it already?
Today.. worked and now catching up on my blog! Looking forward to seeing the MoZart retreat!
Oh that Ellie is a hoot. Someday she'll be a teenager agonizing over the photos such as these. Then when she's older she'll get a good laugh when looking back.
She's quite the entertainer for the neighborhood girlfriends.
I can only imagine Ms. Ellie as a teenager!! I'm glad you are documenting all her "stuff" with photos, cause she will never believe she actually did some of it without photo proof...LOL! Again I say.....I LOVE IT!!...huggers, BJ
Hey Hey - We went to an air show and watched planes/jets for a few hours. Sunday we visited Grandpa in the hospital...prayers they have found he has blood clots in his lungs.
Countdown to MoZart!! Maybe in the future you can do a "online class" and everyone far and near can participate! However, I know EVERYONE would love to meet you in person!! That's just a thought for the future however!
I gotta say, those girls are having themselves a blast in the pics!! I seriously LOVE that OWL screen deco on Ellie's wall! These pictures don't do it any justice! I saw it in person and absolutely love it! I'm gonna have to scour the garage sales and find me an old screen! I so gotta try this!!!It is downright ADORABLE!!
Speaking of "owls", I also love that owl sticker in the pics!! That would be so cute on a dress!!
I was pretty productive Sunday, Saturday, not so much. I started a scrapbook for my Mom's Christmas present. My great nephew had his 5th birthday party at a local firestation back in May. I got some great pictures and am making her a scrapbook with a firefighter theme. Oh, and according to my family, I cooked an awesome meal for lunch. Which totally shocked me. I ain't no Martha Stewart. :o)
What did I do yesterday? Well....Got up at 4:45 to get ready for work. Woke the kids and the hubby up at 6:15 and left for work. I have to be there at 7. The hubby takes the kids to school on his way to work. Got off work at 3 and picked my daughter up from school. Sat at Wendy's for an after school frosty and homework before competition cheer practice from 5:45 till 7:45. Bought some groceries while she was at practice. Got home at 8 pm, did some laundry, ate supper that the hubby had ready, then cooked Texas Spaghetti so supper would be ready for tonight. Then I cleaned up the kitchen and went to bed around 10:30. Then it all started over again this morning at 4:45. Never ending!!!
I'm leaving a comment because it's what you told us to do! Na....just playing!! I love reading your blog and I don't always comment cuz I don't want to be all stalker-ish!
That Ellie is a hoot and I can't wait to hear all about the MoZart retreat!!
Hugs from Missouri,
Work for me ~ with my 3 year old grandgirlie, so that always makes for a non-productive day! Then after work I enjoyed some dinner with friends ~ then home for a yummy glass of wine to wind down the day! Lovin the bracelet on the table by Paula's silver ~ with the big turquoise in the middle!! Also, is that an old Christmas ornament on the table ~ look's like a chili pepper ~ pretty cool!!
Girl - these days are leaving me with my head spinning! School for the 4 big kids, recovering sick toddler, trip to the Urgent Care for some seriously infected poison ivy turn cellulitus for one of my 9 yr old twins Grant, horsebackriding lesson for Braden, volleyball practice for Allie, Football practice for Cameron, made the team meal for the highschool volleyball team (30 girls plus coaches) - and all that was just Monday! Hey, you asked! :)
Mo, I love the look Ellie is giving you when she's showing the boo-boo--Like "LOOK Mom, look how terrible it is!" I always call my son a "drama king" because anytime he gets any little boo-boo, it's a big ordeal! lol I love that your girls are already starting out to be social butterflies. I have no doubt that your house will always be the place to be as they get older--Heck, it already is! So wish that I could come this weekend! Hope ya'll have a fabulous time!
mo i hope yall have a wonderful time this weekend at the art retreat i wish i could come just not in my budget right now. i cant wait to see pics of it all have fun and enjoy yourselfs. i loved the pic of ellie showing her bo bo to you lol she is so sweet. sorry i havent posted in a while i havent been feeling good lately. wel im going to go have fun this weekend...
Worked at the office unfortunately! SO wish I lived close enough to come to one of your art classes. Your girlies are blessed to have such a creative mama. Take care and God bless!
I took my boyfriend's 84 year old parents to their monthly lunch because he couldn't, I bought a pair of jeans at Talbots, and spent a wonderful relaxing evening with my Fred. Day can't get much better than that!! Love your funny kids (and you too).
I know your art retreat this weekend will be a blast. Never a dull moment at your house.
*sigh. I wish I could come to your retreat. I drool over your craft room and all the fantastic things you make... especially the memory books. Do strangers ever come to your workshops, or only people you know? Anyways, HAVE FUN - and loved the picture of ES with the lipstick... I have a similar one from Christmas morning when I was her age. :)
is that ellie's room? love the colors and the owl stuff -- pretty funny being that you have said often what a "hoot" she is.
i envy those that get to partake in your first art retreat. bit far for me to travel to from californai.
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