Well, it finally happened!! I had my first official "art class". It was actually a party which was bid on and won by Mrs. Sharon at this year's Shake 4 Jake.

I donated a party for 10, and a local chef donated the food, and another local business donated a case of wine. (Mrs. Sharon, it's still here. I forgot to give it to you!)

I decided since it was getting a little fallish in the air that we'd do a canvas they could proudly display for two whole months. I chose pumpkins.

These girls call themselves, "Sister Cousins". I got what they were talking about cause I kinda have some of those myself. In fact, my "sister cousins" will be going on our annual pilgrimage to Canton, TX in about a month!! Whooop Whoooop.

Anyway, these ladies get together often to craft and to drink coffee, among other adult beverages. Ha.

Most of them had never painted, however. They were initially intimidated by canvases and brushes, but settled in nicely! And speaking of painting....

I had enough canvases prepped with the texture medium that I just went ahead and let them each do two. We added a candy corn to our class. I'd never done that particular shape, so I thought it'd be fun for me too!

After all, I DID have to demonstrate all the different techniques and products, so I ended up completing three paintings during the class as well.

This lady on the end here is Mrs. Sharon. She was the one who actually purchased the party. I am very grateful to them for contributing to our JOR cause! That money should help lots of kids/ families affected by pediatric cancer.

I tried to show them all kinds of ideas.... this one, below, is my attempt at a background using all ripped up paper. I am still not sure what I will do as my foreground. But so far, I am diggin' it!

This is Chef Eric's pamphlet and cards. I was also very thankful to him for his donation of food for the group. He hooked us UP!

And, finally, we have some completed pieces. Just imagine these in a foyer entryway of a home, propped right up on an easel! Tracy got a little glitter HAPPY and well, I think they turned out great!

Sharon repeated throughout the entire day, "I just love mine." "I really, really love mine!". She even got so good she'd go over to her fellow Sister Cousins with advice, and even started brushing on Tracy's!!

Good thing they're close!!
We used stencils, spray paint, misted paint, glitter, and stamps.

These were Sharon's first EVER attempts with paint on canvas. Not too shabby, eh?!

I was really impressed with Belinda too!

How's that for a first timer?!

Oh, and this is mine. I got a little crazy with the swirls, but I like it like that! In fact, I've already sold this one off Facebook!

If you are interested in the other two, just let me know. This one is about 8x10, so it'd look cute propped up on a little easel.

And would you look at these?! I was just so impressed with my starter group!

On this one, she decided to use whitish paint on a polka dotted stamp pad.

This is my third painting. I did this one to show them how you can also use masking tape to create these stripes. I really, really like this one! And, did I mention it's for sale?! I have to get rid of these, because I have two more fall retreats planned, and I will make at least this many more as I paint alongside the participants.

ANd last but not least...

So, here you have it... the first ever painting class at my art studio... MoZart is officially in business! Yipppeeee... let's do this!

If you are local or even kinda local and want to plan a shindig for you and your girls, give me a holler. Not a whole lot of weekend between now and Thanksgiving.
And as for my MoZart weekend participants, I am FIRED up.... cause now I know we can get a WHOLE LOT done in a weekend!! This was about a 2 1/2 hour project (two canvases).
It looks like they have all painted before! I'm super excited now. I can't wait to paint!
MoZart.. love the name!! I also loved the striped background canvas!
great job and so much fun!!! i would love to participate - are you moving to wv anytime soon?? lol maybe someday our paths will cross! i love all of your artsy - fartsy stuff and i am very glad that you are sharing your blessings with others!
MoZart is clearly going to be a success. Congrats on a great day...great job by everyone...this is the start of something big!
It makes me smile when you get "swirl happy". Love your work!
I love all the artwork! I want to purchase your candy corn canvas!
I like that phrase "sister cousins"...So are you gonna get to go? Love the pumpkins.....
Your creativity always leaves me in awe! I swear I couldn't draw a straght line if I tried, actually I'm sure your precious girls draw better than I do! Love the Mozart classes and wish I were closer, I'm sure I'd learn a thing or two! Is your pumpkin canvas (next to the striped one) still for sale? If so I'd love it!
Oh Mo! It all looks so fun!! I'm gonna make a MoZart retreat one of these days! Who knows....if you have another one in November.."my face, may be in the place"!
I wanna paint just like you when I grows up!! LOL. Seriously I want to paint!!!!
Love the pumpkins! What texture medium do you use?
I'm headed to Canton next month too!!! I can't wait. Maybe we'll see you there!
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