Better late than never. I wish I could go back and see how many times I've opened a blog with that line!
But, today, I am highlighting a dear friend, Cindy's, birthday.

It was back at the end of August, and just took me a while to post it. Nevertheless, here are Linda Lou, Cindy's mom, Miss Ruth, and her sister, Shelley.

And here with Patti and Melanie, is the birthday girl herself, Cindy Lou Who.

No, that's not really her name, but I have called her that for as long as I can remember. We had all kinds of "new" friends there. Many of these ladies I now serve with on the Twin City Ballet Board of Directors.

Yeah, I know... my baby is three, and I am already suckerin' on in there. But, duty calls!! Anyway, Cindy is also on that BOD, so these were the lucky ladies invited to the big luncheon.

Cindy and I have been friends for ohhhhh... I guesss....20 years. I was there the night she lost her 2 year old son, and she came directly over the night we thought we felt a lump in Jake's stomach. She orchestrated fundraisers to help remodel Jake's home to make it germ free (to the tune of $17,000), she pretty much talked me into opening my PT clinics, and I in turn convinced her to GO FOR IT by being a children's book author.

I'm gonna tell ya.... Cindy and I make a good team!! Two energizer bunnies setting out to conquer the world. For whatever reason, when I cannot seem to figure out how to put out my seasonal decorations, it's Cindy I call! And when she MUST have the perfect wall mural in her kids' rooms, she's knocking on my door!

Shall we pause a moment and admire the earrings I made for my good buddy!?

And not only has Cindy bent over backwards for me and my family, but she comes running to anyone in need. All of her friends consider her a treasure.

Because of that, it was nothing at all to present her with gift card after gift card of cashola for her to go and buy herself some much needed new furniture to match her brand new home.

(we love her,but we didn't BUY her a new home!)

Being the modest person she is, she was overwhelmed by the generosity and could not continue opening in front of everyone.
You know "that" friend? The one who would move the world to help you? Well, that's Cindy! So it was a nice thing that we could surprise her like this!!

She is also the friend who really "gets" that being surrounded by a big ol' group of friends is really the best gift of the day!!
You're old, Cindy!
Awesome celebration! Energizer bunny really really discribes you! I can't believe how much "living" you get done in a day! (noticed the post at 3A.M)Do you ever sleep?
Aww...that's sweet! Friends are awesome!! Glad you shared, as always! Funny, when you talk about or show pictures of Cindy Lou Who, all I can remember is she has freakishly long toes. I'm sure she is a great person too! Haha...
Seriously, Happy Belated Bday Cindy!!
Hugs from Missouri,
very sweet - glad you always share so we can learn about all these awesome people that make you who you are!!
Nothing like friends!! Cindy Lou is indeed a treasure!
Happy Belated Birthday Cindy Lou!!!
It's no wonder that you are surrounded by a great group of friends Mo--I'm sure you are just as wonderful to them as they are to you! It is great that ya'll are all so close though. Friends are a wonderful treasure, & it seems the older I get, the more I realize that. Can't wait to see what you "conquered" today in your next post! :) Love ya
happy Birthday to your friend Cindy. She sounds like a wonderful woman!! You are blessed to be surrounded by so many good people!!
Definitely a fun and ummm informative lunch!
What is her "pen name?" I'd be interested in checking out her books..
That is so sweet. Cindy sounds like a wonderful person and a true friend!
P.S. Little-known first name is Cynthia. Beth is my middle name. For years, my cousins called my Cindy B. LOL!
Happy Birthday to Cindy Lou....she sounds like a true treasure to me!
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