Sunday, September 11, 2011

Chloe and Madi come to play

Last weekend, a friend of mine had her daughter over at our old house and they were helping me get the yard in order. Nope, we still have not sold that house! Actually, haven't even made an attempt... but I am starting the effort now. Anyway, she has a 5 year old daughter, Chloe, and I knew right off that Ellie would love to have her as a playmate. Chloe seemed to like the idea of dress up as much as my girls!!

And Chloe seemed to be no stranger to posing as well!!

In fact, these pictures crack me up!! Ellie is looking at her as if to say, "I know you din't!".

And, "girl, you better STEP OFF! This is my turf. And posing is MY game!". ANd, Chloe seems to be saying, "then bring it, big girl!".

So, Ellie did what Ellie does and puckered up those lips.

And then tried to teach her baby sister to do the same!!

In all honesty, the girls had a blast playing together.

They love playing in the cottage, and I love watching them do so. I think the cottage will be a perfect little playhouse for them someday.

And then, Madi showed up in her pink lame'.

Apparently she was in no mood to model or have a pose off!

Chloe, I must say, your hip gives Ellie a run for its money!

My little Gabbi Girl, as usual, was in a world of her own. She LOVES playing with these dishes, as she does every time we visit the cottage.

ANd finally, our obligatory ride in the golf cart!!

And I suppose it goes without saying that they had since found the make up!!

Gabbi put on plenty of blue eyeshadow!

And Ellie Sue looks like the Joker! We had enough estrogen to power up an entire ballet. I guess I'd better get used to it. My world is going to be dress up, poses, make up and pretend.

And that's alright by me.



  1. Hysterical pictures Mo! Always enjoy seeing your girls and their adventures!

  2. This absolutely made my entire day....what a hoot these cute girlies it!....huggers, BJ

  3. Too funny!! I loved the commentary w/each pic!!! That cottage is gonna hold LOTS of memories for sure!! Happy Monday Mo!!

  4. I may just have to find some "big girl" dress up clothes so I can play along too!! I need Ellie to show me some poses thought! ;) That cottage is going to make some magical memories!

  5. Ahhahaha - I love it! Hilarious pictures and narration.
