Friday, August 26, 2011

Spring Green, Wisconsin

Ok, Amy K... don't make fun of me. You have to understand... I LOVE to adventure! ANd be it a big place or a small one, if it's new to me and there's something cool to see, I consider it an adventure! Such was the case in Spring Green, WI. And sorry for not taking a photo of the House on the Rock. I'll make sure to do that next year! Wait! I am FLYING up next year!!

Wisconsin, from what I can tell, is very "Green". This little cafe had delicious food with all kinds of natural goodness in their food that was likely grown nearby. And teh clothes and trinkets in the shops kind of have a "green" or handmade feel.

My girls were just happy to be out 0f that hotel and finding a new adventure. I love it that they just go with the flow like their mama!

The small towns in Wisconsin have shops which have a place to eat, cheese to order and take on the go, clothes, toys, and home trinkets all in one stop shopping! Gotta love that!

This may be the best piece of cinnamon toast I have ever had in my life!! Think swirly cinnamon bread with thick goopy sugary spread!

I'm just sayin'!

Gabs ordered yogurt and some granola! Way to go, girl!

Across the street was a cute little shopping experience. All kinds of fun shops.

There are lots of handmade things there, so that is so right up my alley!!

Also up my alley is any kind of pie!! Ha. I went in and "tasted the tea". Gag!

The girls were not in the shopping mood!! They wanted to just hang out in the yard.

ANd as soon as Ellie found a fountain that she should not be touching, she was like a moth to a flame!

I tried to just let it go, so she would tire of it and act right!

Blurry, but again, an homage to Frank Lloyd Wright, if you are into architecture.

And that's all we got tonight! Tomorrow, we will be in our ultimate destination, Viroqua, Wisconsin! And you will get to meet Todd's grandpa! I know you are excited!

And we need to have a preliminary MoZart retreat meeting! That'll be first on next week! Gotta hit the hay!


Oh... and Happy Birthday today to my precious daughter, Gabbi. She lights up my life. She makes me think of sunshine, smiling, and JOY!! That's just who she is! I am so blessed that she is mine. MO


  1. So sweet...! Those girls were meant to be yours!
    Can't wait for more of the trip. Oh, and I agree, FLY next year!

  2. Oh dear Mo, I was not making fun of you....I just had no idea that Spring Green had "shopping", besides the annual flea market in July. Thanks for teaching me something new about the area.
    I hope sweet Gabbi had a wonderful 3rd birthday yesterday. My oldest turns 18 tomorrow....makes me tear up just thinking about it!
