When things get slow around our house, we try to come up with new tricks.

I was so proud of Gabbi for knowing that when she sucked in her cheeks and the fruit cup stuck that it was officially "a trick"!!

Yay, Gabs! You are officially my kid!!

Totally useless tricks make for fun parties!! Your mama can still do the splits and that is her primary party trick!!

And for the record, I am now really loving calling Gabbi, "Gabs".

Look at the pride in her face. You shoulda seen mine!!

It's fun being weird!
LOVE the 2nd pic! She is just too darn cute! Oh and about these splits....lol!? I need a pic to belive it!
Your first sentence cracked me up. We all know things never slow down in your house! Haha! Good job, cute little Gabbi!
I can relate to the sharing of our goofy talents with several of the members of this household. Fun times!
*in my Jim Carrey voice* Wellll alrighty then!!! That's a good start to getting those "nutritional foods" down!! Hey some try coaxing, some try bribes, others try....ahem....tricks!! Go Gabs!!! :0)
Haha...what a cutie patootie!! I can almost do the splits which impresses my softball team (I play first base) Of course a full split would be counter productive in that situation anyway! Plus, I wouldn't be able to get up! Love how proud "Gabs" was about her "trick"!!
My party trick is tying a cherry stem in my mouth with no hands! Ya, I'm cool like that! HA
hugs from Missouri,
she is just so adorable! her eyes tell the story that she is her own best audience!
LOVE seeing the excitement in her eyes!! What a cutie pie!
Mo, I thought of you today when my girls were being a little crafty. They recycled old clipboards by covering them with cute scrapbook paper and layers of mod podge. They turned out SO cute. I thought that this might be a great project for your neighborhood Cuties. My girls are planning to do some others using copies of their favorite pictures with friends. The clipboards they used were just some old plastic ones that I had used in my classroom.have a great day! Leigh Ann
Normal is overrated. Stay weird!! :)
Ah, yes, this post brings back memories. My boys learned all kinds of tricks when they were growing up...playing armpit music, balancing a spoon on their noses, peeing from across the bathroom...the fun never ended in our house! ;-)
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