Soooomebody has a birthday coming up! HInt: She'll be four!

And sooomebody alwasy plans ahead! She is very organized and is always ahead of the game. And she loves my kids like they are her own!

It's Aunt Kimie. She stopped by over the weekend to help Ellie Sue order her birthday present! She helped her get online and shop for a matching big girl/ baby pair of pajamas. And you get to design them yourself! I am pretty sure it was called Fashion Playtes.

We just THOUGHT Ellie would match her and Big Baby's outfits. As it turned out, she did totally different colors and designs. Of course, hers has a big fat peace sign on it!

Kimie is so thoughtful. She really puts thought into what she is getting the girls! And she was well aware that "design" would be right up Ellie's alley! She already knows what she is getting Gabi Girl for HER birthday at the end of August! And it is super cute too!

I kn0w you probably remember Kimie. She brings her son, Andy, to therapy. Andy was injured 8 years ago on August 8th. It was a devastating injury. DEVASTATING! Andy has remained "trapped" in his body for all this time.

He can't communicate, can't actually move any body part independently, and is obviously totally dependent for 24 hour care. And again, it was just a fluke of an accident. He was taking an offensive charge in basketball practice. He hit the gym floor hard and suffered a severe brain injury. Basically was resuscitated. And now... well, he needs our prayers.

It is hard to know how to pray in this situation. And since God knows the best for Andy and Kimie, I suppose we don't have to know. We just have to lift Andy up and pray that God's will be done. And that His glory is seen through Andy's life. I know, I see God's glory in the way that Kimie has been able to continue to smile. The way she is never a sour puss. She just dutifully gets him to his therapies three days a week. She lifts him to his bed, transfers him to his bath chair, lovingly bathes and clothes him, and the boy (man) is always groomed to the nines! DId I mention is is over 6 feet tall? And she is barely over 5'!

What more can a mother do?! Just pray and tend and wait.

And.... come by to love on my heathens!

Thank you Kimie, for your example of a mother's love and for showing others God's love by the way you live.

My kids think you are the bomb!

And so do I!
Pray for Andy. And his twin brother, Ramsey, and his mama and daddy. And just pray that God completes His work in Andy's life. Thanks.
I love that you don't take one single moment of life for granted! You abviously "get it"!!
My heart hurts for what Kimie has had to watch her son endure... NEVER underestimate a mother's love!
He said He would never put more on us than we could handle and it is very apparent that He is walking with that family. We sometimes don't understand but He will be glorified. Kimmie comes from strong stock and she IS to be lifted up. What an amazing family and what an amazing friend you are.
Now this brought tears to my eyes....God bless you Kimie, as well as your sweet family! We never know what God's plan holds in store for each of us, but know this.....He is ALWAYS in control and He loves you and your family very much!.....huggers, BJ
God bless Kimie and her family.
What better way to lift one's spirits than spending time with the Groves girls!
Good mornin' girl! We have an exact situation like Kimie (love the name by the way!) here in Savannah. A 17 yr old guy was in a car with 2 friends going to the movies, when the girl driving pulled in front of an on-coming car. Logan has been in a "sleep" since. This happened about 2 months ago.
Last week he was transported from Savannah to Atlanta to a hospital for this care where he goes thru various therapies throughout the day. He just hasn't opened his eyes.
If you (and/or Kimie) have a moment, you can visit his Caringbridge page under Logan Shelton. His parents are Mark & Debra, and I know they could use some uplifting. As you mentioned, we never understand God's reasoning, but it could be that Kimie could be a huge blessing to this family.
Thanks Mo for all that you do in sharing your family/world with us. Y'all are loved from both near and far.
I know what Kimmie is going through! Prayers to you!
Another note....ummm has Ellie been watching a KISS concert?
Kimmie, you and your family are in my prayers. I know all to well, how a single moment can change your life.
thank you for sharing Kimie and Andy's story. praying for the family
I can only begin to imagine how Kimie must feel every day. Having lived through my mom's brain injury, I know how devastating they can be to a life. My mom has made a remarkable recovery, but she will never be the woman she was before the accident. It hurts sometimes to think about what we have all lost as a result. There are many days when I think about how much the pain would be multiplied if this had been my child or spouse. Kimie is fortunate to have you for support and therapy.
Prayer's for Andy ~ God Bless Kimie and family. {{HUGS}}
Thank you so very much for sharing the awesome "design" site Kimie shared with Ellie!!
LOVE Ellie's new "Rock On" pose ~ PRICELESS!!
That is the saddest but still sweetest story. Tragedy but a mother's love shining through. I will add Kimmie and her son to my prayers. Tears blurring my vision as I write this. I have a 17-year-old grandson who is a serious bb player so now I'll double my prayers for God's protection for him.
Dear God, I am a blessed lady and thank you for reminding me of that - Kimmie and her boys are in my prayers. Thank God for you, Mo, for many, many reasons.
Thank you for sharing Kimie's story. Andy will be in my prayers as well as his family. I am so inspired by Kimie's determination to make sure her sweet son has the best care possible. That's what Mom's do, bless her heart. Your girls are lucky to have her in their lives to "love on them".
What an awesome mom and lady Kimmie must be. My heart goes out to her. Can't wait to see E's design.
Great blog and prayers to Kimmie and her family!! What a wonderful mother!
Prayers for Andi and his family. I couldn't imagine.
Loving Ellie in this post! Can't wait for the party.
"Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done...". Perhaps, the hardest of all God asks of us. To trust. To believe there is a plan. To know that God's Sovereign hand is in it all. God bless this beautiful family. God grant the peace that passes all understanding. God make Hid face to shine upon them. God's will be done indeed!
A beautiful post Mo. Thank you for sharing.
Praying for Andy and his sweet family. I have a friend who is in a similar situation. She was in a car accident when we were 15. It has been almost exactly 28 years. I understand what you mean about not knowing what to pray for. I never no what to pray for when I am praying for her. I just pray for God's will.
Praying for Andy and his family!
Praying for Andy, Kimie, and family!
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