I have been trying all summer to get a few days off per week. It sounds like an easy enough idea, but we have been so busy at work that it just hasn't been a reality. And finally, this week, I had the perfect day off!! It was Friday. To start the day, I got up and made chocolate chip muffins!

And my kids were pretty fired up about them!

Anyone who knows me knows that my making muffins was a pretty BIG deal! I do not cook! A lick!

And then, we added chocloate whipped frosting.

After inviting Paula and Emma Lou over for breakfast, we hung out on the back porch a while!

Paula couldn't believe her eyes! She even posed with my creation.

It wasn't long at all before Ellie had gotten a hold of the pink sprinkles and ta daaaa, my chocolate chip muffins were now chocolate chip muffins with chocolate icing and pink sprinkles.

I can tell by my baby's face that she enjoyed my Duncan Hines, Betty Crocker, and whoever else, cookin' self!!

And have I maybe mentioned before what this kid's hair looks like when she wakes up in the morning? It is super crazy!!

But crazy hair or not, she is one of the cutest things I have ever seen!!

And anyone who hangs around us knows she L.O.V.E.S her mama! I mean, big time. She holds my face with her hands and kisses me all over my face. I really wonder if the kid is ever going to want to go spend the night with friends or go anywhere on the weekends, or even date. Things will have to change significantly! As for now, it's all about mama mia! And that is fine with me.

And to conclude my absolute perfect day off, I got to spend time with my babies, but also had a baby sitter (KK!!), so they could remain entertained without having to sit on my lap the whole time.

Here, they are heading to the pool next door. And I got to sit at my art table and MAKE STUFF!! Then, when they were tired and I had gotten tons accomplished, I lay down in bed with my two precious girlies and took a late afternoon nap. CRAZY good day!!
what a great sounding day off! Happy 4th of July
Ahhhh....what a wonderful day!
It don't get no better than that...huh? I remember those days with my babies, who are now 42 & 40 with babies of their own.....but oh the memories! Enjoy it while you can Mo...they grow up so stinking fast!...huggers & Happy 4th, BJ
you deserve a nap! Love to hear about your days with the girls.
Thanks for the breakfast idea Mo! I'm going to go bake some right now! Have a great 4th!
-Emily in SD (and recipient of one of your talismans!) :)
If there was ever a person who deserves a GREAT day off its you!! You do so much for so many!! I love little ones in the morning when they first wake up. It's such a precious time. It's one of the best parts of summer! Thanks for sharing you day with your sweet girls!!
Sorry about when we talked during the telethon. I was in the car with the kiddos heading to a basketball tournament and could barely hear!! But I'm glad we at least got to touch base!
What a great way to spend the day!! Enjoy the rest of your weekend. My armband arrived and I took it to my friend this morning and she LOVED it. I haven't told her your story yet (how I have followed you since Jake!) . . .happy fourth to you and yours!!
Then she went to Target in her pajamas!!! I saw her there! :)
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