Here we go... Let me say,first, that Teed Off at Cancer, sponsored by Johnny's Pizza, and directed by Todd the Bod Groves, was a huge success! I mean HUGE!

They had a full field of golfers. That is to say, there were golfers on every hole of the course, and some backed up on a couple. Looks like there may be a morning AND afternoon flight next year! Way to go, Toddly.

I got there right as the dudes were getting their last minute instructions. I made it just by the hair of my chinny chin chin.

This is Carson. He was Ellie's first love. She still gets giddy when she sees him. He's, oh, I don't know.. about 9 years old. She picks cute ones, though, doesn't she?!

And this is Richard. He is one of Todd's best buds. He helped Todd organize the event, then entered a team with his own dad, sister, and two sons.

And this is Chris on the right. He has been facebooking lately how awesome it is to get a pedicure, as he went recently with his teenage daughter. Todd cannot BELIEVE he is publicly admitting this and gave him heck, saying, "I hope you don't break a nail at the golf tournament this weekend. That would be devastating."

I cannot fail to mention Johnny's Pizza. They were the corporate sponsors of this event. This was one of Jake's favorite places to eat, and the sole (well, maybe not "SOLE") reason the Pierces come down every year. They've already gone to eat there!!

This is Ellamee. Would you look at her cute shirt?! Her mama works at Staci's store and is the main monogrammer there. Can you tell it?!

And since Shake 4 Jake has kinda turned into a "let's see how creative I can get with my accessories" event. I LOVE that. You know I do. Sooooo... I made a lariat with clay beads I made about two years ago, then painted this year.

I mean, is this sucker cute or what?!

I have not run into hardly anyone in the past few days whose toenails aren't lime green. Oh, except MINE!! I cannot make time to get my dadgum nails done!! It just does NOT fit into my schedule!!

Ummmm.... Veronicia.... go up a size, gurl!

For the record, she posed like that and was just being dumb. I had to take a pic!
Uncle Eddie was there, as usual, with bells on, to help with anything that needed doing!

Todd really has good taste. He picks cool stuff to give as "ditty bag" items. Check out these tees. Aren't they neat?!

More toes!

There were volunteers galore. I love it when the community comes out to show support! These girls are with First National Bank and sat in the hot sun all afternoon to help out. Thanks, gals.

Dawn and Matt are perennial supporters of the JOR Foundation. Dawn typically runs for TEAMJAKE in December as well. She will be one of the main leaders for tomorrow's Jogging for Jake 5k.

I have no idea who these dorks are. Do you know?! Let's see who reads my blog. Who can tell me their names?! hummmm??

Another hangout at the volunteer table! That dude in the left of this pic, went to high school with me. He recently had a fundraiser at his restaurant and gave a significant donation to JOR.

He also put my blog on his iphone today, so he should be checking on this tomorrow. Hey, Jason! Welcome!
Oh, and even Miss Ellamee had her toenails painted lime green!!

This boy right here w0rked his hiney off!

I kept taking pics of this telling him his muscles were bulging and I couldn't look away! He HATES my taking his picture. But would someone please tell him I blog daily and he just has to deal with it. It's part of our life. Period.

This is my friend, Toni. I can't believe she didn't have me play on her team. I'll remember that Toni Bacon!

I'm proud of you Todd. Good tournament. It raised somewhere in the neighborhood of $18,000, less expenses. You did good, boy. And I know one little bald headed kid, who is smiling down on his Uncle Todd and all who participated, tonight!!

Tomorrow is the big day!!
Awesome post!! I love all of the pictures. I know who those people are. Johnnye and Paula Ford. Emma Lou's parents, your next door neighbors and best friends. You and Paula have been friends since junior high cheerleader days. It's scary thar I know all that! LOL I can't wait to see all the pictures from the Shake tomorrow! I know that it will be an amazing, record breaking day. Your JOR necklace is amazing.
By the way, I never got my necklace that I won in beach trivia. I didn't know if it had gotten lost in the mail or if you didn't get the email with my address. No rush!! Just touching base. Let me know.
Leigh Ann
Way to go Todd!
Todd did do good and you both are blessed with great friends. I agree with the mighty good neighbors, the Fords.
I know today will be a success as well and as I have shared with you before, sweet Jake is the reason I became a St. Jude Partner when he was first diagnosed.
Pace yourself this weekend, you must have some time to share ALL of the events..LOL
It's all awesome...the successful tourney (Way to go Todd), the baby's shirt, your ROCKIN' lariat, even the toenails!
Congrats on a super-successful event!
Blessings today....remembering that sweet, sweet Jake!
first - you look absolutely beautiful!
second - your toddly is dreamy, and we need pics of him too! lol
third - that is an awesome event!!!
fourth - paula and johynne
fifth - why do all your friends have weird name spellings???
The dorks are Paula and Johnnye Ford. Best buds of the Groves.
Looks like a successful and fun event!
That would be BFF Paula and hubby Johnnye Ford! I love when friends stay friends all the way from Jr. High! Says a lot about both of you! Looks like a great event!
Absolutely...totally...without a doubt.....AWESOMEEEEEE!!!! God bless each and every one of you!!!....huggers, BJ
Confession - We've eaten at Johnny's twice already! Now, let me say that Todd and Mason are pizza junkies, so we HAVE to eat at Johnny's everytime we come down here. It is some good pizza though. Three words - Sweep the Kitchen!
I have to now confess that up until last night my husband and I had planned to show up at the Shake. Even had a hotel reservation already made. A little unexpected medical issue is the only reason I'm sitting on the bed and not shakin' in West Monroe. And I'm sad.
I know the Shake is gonna be huge success again this year. I read yesterday about a toddler here in DFW who has recently been diagnosed with stage four liver cancer....with lung mets. His dad is a firefighter and the community is rallying.
God Bless Staci, Don and your entire family and community for all you do for these kids.
PS-THAT lariat you have on is my FAVORITE and Ellamee's mom's embroidered cuff.....I. Drool.
Now you know everybody knows Pau-Pau and Johnnye............but I just have to are WRONG for posting that pic of Veronicia! WRONG! Veronicia,I think you have full reign to get her back in whatever way you see fit sister girl!
P.S.-We love us some Uncle Eddie-glad to see his sweet self finally made the blog!
Just getting caught up on the blog. I just got home from Country Fest at 4:00 this morning! Wanted to let you know I thought of Jake while I was there when Gary Allen sang Watching "Hairplanes!" :)
Awwww... you literally brought tears to my eyes when I read this: "And I know one little bald headed kid, who is smiling down on his Uncle Todd and all who participated, tonight!!"
I LOVE that Todd is so involved with everything!! Wish my hubby was that way!
Think I better plan a trip to LA next year! Can we still buy shirts??
i love the pics of the JOR event and ohh i love the necklace you made for it is there any available i would love to have one?? how much are they?? and is the shirts stil available how much for them just let me know it will be after the first of the month before i can get them but i want them.. thanks
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