Ok, Ok. I hear ya, Mary! I don't blame you! I am slackin' today! Been shopping the outlet mall since about 9:00 am! Got some Gooooood stuff!
So, let's see, where were we? Well, actually, all out of order!! Just before the members of our Circle of Love arrived, their teenage children did! And they found me chillin by the pool.

Sooooo, here they all came! Above is John. Paula and Johnnye's oldest kid, and a recent high school graduate. Below is his best compadre, AUstin. Also, one of Ellie's FAVORITE persons in the whole world!

I think you already know this fruitcake!

And this is Aaron, the other of the three stooges. They kinda move as a pack.

And by now, you know Julianne. THis is CoCo's sister and a new addition to our babysitting crew. She is actually a Madi sitter in the past. Staci and I kind of trade off. And know what's weird... Mary Allison's, Julieanne and Courtney's, and KK's moms all have their own Circle of Love back home, so right now, they are livin large while we have all their kids!

One of those dorks grabbed my camera, so I indulged.

Very insightful. And then all cockeyed. Whatever!

John is also known as JuhnJuhn.., he will be heading to LSU in the fall. Last summer at home. WOW! ANd I have two more years til kindergarten! WOW!! Again!

Along came a bride and her bridesmaids. Just never know around here.

ANd then someone send their love from above. I wondered if it was the groom. How sweet would that be?!


Right about here, Ellie was SHOCKING me with her ability to swim about 8 feet with her face in the water! WHEN did THAT happen!? Way to go, big 'un!!

This is Mary Allison modelling it for her. And I think that is a bridal party in the background. They were so excited when I offered to take some pictures for them. I know how it is! I am always the one behind the camera too, so I love when someone offers for me so it'll look like I was there too!

ANd not sure what this is!? Dead man's float?!

Or this!?

Or this?! WHat was I doing wiht my camera? I am usually tlling a story with my camera as I take the pics. Maybe I had a story line in mind, but forgot it!??

I do know that right about here, we were teasing Ellie to swim by getting Austin in the pool. He calls her Ellie Sue every time he says her name. I wish that would stick! I prefer Ellie Sue too! Half the time, I call her Suzie though!

And finally, we have Ben and Samuel...John's first cousins. MIss Linda (Johnnye's mom) has the mosts successful dance studio (>50 years) and a thriving ballet company. SHe had SIX grandsons before Little MissEmma Lou came along! Do you think they were doing the happy dance?! And she was also the LAST grandkid!

Samuel is majoring in photography, so we have asked him to do our annual beach pics. After heavy shopping this morning, we are going with an unusual clothing choice... CORAL and white. I like to change it up!
Can't wait to see the family pics!!! Oh, did you mean when miss Emma came along? But any followers know who you were talking about.
Waiting for pics...
Ok, I'll forgive you for being out shopping. You've been to that outlet mall ALOT, I like that! Can't wait to see the photos...love the coral and white combo....
Love all the babysitters, but honestly, they are all so skinny how can you even stand that! ha ha. I bet they were happy when the boys arrived :)
Shopping at the outlets trumps blogging....I forgive you!
Looking forward to more pics!
Have a great day.
I love the coral/orangey type clothing for pics. I can't wait to see the pics!
I've so enjoyed your fun beach posts!! Looking forward to the family beach pics!!
Do you mean Emma Lou was the first grand daughter?
Wonderful pictures - looks like the whole crew is having a fantastic time! I cannot believe how busy you stay you are mind-blowing and at times I get tired just reading about all the things you get done!! By the way, I would love one of your anklets (I think you said you were making anklets??). Just tell me WHAT TO DO!!
I have a question. In this post you mention that you have "two more years until kindergarten” - but won't Ellie be 5 next summer? And then would she not start in the fall? So don't you just have one more school year before Ellie is off to school? I had actually been thinking how I can’t believe that little sweetheart would be starting school next school year……so I’m just curious!
Happy "beach-clubbing"!!!
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