Here she is with Kaitlyn, Jessi's girl, and another neighborhood friend.
This is a little sampling of the earrings which were made today. We have got some goodies, believe you me!
Veronicia took over the fabric rosettes when our first half of the day's crew left. She went from sewing room, to rosettes, and finally even assisted a little in the painting department.
She did a few backgrounds for me.
I particularly liked this one. I think we are putting this with a Halloween package we are doing, including a decorator coming to your house to put up fall decorations. Pretty great
deal, huh?
And see taht pastel Christmas canvas? Staci has a feather tree, I think pink? or white? So, we are going to put together a package of girly Christmas stuff. I think that'll be so cute.
I made several Christmas canvases, as they tend to be popular and can be easily paired up to make a cool package with several other donated items.
Of course, the same can be said for fleur de lis and Peace signs. THey are both so popular right now. 
I LOVE that little house canvas. It says, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
I LOVE that little house canvas. It says, "As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord."
As for Katherine, she had never even seen a pair of jewerly pliers, and look at the work this girl cranked out! I gotta say, art retreats will be easier than I thought. She learned this lickety split!
Then, I just gave her accesss to the beads and turned her loose.
It has gotten to be sort of a contest of sorts to see who can doll up their Shake 4 Jake tee shirt (which 90% of the people wear to the event) the most. I think Lisa may be in the lead with her spray painted lime green boots with glitter and heart with wings. That was pretty classic.
And was it last year she wore the lime green cat eye glasses?! well, we are just giving everyone the opportunity to snazzy up their tee shirts with these handmade heart with wings necklaces.
Annelise, Katherine, and Sarah rocked it out in this section today.
These are some of the rosettes cuffs all stretched out. You center the rosettes over your wrist then tie the fabric on the underside. They seriously turn out so cute!
And hey, Suzy. LOOK! I have new cabinets in my art room. I don't have the shelves in them yet though.
Oh, and I finally have curtains in there, as well as three little red desks for some little girls who LOVE to hang out with their mom in the art room.
I turned my art table sideways and cannot believe how much room it gave me. I am going to try to move a second table in now, and I swear... somehow, someday... I am going to give little mini retreats, classes, whatever. And it will be similar to today... but everyone will take all kinds of goodies home with them! I think it'll be so awesome. Today just got me more excited about the possibility of it all!

It has gotten to be sort of a contest of sorts to see who can doll up their Shake 4 Jake tee shirt (which 90% of the people wear to the event) the most. I think Lisa may be in the lead with her spray painted lime green boots with glitter and heart with wings. That was pretty classic.
More on this to follow.
And my I say Happy Father's Day to my daddy! He always encouraged me to just do it all and have fun doing it! He' s a very laid back dude, and for sure knows how to have fun in life. Thanks, dad, for teaching me that life is short... so LIVE it! I am very glad you are my daddy!
You know I love anything and everything crafty, so this post definitely made me ooohh and ahhh.
Emma Lou's art project literally brought tears to my eyes.
Happy Father's Day to Todd. Have a wonderful day!
Mo, you simply amaze me!! I don't know where your energy comes from, but I wish I could buy a bottle of it and take a nip as! Looks like you guys had a blast and got lots done too. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TODD!! I know your little family is very proud of you.......huggers, BJ
Everything looks great and FUN! I want one of the heart with wings on the green ribbon. I need that for my mirror in my car, to match the green 'believe' sticker I've been sporting for almost FOUR years. I remember i got in the mail the day I left for Memphis in 2007. :)
You guys are great, I know it will be a success!!
Looks like you had a blast! Wish I could be there for the Shake! Guess I'll just have to plan a road trip with the girls next year. This year I'll be at Country Fest in Cadott, Wi!
HAPPY FATHER'S DAY TODD!!! Your girls are so lucky to have you!
I know I've mentioned this before, but I've been reading since way back in the Caring Bridge days. Seeing Emma Lou's picture had me fighting back tears. I think about Jake a lot, and I so proud and in awe of your entire family for all that you have accomplished in making sure that Jake is always remembered. Much love to all of you.
What a great day!! Looks like great fun!!
I'm glad that you were so pleased with the craft day! I would have loved to be there. Where was Todd?......hiding?
How fun! Looks like you got tons accomplished!
I love all this crafty stuff! I wish I lived there so I could be a part of this!
Mo, I'm so excited to attend this year!! Bree and I are gonna HIT THE ROAD on Friday! All the projects are just AMAZING!! I can't wait to be apart of such an amazing event!! SEE YOU FRIDAY!!!
you MUST have craft day again next year!!!! the art room is looking GREAT!!!! i'm trying to catch up...the last time i was on your were still at the beach! :/
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