First things first. YAAAAAY for Jessi! SHe's a hero! She got me space for about 50,000 more pictures (literally!!). And she did it... ON HER BIRTHDAY!! Happy B'Day Jessi. Welcome to 40.

So, I am kinda just browsing my photos and I see these that I took this past weekend. Ellie and Madi raided the dress up closet, and this is how they came out. I think there is a stark contrast in their choice of outfits, which in reality kinda represent their personalities.

I also wanted to use these photos as a lead in to what is happening tomorrow. Something BIG! Something that will be so awesome! Something that may make me cry!!

My precious darling Gabbi Girl is starting dancing! She'll be taking summer classes with her big sister and cousin, who think they are years and years ahead of her. Linda Lou has been warned that despite me trying to put all the focus on Gabbi this evening as she tried on her new tap shoes, Ellie wormed her way right into the photos and proceeded to TOTALLY act like Gabbi's dancing instructor. Oh, to be a fly on the wall tomorrow as Linda Lou and Miss Linda TRY to be Gabbi's primary teachers. Yeah, right!!

I went and bought new leotards, tights, taps and ballet shoes. We are ready to rock and roll! I just can't see my baby doing this. But, I guess tomorrow I will! I have rearranged my packed schedule at work to attend her first day... at least to see her proudly walk in. I can't stay and watch the actual class. :(
I've been off work for long enough. It is back to the grind for me. The "grind" today was pretty fun. I am so lucky to like what I do!
Big pics tomorrow!!
hooray for more photo space!!
hope tomorrow goes well.
The pic says it all.... love Ellie's tan! Looking forward to seeing the tiny one's dancing debut. How sweet is this!!!
Go MO!
YEEEHHHAAAAAA...let the photos begin!! I almost teared up as you talked about little Gabbi starting her dance class. I soooo remember my granddaughter (my only girl), starting her class when she was 3..and now she's 14!!! She was so stinkin' cute in her little costumes...and the recitals were out of this world! Enjoy these moments Mo...they go by so quickly....huggers, BJ
Poor little Ellie got another owie on her forehead?! Play hard or go home must be that child's motto :)
Go GG - can't believe she is big enough to be going to dance class! Can't wait to hear all about it!
Can't wait to see pics!!
Yippee on the photo space and so exciting about Gabbi joining the "big girls" at dance school. Is it my eyes or did Ellie get a knot in the same spot on her head again?
Laurie in NJ
My younger sisters are the same way as E & G. They're 18 & 16 now, and Mallory still rules the roost!
missed you;glad you are back! Can't wait to see pics of Gabby.
Yay for more space!! The girls look so cute and can't wait to see some of Miss Gabbi too!! :)
yay for GG!!!! Bella started last week and it did not go over well that Miss Linda Lou was at the beach with Ellie and not her, lol!....and she wasn't at her dance class last week. Oooh weee my baby was green with envy, lol! Is it just our girls or do all of the girls at LLSD adore Miss Linda Lou???? Can't wait to see GG's pics!!!!
Love that they love to play dress up with dance costumes!! My oldest grandgirlie is in summer dance camp this week, and I just registered her for another along with my middle grandgirlie who is 3!! FUN STUFF!! Can't wait to hear all about how GG's first dance day goes!!
Been on vacation so ive been catching up...enjoyed reading all and looking at recent pictures.
Can't wait to see pics of Gabbi's big day!
And Happy Birthday to Jessi. Today is my 40th!
I just posted a LONG comment, and poof, it was gone! Ugghh!
At any rate, just wanted to tell you I've missed my MoJoy. I've been busy with my firstborn's HS graduation. I caught up on your last SEVENTEEN posts that I missed...that clearly a record for me who never misses a day of MoJoy.
Love your beach series, glad to see GG back to her smiling self, couldn't figure out what was different about braces...YAY for her, and I want to recommend this photo scanner that my awesome hubby bought me for Christmas. It's fast, easy to use, and affordable. In one hour I was able to scan 247 "film" pics. Check it out....
Looking forward to the dance pics.
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