Look at Johnnye. He is such a ham. He was doing all kinds of weird skits down by the water. We knew he was being funny, but so many onlookers had no idea he didnt' wear his shorts like that purposefully!
Meanwhile, BEHIND the beachchairs... Todd had a mean game of washers going on.
He made these boards himself. Not bad, huh!?

Todd and I share the sentiment of not being able to just sit and bake on the beach! We need something to do if we are going to be down there burning up. He played washers. I made jewelry!

Paula texted and checked her Facebook page.
Linda Lou and Gabbi Lou bonded a little more.
I would say we had Gabbi pretty well covered with regards to her flotation devices!
Not to mention she never really got in over her knees That ocean scares me! That pull can be pretty strong when you least expect it.
We let this one go out a little more, but always with someone holding her. She got to be quite the little daredevil by week's end.
I should go back and find a picture of me and Paula in high school. ANd some day I will have a scanner hooked up at my house, and buddy, we will have big fun then. Showing old photos... yea doggie. Anybody wanna help me with that?! I am technologically challenged! Big time!
Have I ever told you how aggrevated my husband gets at me regarding the tv and a remote control? at our house, there are three... one for the satellite, one for the tv, and God forbid, I want to watch a DVD/ Blu Ray. Things get quite comlicated! It's all so easy for him, that he can't understand why I can't understand.

Yep... as we are driving the seven or so hours home today, I will have to be reflecting on the beach. Cause I am not feeling the drive!! (Cramps!!)
Todd and I share the sentiment of not being able to just sit and bake on the beach! We need something to do if we are going to be down there burning up. He played washers. I made jewelry!
Paula texted and checked her Facebook page.
This is a sweet picture of Ellie and her dance teacher, and MY dance teacher since I was three also, Miss Linda. Miss Linda turned 70 yesterday. Can you even believe that?! She looks so much younger than that!
And Pops turned 63 yesterday. Did I mention that?! We called and sang to him. I also meant to upload a video for him. It's our attempt at singing. I am technologically challenged. Have I mentioned that?! So, anytime I have a video to post, I have to contact Jessi, who I email it to and then she gets it done.
thanks for all the pics.....loved them and the narrative that went along with them.
Have a safe trip home!
Since you'll be heading North in the near future I will let you know what you call 'Washers' is called 'Cornhole' or 'Bags' People will look at you weird if you don't call it that. Also the bags have to be filled with corn and not something else. Midwesterners take their 'cornhole' and 'bags' very seriously.
Loving all the pictures you've been posting. Hate to know they will be coming to an end but I'm sure we'll be seeing lots of dance, swimming, and family adventure pictures soon enough.
Hope Gabbi gets an awesome speech therapists like my son did. It's amazing the difference it makes and even though he's got a long way to go I'm so thankful that we had his EI therapist to start him out on this journey.
In tallulah, we call washers "cornhole "... Fun!
We r on vacation in Knoxville tenn., it was bout 9 hr drive, with 3 kids! We brought my niece to basketball camp! Having fun, but already dreading ride home!!! Loved all your beach pictures! B safe on drive home!
I've been reading a good while now, like way back during the Stanton and Emma Grace days!! I'm slack commenter as well as a slack blogger!! I so enjoy your stories and your pics you share!!! The young man going to Bonaroo is one lucky kid!!! This is only the second yr our daugther has missed, she missed the very first one and this one. She wasn't happy about that but such is life to bad so sad. you gotta be a productive, wage earning adult at some point life, right??? Or so daddy says!!! It can be a fairly wild place from what I hear.
Our daughter was very lucky that her older cousin went every year with her, she normally brought a friend and her active duty cousin was on the ready for anyone who took a second look at those young girls!! I alway thought it was so sweet no matter where he is stationed at the time, they always went. This is her first full year of working after college so no go this year!! Keep sharing your pics and stories with us all!!! Also hate to be a "freddy the free loader" with a PT question for you, but I suppose that isn't stopping me ha ha!! I am in need of a kidney transplant and suffer from horrible gout. Any PT ideas that may help??? I've been on steriods three times in the last 4 months!! NOT GOOD!! Sorry to hijack your comments!!!
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