This is what things looked like around our condo yesterday morning. JinJin needed to get in one more tutorial session with baby genius.

This is a pretty cute game! called ISpy. Got it? I bought it since we've been down here. I think it's pretty good for learnin'!

Are you ready, Judy? Sit down!! I mean it, SIT DOWN!!

I taught your daughter to wash the dishes BY HAND, and to start a load of laundry! She is being useful!

As is this one! I love my sitters! All 92 of them! I actually DO spend time with my kids. There may be some of you who are questioning this. Believe me, Gabbi Girl and I bonded plenty today between 4 and 7 AM, when the diarrhea situation was back at its peak! But, I just think not only is it a nice break for me, but also for them to go with someone new, and be near me, just not necessarily ON me. It is a luxury. And I very much appreciate my sitters!

This was the one day Gabbi felt kinda good. It was Saturday. I let the girls take them swimming, but only for about an hour or so. They had instructions to get her directly out of the pool and immediately towel her off and put on dry clothes. I needed her bottom to stay nice adn dry and NOT breed any bacteria. or harbor a fungus. It was pretty raw.

This was my attempt to get a little yogurt down her. And, well, it actually went pretty well. Both girls ate some. It looks like a bomb went off in the den,when actually....

we moved the chillen out while Daddy and Mama painted their room.

It went from stark white ....

(Todd HATES for me to take his picture!)

to a creamy , "sandy" yellow.

Problem is... now I want to change up all the bedding and curtains, and even furniture.

A little project is just never a little project around these parts!!

The bedding that was in this room was from when the three boys used to stay here with us. It is highly graphic, with black and white and orange/ teal accents.

I'm just thinking I may need to "girl" it up a little bit! Funny! I like to change colors/ bedding, etc. Todd, on the other hand has bought two new flat screen tvs, a DVD, and a BluRay. BOYS!!
By the way...BO-RING! I mean, I KNOW more than five peeps read my blog today. Come on with it. Where's the love?!
To address the question Becky asked, and that many of you likely already know, Todd and I own the condo in Fort Morgan, AL. It is at the Beach Club, and to several of you who have also asked me, Yes, we do rent it out. It is two bedroom, with a king, two twins, and a pull out couch, so it sleeps six pretty easily. We packed a double blow up mattress when Hayden and his bro were here, so 10 of us were in here rather effortlessly. I typically do the renting through Jessi at my Ruston Clinic, 318-232-1969. We are presently working to get it on the VRBO (Vacation Rental By Owner) program. If you are interested, call her. She maintains a calendar of available dates and current pricing.
I think it's great that you want and have the means to hire all the babysitters.You work hard and are juggling a lot of balls in the air so why not manage your free time the way you want to! Not a doubt in my mind that your babysitters are treated very well and a little 'housekeeping' won't hurt them one little bit! In fact it builds character!
What, you are painting on vacation!? J/K! Totally understand wanting to change it up and do new colors, themes. I get tired of the same stuff and like to change it up once and awhile to! We just got a new king bed this weekend (upgraded from a queen). So OF COURSE I had to buy new bedding and that also meant new lamp shades, drapes, pillows, etc. My husband just rolls his eyes at me! ;)
I think its great to take babysitters....It lets the adults really have a vacation! I used to go with a family and I was the babysitter every summer!
So happy that little Gabbi girl is feeling better. Poor Baby girl. I felt so bad for her. It is no fufn for little ones to be sick. Is Staci and your Mom gone now? We use VRBO for our condo. It is pretty good. We are actually in the process of using VRBO to rent a condo in Italy for next year - it works pretty well!!!
I'm still here! I have been reading your posts from my iPhone, and I hate all the trouble it takes to comment from the thing. But I'm loving all the pics and swimming fun!
I really wanted to take a sitter to the beach with us last fall, but it did not work out. I also wonder about paying them. Do you pay them or just provide the place to stay and the food?
We usually head to Destin with friends during our September school break. If we decide to try something new, I will have to get info on renting your condo.
So sorry Gabbi is still not well. You are right about not knowing what your missing with baby boys. They love their mamas. I love me some baby boys. Go out and have some retail therapy buying new accessories for that bedroom. After all, the bedding must match the paint!!!
I am loving your vacation posts. Can my comment just count lots of times? :D I love the idea of taking a babysitter with you on vacation. I'm sure your baby girls love it, too. Have fun!
Just now getting on the computer today - and I guess it isn't even Sunday any more as I just glanced at the clock. Wasn't able to even get near my computer since I was trying to get this big ole house shining like a dime before my mother inlaw flew in from Florida. Sheesh, that is definitely easier typed than done :) Plus, with 4 of my 5 kids being boys, there is a lot of redoing when it comes to cleaning. Like didn't I just clean that?!
All that to say, finally, I am here. Whew!
Your babysitting situation seems like a win-win for everybody- the girlies, the teens and you! I'm gonna one up you though and say that the only thing better could be having a built in 16 year old sister sitter for her 2 yr old baby brother. Finally, some big payoff for having 5 kids 14 years apart! I try not to think about the almost 15 years i've spent changing diapers...
Cant wait to see the new room... I get so excited about such things!
I hope that precious baby bum is all better!
Just catching up on your weekend posts, as we enjoyed a beautiful graduation day for our daughter yesterday.
It is obvious that you appreciate your sitters. They are welcomed as part of your family in my observations.
Perhaps you're focused on girls, because you already did your lovin' on your 3 beloved boys (Hayden, Hunter, and Jake) as your own?! We all know you rock the mama/aunt role!!!
Thanks for clarifying the rent/own situation. I knew you owned a beach house, but #1: I thought you were in Florida right now, and #2: You keep posting so many new things, like you were somewhere "new". Guess I should pay attention more! ...and I've been a follower since shortly after jake's diagnosis!
So, I've been trying to finish my comment, but I'm at work and my pager keeps going off! (how dare they expect me to work! ha!)
Anyway, I've followed your blog since Jake passed away, and I followed his caringbridge site for quite a while! I just realized it will be 5 yrs this October already! Where has the time gone???
I know you've blogged about the condo before (unless its a different one!) Don't you have lots of "Jake Memorabilia" there??
Anyway, enjoying the blog. Keep enjoying vacation......
Am I crazier than a "road lizard" or what?!! Wait..dont answer that! I didnt know you were in AL, I thought you were in FL? How's that baby's bottom today?
Also...btwn painting, making necklaces, and posting could you please ck you fb msg, I need to see if you have some info on "places to stay" for the Shake for Jake. :)
How are you NOT up to 15 comments yet??
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