I can't wait on the 15 comments! It's a Saturday, and things are always slow around MoJoy on the weekends! But, I gotta move! I already have about 8 new blog posts written and ready to post, and Emma Lou and PauPau haven't even gotten here yet! soooo.... here's what we've been doing. Gabbi Girl has spen t a lot of time on this couch!

Ellie has spent a lot of time in front of this mirror. And in THAT make up bag! That's NOT hers!

She chose a nice raisin shade of eyeliner for her lips on this particular day.

I just didn't have the heart to scold.. She was so pleased with her results!

After all, we were just heading up to the front of the resort to watch the cheerleaders compete at camp.

This is Ellie being personally introduced by some mamas she met and bonded with at poolside. The child can strike up a conversation with anyone. WHERE does she get that?! She also sat with those mamas and ate all the snacks they had in their bag. Not shy!

There were several squads from Monroe and West Monroe here, so that was kinda neat.
Hey, Erin. You still read my blog? Yo MAMA was here too!

These are some of the West Monroe girls. Strange that I didn't recognize a single one of them!

There WAS someone letting me know he was here though! Hey Jake!

Ellie wanted to go out and watch every day! We went out in the evenig to watch practice, to the camp itself to watch competition and even got up early to make sure we got to see a whole bunch of them.

Afterwards, she and I had a little mama/ daughter date to the Beach Club restaurant. There are a couple of huge aquariums there.

This is Ellie pretending to be totally enthralled with tropical fish, while really she is just about to pass out she is so tired!

Hey. Whatever it takes! Waaaatch the fissssshhhh....you are getting sleeeeepy. You are one with the fiiisssssshhhhh....

It didn't work. But we had a pretty good little mama/ daughter date anyway. Totally enjoying our time at the beach!
I love all your post...Im so jealous...I love the beach, we are headed there in July.
But I am really interested in the leather pearl jewelry...Do a post on that. I saw a braclet that wrapped around arm couple of times with 3-4 pearls spaced out and used a fleur-de-lis as a clasp.
She totally cracks me up with her teenage interests!
Rock on, ESG!
Is GG feeling better?
Funny post, love the pictures. Ellie's hair is getting so long. Boy are you gonna have your hands full when when she's really a teenager. Good Luck with that! :D
So glad Gabbi is feeling better!
I coached cheer leading for several years. We never got to go to camp at a resort!
My Macie can charm all other mamma like Ellie. The two of them together would be big trouble.
Poor GG. Praying she'll feel all better soon!
Great place to eat. Walked around the property and checked it out.
So glad Gabbi is feeling better and you and Ellie had a good time.
So fun to have a mother/daughter date! On a Auntie/niece trip right now - special memories...
Loving Ellies personality. She is a riot. Hope GB is better.
Boy, I step away from the computie for a day and I had missed a bunch of posts... Ahhh, but I'm all caught up now. So very glad little GG's booty is on the mend - poor tiny thing crashed out on the couch when she should be playing in the pool being a little fish :(
What nice alone time u got to have with Ellie - with 5 kids I always cherish those moments.
I've been trying to be a better blog "stalker" - can't you tell?! I've been rockin at commenting lately! ;)
Finally settled into the condo now I have posts to catch up on!!
Ellie is so much like her mama!
It has been a crazy busy work week for me. But I still manage to start my morning with a little Mo Joy. Keep the posts coming!!
Ellie's just prepping for all she's going to need to know as a teen!
I'm going to have to try the tropical fish hypnosis on my kiddos.
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