Ok, glad I could provide so much comic relief! And no, I did NOT realize it was that funny. But now that makes it even funnier! Glad I could be so entertaining! Fatty!
Soooo, this is what we are doing this morning. That, in Ellie's hand, would be a marshmallow. We have college students staying with us, and everyone should remember that in college, there were many creative things to eat because no one really knew how to cook, but everyone had to feed themselves... .soooo, Courtney has been toasting marshmallows over the eye of the stove! On a toothpick.

My poor kids!

Good Lord. Please, dear Sweet Baby Jesus... keep her IN my house til she's, like, 18!!

And since things were a little slow around here, I taught CoCo to make jewelry. KK was too busy cleaning up. She's very responsible like that!

CoCo dove right in!

Ta Da!! Check out these earrings. Way to go, CoCo!!

And then, we have the "dressy" pair!! Purple, gold, and pearl.

That is quite impressive. Two pair in about 15 minutes. "KK, get that bathroom cleaned up. " STAT!

I made this. I brought a whole bunch of leather and pearls to make some cool stuff. OHhhhh, and what's that you say?!

The nails? YES those ARE mine! I had let them grow about as long as they have been in a LONG, LONG time. I can't work with nails, because of massage, and some of you know that I am now doing women's health (internal pelvic floor work), so I can't exactly keep them long. BUT... I found myself in the perfect storm. On vacation for two weeks, and they were moderately long. Sooooooo, I had them done! These are my ACTUAL nails! More on this in a later post!

Ellie is now the proud wearer of this one... on her ankle. SHe should be asurfer girl. She actually looks like one. I think if she was growny, she'd be a Cameron Diaz. Beachy, tan, likes the mini skirts and tanks, blond carefree hair. I would be Rosie O'Donnell, before she got all defensive and liberated, and... nah. I am not her AT ALL! . Gabbi, ummm... maybe Anne Hathaway. I let the sitters choose theirs. KK is Julie Roberts. (But now she's adding Tina Fey,Reese Witherspoon,( and I am waiting for something like, "Condoleeza Rice" to fly out of her responsible little mouth!) And courtney....she's Kate Hudson.

Really, I think I'd choose Bette Midler. Hands down. I've always loved her. OH LORD. Now I am associating myself with the "older" actresses. I mean, seriously, Reese W doesn't even cross my radar anymore, except that she's from the south. Who do you think you associate with?
Dang there's a BIG bird!
And for those who have not been playing along.... 10 comments gets a new post. BUT, I am running low on pics and low on time, sooooo, let's make that 20! can you do it?!
20 it is!!!
18 more!
17 more, come on people help us out a little here! Mo get those pictures ready! Hugs from Fort Worth!
I can't get enough of Ellie! The picture with the sunglasses is GREAT! I can definitely picture Ellie a surfer girl.
Hmmm idk who I'd associate myself with!
Poor, poor Todd when those girlies are indeed teens! That Ellie Sue is such a character... She gets her zest for life from her mama!
Nice to see you can NEST anywhere!
It wasn't the "fatty" it's just that I am not sure I know anyone else out there who would throw in a picture and then say "boob shot". They would just comment on their kid and how brave they were or something. You just put it all out there.
No doubt, Lucille Ball for me.
I would say Ellen DeGeneres...except for the one part. Not that there is anything wrong with that...
Ellie is the cutest diva I know! For realz!
You guys are having too much fun. Ellie is a hoot! She is going to keep you on your toes. The pool pics are great! I love all the updates.
20 comments huh? You're obviously the oldest...changing the rules in the middle of the game. No worries though, I'm the oldest too. :)
Only 9 more to go after mine! I sure can see Ellie as a surfer girl!!
Your "weight that was lost and now you found" comment on the last post had me cracking up!! Completely relate there :O)
Now for what famous person... I'm going with Jean Smart and her role on Designing Women.
*Thank You* so much for deleting my hair-brained posts from yesterday. Seriously...thank you! I don't want my students knowing my whole life history!!
Loving all this posting you're doing :O)
I came in from the pool... is that all you got?! Cooommmme onnnn!! ANd NO this post does NOT count! Gotta have 21 now!
Okay so this one is about a previous post. I'll take a fun friend over a skinny one anyday! :) Love your posts! :)
Ohhhhh. no fair changing the rules midstream!
What will the girls do w/o their buddy Maddy? I'm sure you have plenty planned.
I am a first time poster...I LOVE reading your blog. Thank you for being real and open! Your family is precious!
We will get to 20! Lovin the posts...keep them coming and I can't believe you are low on pictures.
Ok Trying to get it to 20..I love reading about your adventures...
Loving it! Keep 'em coming! :)
My kids would say you have A.D.O.S.(Attention Deficit Ooooh Shiny)! Love the swimming post!
OH MY - LOVE the pic of Ellie in the shades! hahaha
I would have to say hmmmm...Megyn Price on Rules of Engagement...love her sarcasm! :)
If Suzanne Sugarbaker (Delta Burke) and The Nanny had a love child....that'd be me!
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