Ok, so like I mentioned the other night, Staci is now a year older.

And in classic Massey girl style, we had to celebrate by all going out to eat. It's just our way. It's what we do. It's how we bond!

Also in classic Massey Girl style, we invite the whole crew.... here's Pops.

and here's Nana.

And here's me, with odd, windswept bangs.

And here's the hand battered, homemade onion rings that make me kinda tingly all over.

And here's the two sweet boys who have grown up WAY too fast! It's hard to believe they are 15 and 17. Just crazy! I can remember them at 8 and 10 like it was yesterday. All of us piling in the car to head to Memphis. For some of you, you can remember it too. You've been reading about this loony family for that long. And by the way, thanks! Thanks for caring what we do. Thanks for cheering with us when things go well, and supporting us when things go south. Just sayin'!

I think I eluded to this on my Key West trip . I LOVE oysters. I mean I am soooo loving them this year. I want MORE horseradish, thank you very much. And bring on the cocktail sauce, and lay it all on a cracker for a big gulp kind of all in one bite!

I was sitting across from Veronicia who had this thing dangling from her eye.

I had to zoom in for a better look. Do you see it? I swear. She couldn't let me have my glory with my feathers in my hair. Nooooooo....

She had to dangle string from her eyelashes! Ok. Ok. We get it, Veronicia. You are very cutting edge. So trendsetting! What's next? Tinsel from your armpits?!

We've gotten to where we have wised up and know that anything OUTSIDE is best for us as a group. Especially with toddlers.

This was the moment Madi realized, "Hey Nana. You have white hair."

Poor ol' Staci. No one ever seems to get her name right. It says, "Stacie". Oh well. Then the fight ensued over who would get which balloon. Seemed the blue one was the most popular on this night!

Well, hello there, you vixen. You vision in green!

We were getting some carpal tunnel symptoms trying to load that sucker up with all thirty eight candles, so we called it "done" and let er rip.

So, Ellie, with all her good table manners, decided to eat an entire piece of cake in one bite.

You think I'm kidding?!

Another successful party down. Dad's is next. His is June 9th. Dang. I'll be out of town. Just thought about that! Then, it'll be mom, July 3rd. Nana's is the 2nd. Ellie's is on the 12th. Don's at the end of July. Then MINE in August! Let's see... who did I forget?! I apologize to you if I did. Just getting it all in my mind. Oh... and SHAKE 4 JAKE is June 25th. Anybody coming?!

It's gonna be a blast. (And Zhohn, I will get your cuff to you soon! And Amy, your painting is now officially completed!! YAY!! I'll get Todd the Bod to ship it asap!)
That picture of Ellie is hilarious!! Love to see posts of everyone together, just so sweet!
Happy Tuesday!
Yall had a blast!! "tinsel from the armpit"!! HILARIOUS!!!! Wait....is that JinJin in a two-seater! GO JIN-JIN!!!
Love the pic of Ellie! I haven't posted on here in awhile. I have been bad about updating my blog too. But I have managed to get a couple up lately! BTW....my birthday is tomorrow. Jus' sayin.
Hey, Ellie and I are birthday buddies!
Yay, blogger comments are finally working......
Woot woot!!!! Exciting Mo! Thanks.
You all seriously rock the birthday celebrations. Happy Birthday Staci!
I've been reading that long to remember those young men as boys. They do look so grown up. Fantastic pictures of all of you.
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