(Except that she gets up at the crack of dawn and WILL NOT go back to sleep!! Every single other person in the condo is still asleep!)
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Painting and dressing for the pool!
During one of our midday rests.... we headed up to the condo for a little R & R.
Not to mention, a little ART!!
Ellie shared her Belle picture.
Madi is going through her "blue" period!
Gabbi continues to just charm me with her cuteness!!
Seriously, I wish you all could meet her. She is the sweetest thing. She loves on me all the time. She pats my back and rubs on my shoulders. And constantly says, "I love you, mama." I could eat her up!
(Except that she gets up at the crack of dawn and WILL NOT go back to sleep!! Every single other person in the condo is still asleep!)
And she's scheduled to start dancing this next month. Can you believe it? Many of you have followed my "blog" since caringbridge, and that was, like, 7 years ago. How bout that?! A lot has happened in that time! A LOT! Including my being able to publicly share that I had two women call me and offer me their babies. Is that nuts or what?! And now, I have these two awesome kids! And my life has changed so much. It has been so enriched!
(Except that she gets up at the crack of dawn and WILL NOT go back to sleep!! Every single other person in the condo is still asleep!)
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WOW Mo, I just found you months ago after loosing touch with your blog years ago. When I lost touch I had just emailed back and forth with you about gift ideas for your birthmom while she was in the hospital. When I found you again recently I just guessed that you had gotten pregnant after going through your first adoption. What a neat surprise to read your blog this morning! I had a very similar happening in my life, and I too couldn't imagine my life (hold on while I go tell the boys to stop fighting) without my precious children that God entrusted to me. I can't imagine having any more love in my heart for two beings. I'm so glad that you posted this today. I wish we could meet up some day and just share the awesomeness of our kids!!!
Sweet post! Have a great Sunday.
I think you are one of the most appreciative&giving people I have ever 'known';truly I do. I think that is why so many people continue to follow you. You were meant to be a mama and God waited until the two most perfect/precious babies were ready to complete your family. Such bliss!
you could never be accused of not counting your blessings!!! and i would love to meet all of you! i actually dreamed that i did the other night - i was meeting everyone that you ever talked about and i kept thinking "where is melanie" you were the last one i got to hug! lol
I've followed you for so long, and have never "known" you to be someone who takes anything for granted, and is always very aware of how blessed she is.
Your words, photos, and blessed life are blessings to me!
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