Yippee. I have a new project. You know... I needed one!

I am taking these silk ribbons, which I found in Tucson last year, and which I adore, (I am also working on using the things I have versus hoarding them!), and building unique dangles from them kinda specific to the recipient.

Tashia and I saw something similar in Key West, and she decided all of her kid's Dance teachers should have one for end of year.

This one is for a girl who is "kinda funky". You know I LOVE to get a project where I am told the person is "kinda funky". I am too!

This ribbon is absolutlely luscious. It was so fun to bring the colors together.

This one is for Miss Linda. I hope she likes it!

I used one of my favorite hoarded up pieces on Miss Linda's. How bout that chunk of turquoise wrapped in gold? That is saweeeet.

This key was an old rusted out thing that I got in Canton one year. I parted with it too.

This now belongs to Gretchen.

And I think they look even cooler on. Especially over the right shirt, you know... not coral.

This is a simple one. It went home with Miss Michelle.

Then, Paula also needed gifts, so she called me and I hooked her up with earrings to match each necklace, since Emma Lou has the same teachers.

With graduation upon us, I have had many requests for gifts.

One of which came from Tashia, who wanted some unique necklaces for her son's teachers.
I am loving Tashia these days! She is soooooo supporting MoJOY!!

Here, I used another rusty key. And I had a bunch of African beads, paper wrapped,
made by women who are given an opportunity to work to keep them out of a harmful environment. I was told that by the lady who sold them to me at Canton. Is it "free trade"? Or, ohhhh, I don't know?! I know they are cool!

This one is for Miss Hart, an English teacher at the junior high. The same one I had in junior high. Probably one of the best teachers I ever had. She was a rough one,but when I look back, man, was she a good one!

I think they are pretty neat. Something tells me these won't be my only silk necklaces!
I've packed up my ribbons and pretties and am headed to the beach with my babies today. Need any gifts?!
You are one BUSY woman!! VERY cute necklaces though!! HAVE FUN AT THE BEACH!!!
LOVE the silk necklaces, esp all the super-bright colors! Keep on creating, Mo, you are an inspiration to the rest of us. God bless.
Oh weee! I think I need one!
Lol maybe you can mail it when you mail my cuff, just giving u a hard time! I'd rather you love on your girls than rush getting something for me done.
Enjoy your time at the beach!!!! My vacation starts in 9 days, made it to single digits!
i love the necklaces you are so good at making necklaces ear rings i need some lessons from you.. when are u going to do a kit for jewelry?? i would love to buy some of them. have fun at the beach this week...and i know your going to be making jewelry while your there right?? cant wait to see what you come up with while at the beach.. i want to see pictures too
Hmm.. I can almost picture one of these hanging from my rearview mirror! Too bad I have no funds for such things. Those are really cool!
hey melanie! i love it when you go to the beach and post all those beautiful pictures of your girlies! y'all always look like you're having so much fun! i actually do need a gift-it's for myself though so there's no big hurry. i retired from teaching this year after 32 years and i want something special to commemorate this big event! you made me a talisman for my word, which i love. should i email you with the specifics or wait til you get home? just let me know-thanks
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