As promised a week full of Easter pics.

I mean this kid is AWESOME!

Ok, so this is what we saw when we entered the clinic in Ruston last Wednesday.

Jessi and her crafty team in Ruston had it going on for all the Easter egg hunters.

This is Michelle. She is a COTA and works with my Gabbi Girl when she gets a chance.

They are working on fine motor skills here.

Gabbi's made a ton of progress in this area, but now I think speech therapy is becoming a bit mandatory.

We have a few college kids who work part time in the clinic and with them, we always have the best activities, face painting included.

This cutie patootie has grown up in our clinic. Her sister has come to therapy, I think, since Miss J was born. So I am not sure she has ever missed an Easter egg hunt!

We had painting activities.

And of course, face painting.

And hey, look! It's KK! SHe also works part time in the Ruston clinic.

Even the grandmothers got involved in the action. That's what's cool about our clinics. It's very homey there! This grandmother belongs to another kid who is probably hanging out with a totally different mama! And this grandmother helped these kids! Definitely a family environment.

Sidney is another Louisiana Tech chick who works part time for us. She is so much fun.

Here's Miss J again!

And now breaking for a snack.

Jessi did this rocket ship. ( Looks a little phallic. Sorry, Jess. Just sayin'. Anyone watch Saturday Night Live? The ambiguously gay duo rocketship!?) But E LOVED it, so I suppose it was totally awesome!

Three brothers. You think this mama has her hands full?!

This is about how hard the eggs were hidden! Seriously!

As usual, they all gathered for the word to go.

And Jessi prepared to let the dawgs run!

And in a matter of minutes, they were OFF!

Even a mom or two in the mix.

And who is that super cute little girl in the big brown bow?!

She is such a big girl hunting those eggs all by herself! If only her mama had brought her Easter basket! BAD mama!

OH. There's KK!

And there were helpers to the kids and students who do their internships with us!

A few of the eggs were hidden a bit more strategically!

If only my mama had packed my Easter basket!

M didn't have his eitehr, so Michelle had to wad up her shirt and BE his basket!

I think for the most part all the young uns had a good time!

G checked out his stash!

The big kids racked up!
A friend, Lori, and her son stopped by to participate in our fun day.

More cute face painting.

Ok, this is funny. These are porcelain eggs for painting on. Jessi told the kids to get going with them as sidewalk chalk, thus the holes in the porcelain from trying to drag them along the concrete. Ha.

M outran all the little kids and I think, had the most eggs.

Am I the only one who absolutley loves little craft kits with all the pieces included!?

These are more craft kits we used at our party.

And check these out. They are little tie on cuffs that we use for marketing purposes. Instead of the humdrum, we send really cute holiday prizes out to our doctors and their staff.

We walk in carrying this giant pencil and let them choose their favorite!

You should know by now that we do NOT like to be like everyone else!

Aren't these cute? We made them specifically for Easter.
Check out my page on FB to see the cuffs I am making now for Make 4 Jake. I am starting my fundraising early for the Shake. Let me know if you see one you can't live without!
Next up the WM Easter egg hunt!
I know I've said this a gazillion times already--but that Gabbi girl is just THE most precious thing!! She's the epitome of cuteness!! Love that your girls are just so happy. They just radiate joy! You're doing such a good job Mo...Hope I get to meet ya'll in person one day :)
Hey Mo! I agree with Theresa - Gabbi is so adorable!!! I tell my family about your little ones as if I was with them. I've tried finding you on FB and have had no such luck. What is your fb name?
to watch Gabbi carefree and running with the group is so darn cute!
Love it!! Now that's what I called an EGG HUNT!! Love the "carrot's filled w/popcorn"!! TOO CUTE!!
Okay Mel-I have a PT question for you. My 12 month old seems to keep her right leg straight when she tries to walk. When she was learning to stand up, she had a hard time because she kept it straight out beside her (diagonally). She seems to do better when she is in her walker running around outside. Should I be concerned? My other 2 kids were both running by their first birthday.
There is a prayer request just posted on my blog for a precious little girl who was just diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. If you could share this information with your blog followers, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks
Ginny Streeter
PS: I will post updates as I get them.
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