As previously mentioned, I have LOTS of Easter fun to share. So, hunker down for a week or so of Easter pics! Let's start with Madi's annual Easter egg hunt. I think this is her 2nd annual. Or maybe 3rd?!

Staci's best pal, Veronicia, contributes heavily to this day's festivities.

I think Staci pretty much handles the decorations.

She gets her house all Eastered up...

And then from what I can tell...

Veronicia comes in with the seriously cutesy edible items.

Like these bottom up bunnies diving into a see of jelly bean lettuce patch looking cupcakes.

Don manned the grill.

And the activities abounded for kids to don on their own or with their moms/ dads.

This is Ellie and Gabbi's cousin, Chloe. She was pretty much a fan of the "jumpy thing".

Gabbi was pretty much a fan of the entire event. It dawned on me today that our girls are, for the most part, outside daily! When I get home from work, we are in the driveway on bikes, or riding in a golf cart, or four wheeler riding in the back yard. They are definitely fans of the outdoors, and in this day and age, I am really, really glad of that!

Staci and Don rented a couple of fun jumpers. (see our house over there? And see my cottage... top right of photo? You can see the metal roof shining.)

Here's Cole. He is a neighborhood playmate. A favorite of Ellie's!

And these are all Masseys. The two on the right are mine and Staci's first cousins, and the one on the far left married their brother. The kiddos are the next line of descendants.

Ellie and Maddi were definitely fans of the art table.

While Gabbi shut DOWN the jumper. When everyone else was lined up to find eggs, I was still over here, begging Gabbi to get out of this thing!

Staci is giving directions prior to the egg hunt. "All the big kids, raise your hand."

"Ok, all you BIG kids, you have to go waaaaaaay out there to start finding eggs. The eggs right here close to the house are for the little kids."

If we are all clear on that... get on your mark.... get set.....



Don't you find it kind of amazing how fast kids can find 1000 eggs?! I mean, you think this should keep them preoccupied for a while. And 10 minutes later, they're back, baskets brimming with eggs! And the party's over.

My girls still fall into the little kids' category, so they hung out near the house. As did Miss Ella Kate.

Ellie couldn't hunt eggs for opening them as soon as she found one to see what was inside. SHe was probably hoping for a tiara, or a new pair of jeggings.

Nope. Sorry, Sister SUe... only candy in the eggs! Dads tended to sit in the shade and watch Don cook. They are manly like that.

These bunny shaped brownies were divine!!

Look at all the eggs my little baby darlin' found.

Have I mentioned she is the most precious little thing on earth?!
If I have, just WAIT until I find a way to post a picture from my iphone from Easter morning.. What the child did about 15 minutes before walking out the door for church. It was disastrous. Trust me on this!
Here's Payson. My second cousin, actually.

And here' s Staci who is perpetually trying to decide if she should have another baby, even though she KNOWS she is the most miserable pregnant person in the world. She loves this tiny baby stage. I do not.

I'm more a fan of the toddlers!
And speaking of toddlers, our friend, Polly, has a step grand daughter. WOW! (Polly, by the way, I DO love my hair color. Write it down so we can remember the combination next time!)

COurtney works with Staci at her store sometimes. As does the mother of this new baby, Ellamee.

Then, gabbi Girl decided to get in on the art action! Nannie, aka Veronicia's mom, helped her out. Nannie has also stepped up to the plate on Wednesdays to take Ellie and Madi to dancing. Talk about helping a mama out! That is so awesome. Thanks, Nannie!!

My little hippy child refused to let me help her with her dangling bow.

Her old hard headed self would rather it just dangle along!

I find it interesting that you can already see the interests of toddlers. I can tell who will be my ball player, my dancer, my sassy pants, my artist, etc. Now, things may change... and I am ok with that. I just find it interesting , that's all!

Oh. and my hula hooper!

Sort of.

So anyway. It was a pretty good party!
A really good party is one where the adults AND the children come away thinking it was a success. And I think this one was such a soiree! We'll be doing it again in a year, I suppose!
OK, so I'm still trying to pick my jaw up off the floor - 1,000 eggs? WOW!
You guys have the most wonderful parties.
Adorable pictures, as always. I hope you can load up from your've piqued my curiosity.
Great day of celebration!! We hid about 50 eggs (for one kid) and it didn't take him to long. However, I was pretty happy as it was only in the 50's! Brrrr! I can't wait to see what that adorable, sweet baby girl did before church!
Have a happy week!
Hugs from Missouri,
Looks like a great party! Girls are adorable, as always. Love the party goodies, I need to remember a few ideas for next year.
Have a great Monday!!
1000 Eggs...Om My!! Someone was quite busy hiding all of those eggs. I'm sure the kids had so much fun. Ellie's dress is adorable!
I thought Jin Jin took the girls to dancing. Since she can't it's great that a loving Nannie can do it.
Look at that grasp Gabbi girl has!
Okay BLOGGER is giving me FITS this morning! Just ATE my whole comment! Okay...summarizing! Lookis like you guys had a blast! My 2yr old grandson decides on the way to church that it would be "awesome" to rub against my car tire in his white pants!! Then after church, he decides that after taking pics he would dust himself w/dirt! After I "came to", we dusted him off and headed to the park, where he decides the "cool cedar like stuff" on the playground would be awesome in Bree's curls! After I managed to "save him" from "Bree wrath", he decided he would settle down and just "taste the dirt" instead!! I think my grandson is either a MOLE or an EARTHWORM!! I don't decided!! LOL!
Go for it Staci! You won't regret having another- but if you dont you'll always wonder if you should have:)
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