So, as promised, I am now posting a new blog. And I am choosing this one, in honor of the name Kathryn chose for Ellie's baby doll. Veronica. Only, our Veronicia is with an "i". Odd, I know. She knows too! There's a story there! To any expectant moms... fill out the birth certificates yourselves or at least the paperwork. Don't send good ol' dad.
The Waterfront is ummm, welll, on the water- ..front!
And can you believe we have water skiiers already!? Yayyyyy for Louisiana!!
I posted a few pics here to show everyone what a bayou looks like. Idk. Maybe there are bayous all over the country?! But, this is what a LA bayou looks like anyway.
Those are cypress trees all over the place. They can stand the water all over there roots.
And the girls really, really loved going out there and "looking for the turtles."
I loved seeing how much Nannie and V loved my girls!

There is NO TELLING what kind of conversation that was taking place here!
I would imagine she asked about a thousand times about that water skiier. And then wanted to know ALL the details about the skiier, the boat, the ramp he was flying over, the reason he chose red for his suit..... etc!!
So as they chatted it up, I went over and caught my precious little niece in a sweet moment.
and I ABUSED that moment, taking full advantage for a photo shoot. The lighting was awesome...
Her outfit matched the setting....
She was in a good mood....
And it was easy to make her laugh. (This is my favorite!)
So as these four continuted to discuss things.... (See? Ellie IS craning her neck to find that skiier!)
I asked Staci to get involved. I LOVE this one too!
And this is my second favorite!
All in all, it was a pretty fun day!

One of those days where "lunch" turns into hours! But, lazy fun kind of hours!
To comment on all those folks who talk about how much I pack into a day. Well, I really do! And first, I think I am a touch ADD, but second, I intentionally gotta get things done! I totally dislike sitting on the couch doing nothing. I can sit on the couch, but there'll be a project to do! It just seems like my "list" is never ending and so it goes. So, for me to spend hours at lunch, well, that was a rarity!
And then came time to go...
Gabbi Girl led the way.
Maddi followed....
Then, Ellie went screaming up the ramp, "Waaaaaiiiitttt!".
ANd no, she didn't wear that for me! Staci coerced her into wearing something cute. We are still having the clothes battle over here. I am trying to get more savvy at it. For instance, you can wear that, IF, you put on this cute cardigan and bow. (But I leave out the word, "Cute", or she'd NEVER agree!) What is it with this kid?!
There is NO TELLING what kind of conversation that was taking place here!
One of those days where "lunch" turns into hours! But, lazy fun kind of hours!
Thanks, Veronicia and Nannie for a fun day!
Tell me about a cool restaurant in your area.
ANd don't forget after 15 , no let's say 20,( cause we are cooking with grease now!), I'll post a new blog. ALL DAY LONG!! If you are confused, read back two blogs. ANd you can thank THOSE commenters for the progression so far! It is going to be a busy day at my fingertips!!
Andreas Steakhouse is a fav of mine. the gardens including waterfall is so picturesque during an enjoyable meal. It gives you a oasis feeling right outside Chesterfield Mall. If you can't eat outside a wall of windows brings the outside indoors.
Cute cute girls!!!
Love all these posts. Looks like that would be a great lace to hang out all day and look at all the happenings on the water. We really don't have any really great place around here for that. Up by my father-in-laws though their is a place called Bridges that is on a waterway leading to Lake Michigan. It also has a train bridge that turns when a train is coming then turns back when they are gone so boats can get through the waterway. I love it there.
I can SO relate to the keeping busy all day. I hater downtime and always have projects. No matter what I'm doing I will always have some kind of project with me or a pad of paper to write down ideas for future projects. Really thinking we will have to meet some time. I think we may be similar soul-sisters.
Love it!! Nothing like a laid back Saturday afternoon with friends to recharge your batteries. We have never been to Waterfront Grill. I am thinking we will have to check it out soon.
I finally decided to become a follower since I've read your blog since the beginning of time and they always put a smile on my face for the day. Loved this one-just love watching the 3 girls growing up.
Love your photos and blog, but you missed posting a photo of your beautiful self. :)
I never got to go down to the Waterfront Grill when I was visiting y'all a few years back.... I think I was either way too tired from all driving or not feeling my best. Next time I'm down there I'll have to make sure I get to know the place. I was taken to Johnny's Pizza and LOVED IT!!!
And I can't believe you're having such awesome weather already! I woke up this morning to another 6 inches of snow!!
There are so many great restaurants in this area. However, my favorite one is a little bitty place called Tubbs, in the town where Miss Suzie lives. I take her to lunch there every Friday for fish, and she used to take herself there when she was driving. They love their Miss Suzie. It is like old home week. Everybody just loves up on her, and she glows! We always have fish, slaw, and share an order of the best onion rings I have ever had. The owner/cook/all around good guy brings out double helpings of everything because he knows how much she loves fish. She takes home her leftovers for supper. Here's why they are so special. If I can't take her on a Friday, they will call her and tell her to eat light, and at 2 the owner shows up at her door with a fish plate!
So much joy here; the long lunch with besties, inquiring minds of littles, beautiful pics of a lovely niece!
I'm loving the multiple posts today. Pictures are great also.
you are insane with your self gratifying blackmail lol
the girls were very adorable and those pics of maddie were awesome! glad you had such a fun day. and no we don't have bayous in wv, but we have beautiful lakes and rivers here. they don't look a thing like what you posted.
This blog, and your wonderful spirit, fun girls and full life enrich mine everyday!!!!
I have clothing wars at my house too. I swear my daughter will pick the opposite of what I suggest just because I suggested it. It drives me crazy HAAHAH
Love all these post and love the pictures. You are SOOOO talented.I wish I knew you could make such beautiful pictures I could have hired you out for BJ's SR! portraits. I mean I knew you could take a beautiful picture but geesh you are JUST so talented in MANY ways!!!
Sundecker's on the Landing in St. Louis right along the Mississippi River -casual burger place but on a nice day you could spwnd hours on the deck with a view of the river, barges and sunshine - for the best desserts and nice evening of wine, crabcakes and delish salads, try Cyrano's in Webster but go to THE HILL for the best Italian food ever - many great restaurants to choose from in this great Italian neighborhood - or a good old hot dog at Busch Stadium - openng day -March 31!!
You live in such a beautiful area. I love these posts you do also highlighting your neighborhood, favorite local places, etc. I really need to plan a trip down your way.
Lovin all the new blogs!!! I hardly ever comment, but am stepping out of my box!!!!
In our small town, we love the J N L Restaurant, nothing fancy, but super friendly and huge portions and very reasonable prices, it is always packed, no wifi, they have the guys at the counter seats that know it all. We love small town America.
We have Lamberts (Home of the Throwed Rolls) that most tourists love. They do have good food and the pass arounds are awesome. Everything you order is all you can eat. As the name implies, they throw the rolls at you. The kids looove Lamberts.
I want to go on record as saying that throwed is their word and it grates on me but lol it is what it is.
I couldn't let it sit at 19. 1-2-3 GO!
So, if I comment twice does that count? My favorite place to eat is Cracker Barrel. I know they are everywhere but I love the old time homey feeling I get when I am there. I never leave without a purchase from the store. I especially love their Christmas decorations.
Way up north in snow frozen tundra we are thawing out finally. In Princeton, MA there is a restaurant called The Grist Mill, it was built in 1881 and used as a logging timber mill. In the 1938 the mill caught fire and was abandoned for years. It was restored and converted into a restaurant and sits upon the river banks that flow down from New Hampshire into Massachusetts. There is a waterfall and it's beautiful, there is a deck where ducks live and you can throw bread to them. It is open year round but it's really best Spring, Summer and Fall when you can sit on the deck and take in the beauty of the land. The food is DEVINE! The prices are affordable too. The inside is all restored from the wood left over that was salvaged, it smells like cedar. They have a wonderful working fireplace with rocking chairs that is just like they make you feel at home.
We love it at the Grist Mill! The bayou looks great here we still have snow but we are melting quickly, Spring is on it's way YIPEE!!!!
Love all those pics!!! Gabbi Lou is growing and blossiming along with the Spring.
We have a neat place called Clear Springs that has the best onion rings, and chicken fried steaks! Very old worldly, and a huge fish tank! We love to go there, and I can't wait til we can take our little Gillian McKenna!
Keep those blogs coming!
Love those pics!! Gabbi Lou is growing and blooming just like the spring there in La.
WE have a place called Clear Springs, best onion rings and Chicken fried steak in deep east Texas.
Keep those blogs coming!
These are some of the best pics of Maddi I've ever seen! I mean, the ones of Ellie and Gabbi are ALWAYS good, but I know Maddi hasn't always "cooperated" when taking pics. lol She's a doll, along with her cousins! And...I loved, loved, LOVED seeing Stacy's sweet face. It's been too long!
How wonderful to have Veronicia and Nannie in your lives!
Love the pics of Maddie! She looks like she was in a really sweet mood. As far as those ladies loving on your girls--how could they not? They are just the most precious things!! :)
LATE COMMENTING!! However, I got to say *I've always wondered about the spelling/pronunciation of Veronicia* at first I thought it was a typo, but I noticed it was typed that way LOTS of times! Too funny about the "dad misshap"!! I had to laugh because a childhood friend found out the "registrar clerk" misspelled her name @ birth! Instead of Pamela, it was typed Pamila! Just imagine the word "vanilla" and that is what she heard alllll the time! PAMILA VANILLA was the chant we all called her! HA! Now she just goes by just PAM! I told her look on the bright side....she could have been named just PAM and the registrar could have misspelled it like SPAM! I would rather being called "Pamila/vanilla" than "Pam/spam"!
ANYWHO.....I love the pics of Maddie! You know I love me some MADDI!!! Those dimples are just delicious! The pic of her and Staci are beautiful!! Staci's eyes are so beautiful!! I also love the bayou pictures!! AWESOME!!
I see you are in the "million question" and "why" phase with Ellie too! Bree ask me a thousand questions and then when I answer, its always followed by "WHY!!"! Sometimes, she ask a question and if it's not to her "liking" she says "Momma, that is not right"! This 3 1/2 yr old is a mess!!
So far as my favorite restaurant, I have to say it is Pappadeaux's! Best CREOLE food ever!
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