I am so, so , so glad that in the hustle and bustle of moving into this new house, I took the time and had the presence of mind to get some tulip bulbs. Down here in the South, we have to put them in our fridge in October-ish, and let them stay for 6 weeks. Then, plant them no later than mid December.
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Spring has sprung
I've gotta tell you. These pics were taken on my street, going to work, earlier this week. Now we are even MORE springy!
Being a former gardening enthusiast, I LOVE this time of year!!
It just makes me happy to see all this stuff in bloom! And although I live in a fairly heavily populated neighborhood, it is still rural-ish, and I LOVE my view on the way out.
Most folks who have these Bradford Pear Trees, plant them in mass! The folks across the street are such folks! That is a real perk for us! The view from anywhere inside our house, looking to the front, is a vision in white! Thanks, Parkers!
And then there was THIS!!
I always think this looks like Heaven is opening up when the sky looks like this! I also find it interesting that when I am feeling especially grateful (i.e. on my way to work this am and noticing all the beauty around me), that is when I see a sky like this. God is autographing His work. (and Jake is saying "Hello, MO!")
I am so, so , so glad that in the hustle and bustle of moving into this new house, I took the time and had the presence of mind to get some tulip bulbs. Down here in the South, we have to put them in our fridge in October-ish, and let them stay for 6 weeks. Then, plant them no later than mid December.
Well, I did, and now I have these!!
At the time I am typing this, I also have yellowy/orangish ones with red tips. DUDE!
And one more thing. I spent a long, long time uploading pictures on Saturday so I could easily snag them when I needed a blog post on the spot. I couldn't believe how many blogs I've loaded but not actually posted. Now, I know not as many folks read the blog on the weekend as during the week, but really... 3 comments on Saturday's blog! Come on. So, today (Sunday), every time I log on and see 15 comments, I am gonna post a NEW blog. Think I will get more than one?! Let's do this! I can do 20 or more, judging by how many I have ready to roll. You gonna help me get em on here?! COMMENT! I'll be reading! Mo
I am so, so , so glad that in the hustle and bustle of moving into this new house, I took the time and had the presence of mind to get some tulip bulbs. Down here in the South, we have to put them in our fridge in October-ish, and let them stay for 6 weeks. Then, plant them no later than mid December.
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LOVE the tulips. We moved to Idaho (from Mississippi) 15 years ago. It's very hard to have tulips here because the deer come right up on our patio and eat them! So thanks for posting the pics. God bless!
I love the pear trees! They are gorgeous and tulips are my favorite!! Are they easy to grow? I have a black thumb!!!!
I love your tulips! Last year MK planted tulips at Josie's grave and they all started blooming on Easter, it was wonderful!
I love the tulips, here in Colorado, we won't have them for at least another month. We still have snow coming next week. They look so pretty.
I'm gonna help us out on this one. I'm commenter number four! I'd be super mad at those deer, Jenny. Super, as in put up a deer stand, and wait for them, mad! Stephleighjenkins, Bradford pears are pretty much plant them and wait for them to grow. They are kinda soft wood though, so they get big and beautiful and then one year, we get a bad windstorm and boom, a big chunk is missing and the shape is SHOT! We had gorgeous ones at our old house, but we cut them down, because they get so big that they occlude sun and cause the grass to not grow.
and Nora, if we get lots of comments, make sure MK watches the blog, because one of the ones I have loaded is of her super cute Rice Krispy treats!
Everything is in bloom here also and it's beautiful! Love your tulup's, my favorite flower!
Oh, and hope you and the girls enjoyed the pizza tonight. Love their outfits!
Always love reading your blog- morning, night, and weekends. Hope people continue to show you the ove because I love reading your blogs. The more the merrier!!!!
Those trees and tulips are so pretty! Anxious for mine to bloom-they're just coming up.
Mo, I love the beauty of Spring!
You gave 'us' in Missouri a taste of what's to come. We're freezing right now in St Louis!
No need to push me to comment...your blog is my 'daily fix' and I feel if you take the time to write it...and I take the time to read it.........it's only respectful that I comment.
Those tulips are beautiful! That is actually my very favorite flower...love them!
Soo jealous of your weather. the high in Fargo today was 14 degrees
I love the pear trees and the tulips! Beautiful!
I too have been LOVING this Spring weather we've been having. The Pear trees are my favorite. In Ruston the trees at the Community Trust Bank across from Super One are breathtaking. They are on both sides of the drive that runs behind the Walgreens. It is like driving through a tunnel of white. Gorgeous! !!
I read your blog daily... I'm just a slacker when it comes to commenting.
Can't believe how quickly the girls are growing up! And, Gabbi Girl driving the jeep by herself is crazy... She shouldn't be old enough to be doing that!
I'm a little jealous of how springy it is for you all... We ate still having some cool weather.
Hope the upcoming week is a great one for you all!
** are, not ate...darn phone..
Nice to see Spring is in your neighborhood, snowstorm in MN Monday/Tuesday...
Welp, my comments are always late, because I live in the east...I'm usually in bed when you post!
It's 1:30 a.m. now...way past my bedtime (and church is tomorrow), but I fell asleep on the sofa. Just woke up to go brush my teeth.
Spring is beautiful in your area...I'm looking forward to it coming our way. :-)
great, you have resorted to bribery for posts lol! i feel guilty if i don't post on one of your blogs - but i don't always have the time or the energy. i wish blogs had a like button! lol
Those tulips are a sigh for sore eyes. It's just under 20 degrees here this morning. Keep the pics of spring coming, so this northern girl still has some hope of spring.
Those flowers are beautiful. Are those tulips?
In looking at the comments, your bribe worked. I wish spring would come to NW Georgia. We are still cold! I just hope we are finished with the snow!!
I don't always comment BUT I check and read every day(even weekends).....I will try to comment more. It is fun to follow your family. I love the spring pics as we are predicted to have more snow here in MN, March is the second snowiest month of the year for us! Keep writing and know that there are some of us that follow with our hearts and not always our fingers!
Beautiful!!! I read your blogs at least every other day...sometimes every day!, but don't post a comment. Love seeing your girls!
Love your blog!! I read almost every other day...but never post a comment! The trees are gorgeous, and I love the tulips; but truly love the pics of the girls!! I have 3 girls and am expecting my first grandbaby that is a girl!!
You stinker! I slept almost 20 straight hours and look what you did! I love looking at those Spring pictures. It is 32* here right now.
Well--you might know--I comment on nearly EVERY post, and the one or two days I don't get on, you've posted that you didn't get any comments!! Sometimes I think you might get tired of seeing the same 'ol people over & over....It's kind of a treat to see that you've posted several entries that I get to read all at once though! :)
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