Well, we made it! One more blog post! What was that? Like, six or so?! Thanks for a fun day of getting to read yours just like you read mine! And to that person who doesnt' get that whole talisman deal, well. I asked folks to think of their word of the year. Then, I started making my friends necklaces that were either symbolic or literal in the way that they represented their word. It is a piece to wear that will bring you a remembrance of your word, therefore a reminder to live in the manner consistent with it. Yes, I can still accept a few more orders, but some of you who said in the comments that you were waiting, ummm.... I don't have you on my list. Have I mentioned I need a life assistant?! Leigh Ann, send me your info again! Blessedmomof three... you too. and Lauri, did I read somewhere that you want one? Then, there was the person who wanted PEACE but no peace signs. Can't seem to relocate that email. And Riley, You MUST email me. For 6 talismans going out, I need to talk to you! What else? Umm... Kimie, I haven't forgotten your rest! And Toni, you still want one for your mom and aunt? Who else? Please don't assume. Email me if you want to be on the list!
mojoy@att.netSo, for our last blog of the night...
Ok, so remember my plea for purple suede boots?!

Well, I got a lot of response on that one! And it was most appreciated! But, one blogger went the extra mile! She SENT us her daughter's boots which she did not wear, but she felt would be perfect for the diva.

And when I mentioned to the diva that this box was for her, she refused to let me assist her. She dove right in!

By the way, that is our new hairdo of choice, the pull back braid. Isn't it cute on E.S.?
ANd speaking of cute... look at how Dee, snekcip ,as she is known in the comments section, decorated my box.'

Don't you EVEN think Ellie was thinking about sharing these boots with Maddi... despite the fact there were two pair in the box.

She was in Hog Heaven!

All of this also transpired out on the driveway, because Ellie couldn't wait until we got inside to open them!

She liked em both, and surprisingly has probably worn the black ones more than the purple.

Look at poor abandoned, left out Maddi. Ellie doesnt' seem to have a lot of empathy here does she?!

If Maddi was really wanting to share them, I would've MADE Queenie share a pair!

So, thank you a lot for these boots! Ellie has already gotten a lot of wear out of them.

And since they are like that crochet-type material, she can wear them even into our spring.

Funny how you make "friends" on this blog just through the few words we exchange.

The kind of friends who hear your cry for help on finding boots and SENDS you some! Thanks again, Miss Bree and Miss Dawn!!!
And Theresa, since the 20 comments thing is now over (unless I get 20 on this one before I go to sleep), you can stop cheating now! Ha.
Mel-I think you are on to something-you TOTALLY need a personal(or life) assistant! Between MMPT, mom to two, all the crafting, and whatever else you currently have on the horizon(cause I know you always do)-YOU NEED HELP!
Oh well---we got one more post out of ya!! Lovin' the purple boots :) Thanks for sharing Mo! Have a good night--and since it's almost midnight over here---I guess I'd better be getting some shut-eye!
That is so cool! I love that she was able to send the boots to you. Yay Ellie - enjoy your new boots!
I don't know if this will be of any use to you (and your orange personality ), but I was tipped off on this "to-do" website that is really convenient for me, as it's right at my fingertips. Perhaps it would help you note orders & check them off as they're completed???
Dang! I missed all the weekend fun! I do, sometimes read on the weekend. Just not this weekend. But thanks for the Monday morning full of reading! I'm so jealous of your art room! Dude, it's the awesomesauce!
Have a blessed week!
hugs from Missouri,
love the boots!! I sent you an email about a tailsman...
thanks for a fun weekend!
Too sweet Glad E.S. got her some more purple boots!!
Awwww so glad my sweet girl could wear them!! I know she is gonna ROCK THEM!!! Tell her to share! :0)
PS Yes...you definitely need an assistant! You're in HIGH DEMAND!!
Mo I just emailed you! If I didn't live in Texas I would totally be your personal assistant. Between children, crafts, and all the joy it would be so fun!
Melanie! I LOVE your blog! And, I loved getting to meet you today :). Anniston just took the longest nap ever, ha. Looking forward to getting to know you better through your blog and through real life. Maybe you're inspiring me to post more...who knows? Your girls are precious, and your life is beautiful!
Much love,
Love the boots!! I think she will grow up to be a stylist one day!!!!
Isn't it neat to get things in the mail like that!!! Cute boots:) Keep them posts a comin'.
I agree you probably do need a personal assistant!! Cute boots:)! Keep them posts a comin'.
I LOVE reading your blog! My friend and I just started one last week for our jewelry and other fun stuff! I KNOW how you LOVE pics of your girls and jewelry-you need to check it out! sassyandsouthern.com
You can see a gallery at sincerelysoldered.shutterfly.com as well!!
Have a great day!!!
OOOPS! Just noticed that my son was still signed in on my computer! It shows my previous comment as "Whitt". Oh well-I am Missy!
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