Thursday, March 31, 2011

Pre and post shopping on Saturday

Whew. We are so busy at work! I mean SOOOO busy! Guess that is nothing but a good thing! I am going to post a short but sweet one tonight. I'm kinda beat! This was this past Saturday. I took the girls to town with me. Because I am a glutton for punishment! This is what Ellie Sue dressed herself in. I did not have the energy to argue! Please note the rainbow striped panties hanging out of the top of her jeans! And for whatever reason, she feels if a shirt drops below her beltline, then it is too big. I do not know WHERE she got that!! Especially since her mama is the queen of the tunic!
Gabbi Girl let her mama do all the choosin' on her outfit! Can you tell?! Those sweet little Sea & Sun sandals, and big red bows on her pigtails!? Nothin but sweet!
Even Ellie's doll looks like a dadgum teenager! Puh-leeeze!
When we were in town, GG fell in love with this hat. She insisted on wearing it all around Old Navy!
and therefore I insisted on buying it for her! She has worn it everyday since!!
Have a good weekend!!


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Around the house bout now.

Let's take a random trip around the house. shall we?! Staci and Don were out of town, so we got the honor of having one of my favorite nephews stay with us. Ellie was MORE than thrilled! And as she piled up in bed with Hayden, I am sure he was pretty pumped too! Plus we let him sleep in pink sheets!!
Gabbi Girl hung out in his room too. He isn't used to THIS much female love all at once!!
So while I was in there taking pictures, I decided to stroll around my house with camera in hand. You ready?! Let's go!

I ran into a friend the other day while I was at Hobby Lobby buying fabric for absolutely no good reason! I love fabric! Anyway, Tonya was there and told me she could make those ruffle bottomed pants. I said, "Let's ROLL!".
To say I got a little overzealous choosing material would be an understatement.
But hey. You only have toddlers once! And actually, these are ALL Gabbi's. I gave up on dressing Ellie. She is a blue jean/ jegging/ leggings kinda girl, and all the cute clothes in the world are not going to change that fact!
I made these TWO pair for Easter. I MAY try to get Ellie to wear a pair of these. But prolly not!
Gabbi will just have to wear bunnies back to back days near Easter time! One day blue. One day yellow.
We did a few mismatched fabrics too, like above. And a patchwork like below.
These will be some of my favorites! I LOVE turquoise. My favorite color. And I love that there are so many other colors in these to match them to!
And these will be awesome in the fall with a brown sweater. Just sayin'!
Oh man! I have these laid out for GG to wear to school tomorrow!! With a cream colored shirt and a celadon green monogram on it. And hot pick sparkly shoes. You wanted to know that, didn't you?! Oh, and probably a hot pink bow too!
We haven't worn these yet. but maybe Fourth of July, definitely Rebel games, and who knows... maybe they'll stretch til Christmas!?
I liked this print a lot! I have to find a cute black shirt or get Staci to monogram one for me to go with these! And I can already see the Halloween possibilities!
Ok, so maybe I have a little problem. I will seek counseling! And maybe I will NEVER be able to retire so I can support my childrens' clothing fund... so be it!
And THIS is what she chooses... a $3 tank top from WalMart paired with $4 leggings from the same. I swear. This child!
Have I ever shown you Gabbi Girl's "toy " closet? I used these big buckets to sort things. For instance, the bottom 2 shelves have the big buckets of dress up clothes. The top shelf is full of new things that I keep out of reach so we can have something new and novel when Mama and Daddy are going out and a sitter is keeping them, or when they are really, really, really wanting to participate in an art project alongside me. The far right is the area which really hasn't even been set up yet. But when it is, it'll be cool. That is where we keep their movies, and down low is the DVD/ TV box thingy.
Here's Gabbi's totally messed up bookshelf.
One can't say we don't actually live/ play in our home! ANd her collection of favorite stuffed animals,( mainly dogs), sit atop this cabinet.
I started putting out the Easter decorations too! I am an avid holiday decorator! Lots of work, but so worth it to me.
I found these little rabbits at Target this past weekend for $5.99. I LOVE them!
Here's Ellie Sue's!
ALong with her Easter egg garland. (Hey Indigo Twins... notice anything familiar?!)
Now do you?!
And soon I will get to posting a few more of my Easter decorations. Just so much fun to make my house all festive. I hope my girls grow up and remember their house being like this. ANd I hope they'll want to do it for their kids.


More fishing with Pops.

So, so nice that so many of you took the time to comment on the blog your condolences for our family. It was a sad night. We snuggled up in our little private den off the master bedroom, tucked under blankets, ate ice cream sandwiches, and watched Yogi Bear. This big ol house seemed a little bit bare last night! And please understand, with my crazy busy life, I often load up pictures to my blog before I have time to go back and write in the words! For that reason, you may spot ol' Earl from time to time! And with that, I will finish the fishing trip with Pops! Check out these sisters heading down together to check him out! I love it when they cooperate!
Strangely I had posted a picture of my cottage before I knew I'd be posting one prior with Todd saying goodbye to Earl. The point of this one was to show that I have started my new garden here at our new address!
Well, it looks like they made it!

Can you believe how peaceful it is here? I mean, dang... can it get any better than a horse farm across the pond?!
And have I ever shared the back of my home? Well, here it is, sans the screened porch which hasn't been added yet in that hole right in the middle of the house.
Gabbi apparently had herself a little chocolate prior to this trip! And since so many of you asked about her, well, she is doing fine. I don't think she is even aware really yet that Earl is gone. Ellie heard me talk about it. She, thinking she is a teenager and all, went on to explain to Madi that Earl was in Heaven with Jesus and with Jake. She does it with such matter of factness. She is definitiely a confident little toot!
I am sure Gabbi Girl will start figuring it out soon enough. Daddy had to throw out the dog bowls she loved to play in this morning. Not cool!
These are the flowers Ellie brought me. "Awww, Mom. It's like our family! It's me, mama, daddy, and Gabbi." I'm telling you, she is wise beyond her three little years. We'll be having that adoption talk sooner rather than later.
Funny little thing. She is sunshine!
My girls were thrilled to have Pops at the house. Pops, you reading this?! You need to plan this about twice a week!!
Ellie is only holding a stick, but she doesn't know! I think I'll buy them a couple of little fishing poles this week!
yep. After all, we have a pond now. They need one!

Pretty little thing!
Our weather has been nuts! This day was PERFECT! Then, yesterday, it was back around 40 degrees. In Louisiana, that is COLD!
Gabbi cast a few times with the stick too!
I love a glimpse at the simple life. I'd like to say we lived it. Instead, I'm afraid their mama doesnt' have that luxury at this time in life. I have a busy, busy therapy business, THANKfully! But, I have my life plan, and I am heading toward it. I can't wait til I can spend more days just like this!
I do my best to spend quality time outside with the girls when at all possible. That is why some of you don't have your paintings or talismans yet. I havent' forgotten. Just have to prioritize. Hope you understand!
Life is good. Are you taking time to realize it?!
And again, thank you all so much for your kind words. I was touched!
And, Pops, hurry home. (He's on a cruise!) We need to do this again!!
