Ok, so first things first... for Julene, better known as " smileygirl in Washington".

Ok. Let's begin with the three girls.. I have three little colorful pendants, each representing one of the girls.

You described each one beautifully, but I think I am going to have to let you ascribe which pendant is which girl. You'll probably know right off when it gets there and you see them!

This heart represents the love of your life. How cool that you found your "Soul mate" after all these years! "It is the relationship of dreams and we compliment each other so well." Those were your words. And isn't that just what everyone aspires for?!

And of course, you KNOW I had to make a smiley face! I recently learned to use resin on bezels, so I practiced on a few, yours being one of my first attempts. It had to be on there, though, don' t you agree?! SO keep on smiling, Julene! I hope you wear it and remember your blessings!

Ok, and up next...for Carol, over in ALabama...

Cock your head to the left and read your word, PATIENCE, upwards. Another new technique I have learned is called cold connections, i.e. the way I connected the copper to the leather. I LOVE that look. Hope you do too! ANd... Carol, I went a little "edgy" with yours. Hope you don't mind. Weird shape. But, I prefer that! HOpe you like it too.

The silver home represents your and your husband's business as homebuilders! It hangs on the opposite side of the talisman to the cross. But, we both know that God will give you the PATIENCE to ride through this economy and soar on the other side successfully when the real estate market rebounds.

Oh, and it pained me a little, but I DID end up using the orange and blue beads. Go War Eagle! Ugh. There, I said it! I even included a football, since I know you enjoy that travelling to watch the Tigers play in your RV and with all your friends and family. Your family sounds like mine... football games, baseball park, SEC!! Oh, and one more thing... it is no fluke that there are FIVE AUburn beads. They represent each of your five grandchildren!

The little bird hanging on top is for you and your husband's relationship. You called it "lovebirds" and after many years of marriage, that is a high compliment!
Next... Kimberly, here is your talisman! Girl, you didn't give me muc to go on!!

Even when I emailed you for a few more details, I was left with three basic details to go on...
1. The fact that you are a photographer.
2. The fact that you are from Louisiana.
3. the fact that you now live in Texas.
I suppose you can tell which charm stands for which listed item above.

But then, you also told me you would appreciate things "over the top"and that you like to wear black, so I went with a fiber necklace.

I personally love to wear fiber necklaces, because they are funky, and they attract attention, so people always ask me about my piece. Hopefully this will happen to you and you can tell them your story!
These are my tulips, soaking up all the sun they could get this morning!

And Gabbi Girl is there eating a huge bowl of cereal while Todd loads the dishwasher. Life is good!

That cereal bowl is as big as Gabbi's head!

But I digress...
And for you, Miss BJ...
the keychain you requested!

I stamped "Accept" for you since there were lots of things you mentioned needing to ACCEPT this year! Not only will you be facing retirement, but you are ready to explore some new passions!

I included this fish because I know you are a Christian and that you will be trusting in God as you ACCEPT this new role in life!
I support you and am excited for you as you enter this new phase of life and that you can start pursuing passions, i.e. photography!

This piece represents the "LOVE" of your life, your husband, Ron. It is special that you call him your "new beginning".

There are several little pearls on your talisman to represent your friends and co-workers of whom you seem to speak often of and very highly.

And you said in your email that you want to ACCEPT the blessing God has given you and use them to His glory... so another cross to represent the LORD.

Ok, so I have your talisman in the form of a keychain.

But I put one extra little jumpring on it, and included along piece of leather. If you are so inclined, you can slide your talisman off the clip, use this jumpring, and slide it onto the leather to be worn as a long necklace or to hang on your mirror in your car.
So, you three... Hope you like em!
And to anyone out there who is still waiting, PLEASE email me!!! I am losing track of emails, Facebook messages, etc and NEED your help as organization is NOT my thing! mojoy@att.net
Have a good week.
Please string that cereal queen on my talisman and send her on up here! Too cute! I love the stories.
OH MY!! You nailed it girl!! I love my talisman key chain/necklace very much. Thank you so very much...I hope I can generate some orders for you from here. I am so excited!! Huggers to you g/f.......BJ (aka - Brenda)
Thank you, thank you, thank you! I can't wait to get it and look at every part in detail. It looks beautiful and I am so happy I ordered one. I'm sure it will generate many compliments and oohs and aahs. Thank you again!
Julene =)
Me! I'm still waiting! Unless, of course, I missed a post somewhere. You did mention my name in a previous post.
Gabbi's cereal bowl looks like mine - does it have matching square plates??? Of course she looks much cuter eating out of it!
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