And next is a girly girl daughter who is outgoing and spunky and fun. She also had a heart defect, but is thriving.
Guess what Mary Beth... I did that without even checking back too check the email! That is how certain I am that these little danglies match these kids' personalities and what you told me about them.
Ok, there is one more for Nora. This one is the one which represents her word... EUCHARISTEO!
And with that... I made this...
I told her I wanted her to have "Eucharisteo" on the talisman because the word, in itself, should stop people and have them ask her about the word! And that opens the door for her to not only tell them about her word, but also about her girls. and her expected miracle for Kelsey! and that... my friends, is called ministry!
Ok, so want to see my newest technique?! I'll bet you could figure it out.
Anybody recognize your word in any of these pics?!
Kathryn... look familiar?!
ANd since I haven't in so long, I had to make myself a little something too!
Mary Allison was over, so she had to join in on the fun too!
Oh, hey... Heather... that "26.2" that one's for you. Heather, I hope you can still find me and follow the blog. I have your talisman ready, but since I know you deployed on the 22nd, I am waiting to hear from you about where to send it.
"I am reading this book right now, "one thousand gifts, dare to live fully right where you are" and it's great. It's all about giving thanks in every moment. Even the little bitty, never thought of being thankful for that kind of moments".
So I am thinking my word is going to be "Eucharisteo"... thanksgiving! The root word is "charis" meaning "Grace" and then also, "Chara" meaning "JOY".
"Eucharisteo -thanksgiving- always precedes the miracle". This is the ultimate building block of the book".
And with that... I made this...
Ok, so want to see my newest technique?! I'll bet you could figure it out.
Ta daaaaaah!
Now I get to wear my girlies with me all day long! More talismans coming still! If I haven't responded to you, and you haven't gotten your talisman, email me..
I haven't heard from Hallie, Tricia, Jenn (as in Renaissance) and a few others. If you are still interested in getting your talismans, which have already been previewed on the blog, please let me know so I can get your addresses and send them home. Thanks.
Nothing I love more than coming on here and seeing the talismans you've made for various people. Very excited that I got more pieces for mine yesterday. While it might take me the whole year to get all the pieces I want for mine I' have plenty of inspiration along the way. Keep them coming.
Remain! Oh, Melanie. Tears at 5:31 in the morning were not the plan!
Just so you know I have already had people admire my talisman...when I say eucharisteo they usually say, "huh?" and that opens the door! Thank you for being such a blessing to us!
Shew, girl, you know how to keep a sista in suspense! The more talismans I see, the more excited I get about seeing mine. :-)
These are awesome. God has given you such a wonderful gifts of insight, compassion, and creativity!
Just catching up. I think I know who the "balance" is for.
Love the tailsmans that you have done!
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