First up... for Maddi!
She also apparently has a thing for ethereal things, i.e. moon and stars.
Understand, Maddi is a little bit grown before her time. She is 17, but acts like a straight up adult. This wing represents her ability to fly on her own! Her mom admits she has helped her significantly with the younger siblings, so Maddi, if you'd rather, you can also consider this wing as a sign of your nurturing your baby brother and sister. You've done a good job supporting your mom in this role!
I also know that you have undergone a real "transformation" in the past year! Your mom is very proud of you and the lovely young woman you are becoming, so these butterfly wings represent the metamorphosis into a beautiful young lady!
Your mom also says you are her "ROCK", her strength! So, this big stone on the bottom is significant of that... your own strength.
I hung two moons together, facing one another as a reminder of the bond you and your mom have. that big one is you. Free to SHINE! And the smaller one is your mom... always there if you need her, but letting you have that limelight you so deserve!
She tells me that she tells you all the time to "let your light shine". So the sun is also representative of this. I used blue stones to represent one of your prettiest features... your very blue eyes!
And finally, another sign of strength, the tree. Your mom says you love trees, and maybe that's that old soul in you, but for whatever reason you want to ascribe to it, I felt it needed to be on your talisman!
Oh, and one more thing. I tied a ribbon on the bottom of your talisman to remind you that you are a gift. You are a gift to your family, to your friends, to your younger siblings. And you have gifts to share the world as well. Be smart. Use them wisely. Your life is a gift!
Man, I love that ribbon!
Next up for Robin, as a gift for her sister, Gina...
Gina's favorite color is purple. And I have been itching to do some colored leather, so Gina, you are the lucky recipient!
I am told that your word of the year is BELIEVE. Good word! I included it high in your talisman, actually up on the cording so it can stand out for others to see and for you to have close at hand.
Robin told me a lot about your childhood. HOw you practically raised her. That big purple amethyst represents you. It took a lot of strength as a child to hold a family together and to help raise a sibling.
That is quite admirable. I also hung it high, to symbolize your strength!
This forefront piece is symbolic of your marriage. I am told it was quite tumultuous, and I purposefully chose that copper bar to show the pearl at the top (him) and the pearl at the bottom (you) far separated. You are safe. And moving on! ! You are also a very unique and unusual pearl... so shine on, in all your uniqueness!
Robin calls you "her angel", so I felt that this pendant must make the cut in this talisman!
The two white pearls are your two boys. THey are on gold wires, whereas everything else is pretty much on copper. I know they are your world; your most highly treasured "things" in the world.
And then there's this little cross. I am so glad to learn of how much you went through to stand by your beliefs and your faith. God will reward you! He will put jewels in your crown! He will bless and keep thee!
And so, from here to Kansas... happy talisman!!
Another friend asked for a couple of these for her daughters for Valentine's Day. So, Renee, these are for you.
Renee's oldest daughter, Courtni, is a cosmetologist. She likes things fairly simple and her mom says she sees her having a nice, quiet, peaceful homelife someday. For that reason, her talisman isn't all that ornate. Rather simple, in fact!
I used a copper heart on the back near the clasp to symbolize your love for your daugther, Renee. Also, seeing as how it is a Valentine gift, it plays a dual role!
You told me her favorite color is green, thus the green crystals.

And the wire mesh, strangely, reminded me of hair, so I felt it was fitting for Court's talisman, seeing as how that is her new occupation!
And for Renee's youngest daughter, Tayler....
something a little more BOLD!
Tay Tay, see that heart above? That is because this is a Valentine gift from your mom, and you are her heart! She is so proud of you. She tells me all about how you are a straight A student, and we all celebrated at the office when you made Homecoming Court!
Oh, look, a little helper. Hold on, Tayler, while I let this one help me!
Whatcha think about that, Gabbi?
And how bout that morning sun coming in mama's art room? Think it's time for some window treatments?!
Ok, back to Tayler. See that silver rock on the top there? Well, that is because I want you to remember that your reputation is pure as silver. It is important to guard yourself against peer pressure. Your peers voted you onto court this year because they respect and like you. You want to stay that course! It'll serve you well later in life!
There it is again. A little clearer. And I included the words "Love" and "joy" on it too. Your mom loves you very much, and it has always been clear that despite what adversities the three of you may go through, you are always all there for one another and LOVE one another!
I think this little bird just reminds me of the saying, "I sing because I am happy!". That's you, Tayler. Just sing your little heart out!
and one more thing... on your talisman, there are three white pearls. ANd three hot pink balls. That represents you, your mama, and your sister. Always stand strong together. You girls are stronger together!!
And the wire mesh, strangely, reminded me of hair, so I felt it was fitting for Court's talisman, seeing as how that is her new occupation!
Oh, look, a little helper. Hold on, Tayler, while I let this one help me!
I am sorry it has taken me so long to get this to you, and I hope it is worth the wait.
There was so much love in all your words! And because a talisman is meant for you to wear it, and it represent something to you, I have this big clock as the focal point to remind you of this special time in your life. It is also meant to remind you that it is ok to spend quality TIME with each of your children. And, that you and your husband need to etch out the TIME to travel as it is evident that you want to (Don't postpone joy!!) and have this amazing opportunity with your host child from Ecuador!
I included two hearts at the back of the piece. The big red one is the love you have for your whole family. It was evident! The pink one represents your mother... .who is lovingly assisting you with your children. To read that you peek in and see her rocking and reading to your babies... well, that is just priceless! I hope you will borrow MY word and RELISH this TIME you have with her!
As for that posse' (or is it passe'!??) of children you got... well, I represented each one of them (and one for the husband) as the colors on the chain.
Each one is unique in its own way. Only you can decide who is who and ascribe meaning to each little bead or cluster of beads!
I hope you like it, Tracie. And sorry it has taken forever to get it to you. I will be mailing it out tomorrow!
Ok, Anna Lea. This is another repeat customer! She got her talisman earlier, which represented LEARN. I love that word! But after she has seen so many of the others, she wanted a talisman for herself and for her mom to represent her grandmother.
She said she wanted something colorful and bright to represent her grandmother and to attract attention so when someone sees it, they would ask about it and she could tell them all about her grandmother.
So loud they are, Anna Lea. The first one is on a ribbon necklace. It's a little heavier and very bold! This second one has a central piece which is a little "nostalgic-looking" to me! I thought it was a perfect piece to represent your grandmother.
ANd then all your little danglies are in the same color scheme. It may not be quite as bright, but I think it is quite unique, and hopeuflly will get you some comments.
It'll be up to you which one is yours and which one you give to your mom. If you come by today to pick em up, it can be your Valentine to her (and to yourself!!).
Up next... Sara! I actually used similar colors for hers too! These happen to be my absolute FAVORITE colors!
Sara, what can I say? I just felt so much excitement and JOY when reading your words about finding your new LOVE in your life and about living with Passion and Excitement!
There's no other way to live, you know! And by the way, it seems you too are embracing my new favorite phrase, "Don't postpone joy"! I included the word "LOVE" in your talisman, as it seems this new man in your life has been the impetus for all this new adventure (deer hunting, eating jalepenos, travel!!), and you know what, the rest of your talisman is just FUN and ADVENTURE and PASSION!
I did include a cross for you, since you credited God with all these blessings! And girl, with those wings on the top there, I wish for you all kinds of freedom and travel and Passion! By the way, you said "either Passion or Peace" was your word. It's PASSION! Just sayin'!!
If when you get this necklace, it proves a little heavy for you, let me know. I put it on a big substantial chain. It just seemed to fit the talisman and the "big" life you are living right now. If you need it changed, just holla!!
And for Becki.... this is talisman number two! Aside from her word of the year, she also wanted something to wear to represent a very special man in her life.
He is a toddler, but she credits him for saving her life! It is her grandson, Gavin!
Becki, I so wanted it to be perfect that I even gave you my Gabbi Girl's "G"!!
I know Gavin brings you Joy and Love and I represented him by all kinds of blue!! I hope you can wear it and it brings you great joy just knowing somehow he is closer to you by having it on!
And for Becki.... this is talisman number two! Aside from her word of the year, she also wanted something to wear to represent a very special man in her life.
OK, and now...Ashley!!
Ashley, it was obvious that your faith is important to you. For that reason, check out that purple cross high on the chain. It will show up there, just as I am sure it shows up in your life!

As your pendants, I included a dangle which has several little amethyst chips. They represent all the children you have placed with families as an adoption social worker! And just like your friend, Amy, you are single and lovin' it! I think that is awesome! That flower is you. Unique, one of a kind and ready to bloom, but in love, only when the time is right! No hurry!
And that big purple chunk of amethyst? That represents your shining example to the world and to those you will encounter in Rwanda on your mission trip that Jesus is the reason you shine! Turning 30 this year? That's awesome! I have found that life just gets better as it keeps going on! 40 has been my favorite so far! So know the best is yet to come! Love Jesus. Love Others. Love yourself. (J-O-Y!!) Summertime Bible School taught me that! Never to be forgotten!!
Next on the docket... Beth E., Mary Beth, Sara H., Carol, Lafaye, Heather and Nora! Whew! All of these are done, just not yet photographed and blogged! I sent Toni's home with her today before I realized I had not yet taken pics of it! Toni, snap a few and email em to me so I can tell your story. DOnt' forget the pearl in the back. It is special! Oh, and Kellye, yours is ready too!! Mo
Beautiful work :) you are so talented.
Each one a little more unique than the other! Love the foundation on which you have diligently created each piece.
I also have a Taylor and we use to call her Tay-Tay *Bree still does*. Something about those "Taylor/Tayler's" they are independent, goal-oriented, dependable and very determined individuals.
Love them! Gabbi is certainly a good helper, too.
what a treasure YOU are, Melanie, to make such amazing TREASURES for your friends and their loved ones... I am honoured. TRULY!
They look great! I get so excited to see everyone's. Can't wait till mine is ready!
I can't wait to see mine, MO! I love all that you have done. What special keepsakes for all of the recipients!
These are awesome! I'm so excited that mine's coming up....couldn't come at a better time, either!
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