Yippeee. Yippeeee... the happiest place on Earth. The castle! The home of Mickey Mouse. It's MAGIC KINGDOM!!

So, as they say....

First up. Teacups!

Wait! I meant first up for ELLIE! (follow the orange bow!)
First up for GABBI is anything that requires us to stand in line to hug it.

I really think she wanted him to pick her up!

Todd was the camera man for round one! Gabbi Girl wanted to hug every furry creature in Disney World. I think she had a strong affinity for this rabbit, because we had one (madison Raborn) at our Easter egg hunt last year, and Gabbi would NOT let him put her down. She apparently feels very at home in the arms of a large furry rabbit. Is that odd?!

And so..That meant wait in lines!! So, that meant a parent had to be with her. HOwever,...

Ellie was not all that concerned with this big rabbit, and wanted to ride the teacups! That also meant parent! Or grandparent as it turned out!

Gabbi would've, no doubt, gone home to live with this rabbit! She could not stop patting him, hugging him, and smiling at him.

Meanwhile, back at the teacups... (note big orange bow!)

So, after dad took his turn at mulit tasker, it was mine. This time around, Ellie and Daddy were going to ride a mini roller coaster, but Gabbi wanted to play on a playground.

These two activities were about 100' from each other. So, while Todd and E waited in line, he had instructions to call my cellphone when they were getting on the coaster.

That way, I could scoot over here and watch Gabbi Girl on the playground.
She also had her DeeDee watching her play, so all were safe!

I got the call, high tailed it back over to the coaster and saw this. HEY! That's my BABY up there! Daddy, you better be holding onto her for dear life!! (Todd in navy blue, back of head to camera)

Know WHY back of head was to camera.... he is videotaping Ellie on the entire ride. Check him out. 4th car back.

ANd I gotta say, it is pretty priceless video!

The way her cheeks are flapping, you'd think they were going mach 10! (Is that what astronauts and scientists say? mach? Anyway... really, really super sonic fast!)

Check out her face in above and below. Miss "Let's GO!" ain't so sure bout no roller coasters!!

I'm right there with you, Ellie. But Gabbi Girl is REALLY, really sure about a playground!

She must've slid down this slide 20 times.

And NOW, my big girl finds something that she can dominate.

and she does so in true Ellie Sue style!

With lots of FLAIR!!

Speaking of flair. Has anyone noticed my GG's one ponytail up in a bun and the other down in all its glory?! Oh well. I like to call it "unique".

For the record, NOPE. Mama doesnt' do carousels either! NOPE! No way!

Nor do I ride in the back seat in a car if I can help it. Just another little tidbit I betcha didnt' know about me.

So, Dad and DeeDee had the honors here too!

I was back on camera duty!

There was hardly a line at all here, so they rode it over and over and over.

Fine with me. Just keep my feet on the ground and my head facing forward.

Fun times at Magic Kingdom!

Be back tomorrow with more to share! Mo
Gabbi is one brave little girl. My kids were mostly afraid of costumed characters like that.
Good times...thanks for sharing.
Amazing that Gabbi is so brave with the costumed characters. I am still not so sure of them myself! I'm with you on the motion sickness wagon, avoid anthing that goes round and round or up and down, even rocking chairs mess me up. Thank goodness for good dads who take the pressure off us so our kids can still experience those crazy rides!
Mo, you did an awesome job of capturing some great memories! I can wait to see the scrapbook of DW2011!!! Keep 'em coming! I'm enjoying them!
Love me some Disney! Love that GG has so much affection to the charectars. My boys never wanted to wait in line for any of the charectars.
Loving all the love! Just a tip I learned - I'm a motion sickness girl....one non-drowsy Dramamine a day at Disney for me allowed me to ride at least the calmer rides without feeling icky. That way I wasn't having to sit out on everything too. Loving all the pics and the fun!
Hi Mo ~
I have been so busy with work, that I have not had time to comment!
Oh Mo, these Disney pictures are so darn cute! Gabbi just giving those hugs out left & right – I love it.
She is just so adorable with that rabbit – what a little doll!
And Ellie just running from one ride to the other……typical Ellie, not wanting to miss a trick. I bet they were sound asleep before you pulled out of the parking lot.
You all look like your having the time of your life – good for you!
Have a wonderful Thursday,
Diana from Colorado
just loving looking at all your fun. my liitle guy(23) when he was 3 LOVED all the characters at Disney too. The sheer delight in his animated face was priceless to watch..............and to remember. Thank you for making me remember that thru your pics!
Magic Kingdom is definately the Happiest Place on Earth!!! I love seeing the wonderful memories your family made together! Ellie's face coming off that roller coaster does NOT look happy - funny stuff!!! Can't wait to see more!!
Glad you had fun at Disney. We're going for our annual trip in May; can't wait. I'm right there with you re: riding rides and riding in the back seat. Not me--keeping my feet on the ground too with my head looking straight otherwise let's just say it "ain't' pretty! Loving seeing the pictures of the girls enjoying the "happiest place on earth" - - and it really is!!
Oh Mo--These pics are great! I think Ellie got a little more than she bargained for on that roller coaster-lol. And maybe it's just me, but Gabbi seems to have just gotten so "Grown up" like overnight!! She went from looking like a baby to looking like a little girl--& has so much confidence with EVERYTHING that she does!! It's so sweet that she likes to hug all the characters so much. She looks like she is just smiling all the time. I did learn something new about you---you get motion sickness!! I do too--I can never do anything in the car such as read, or anything else other than look forward. Have you ever been on a cruise, and if so, did it make you sick? I have been on a few, & I actually did better than I had imagined I would. Thanks for sharing--both girls are just cutie patooties!!!!
how fun! i love that floral mickey in one of the first pics is LSU colors, just for yall! also, I'm with you... I cannot ride rides or things that move.
Feet on the ground and head facing forward...sounds like a great plan to me! I DON'T do rides!
I'm glad the girls had such a great time. Love the pics from the last few posts. They have such cute outfits on! Plus, they are little dolls...so pretty!
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