At some point, she will have to stop wearing them when she starts getting blisters on her toes!
Gabbi was in no danger of getting blisters on HER toes!! Her daddy made sure of that!!

This is at the outdoor ampitheater where we watched Beauty and the Beast production which may have been one of my favorite shows of the trip. I recommend it! I especially loved Gustav!! Anyone familiar with the story?

I am sure Ellie is doing nothing more than dreaming of brunette hair!
I finally just let them PLAY in the souvenier shops! The people at Disney are so nice that they will let you try it all on, and still not demand that you buy it! That's what I'm talking about!

Especially when you have a seasoned shopper such as my eldest!
Todd got to escape Disney Playhouse! Just me and the girls in this one. Mischka Muschka Mickeeeey Mouse!! Oh Toooodles!! ANyone? Anyone? ANyone livin' in my world?!
See that boys' head between me and Ellie? He is from WEST MONROE!! His wife used to work for me as a PT! Small world, huh?! He was at Disney, at the same park, at the same show, at the same time, sitting in the same section as me! WEIRD!
Ok, now for the road show that we went to see THREE times! Ellie was sooooo into their costumes!
The cool fingerless gloves, the hat, the purple scarf, oh my!

Ellie would watch these in complete awe!! And she would find a blond and say, "Hey mom, she's like me."
This little pretty would just hug on her "Rella" doll and watch the crowd!
Don't get me wrong. I think she thought it was the Fresh Beat Band. ANyone? Anyone? Guess you know what we watch daily!

And there's that glance... usually followed by a sweet little kiss!
Wonder and awe, I tell you!
Give her a year or two ,and she'll ask them to sign her boots!!
Sorry one more. I can't resist! I was snapping like crazy. I just thought she was precious.
On our way out, we bought this balloon. And can you say, "R-E-G-R-E-T"?
This is the night that the tornado was blowing in! And the wind was picking up and going NUTS!
They tie a couple of weights to the end of the balloons so you can't complain about losing the $10 balloons you bought! Gabbi figured this out, and ...
would toss the ballooons into the air, causing the wind to take it sailing across the parking lot. Dad or I would have to take off chasing this crazy balloon that was scooting across the crowd.
Ok, now for the road show that we went to see THREE times! Ellie was sooooo into their costumes!
And there's that glance... usually followed by a sweet little kiss!
adorable - and glad to see that gg is enjoying herself more and not so clingy. jonathan was painfully shy as a small child and even still at 15 years old, we still have family that has never heard him speak lol!
we have never been to the disney parks, so i am thrilled to live it through your pics! keep em coming...
i love watching the excitement and awe in their precious eyes!
I bet if there were a contest your kids would win "CUTEST KIDS TO EVER GO TO DISNEY WORLD!!!" Cutest expressions, cutest clothes, cutest purple suede boots, cutest everything!!!!
Love Packers post, too!!! :)
Ya'll bring such a smile to my face!
Totally with you on the Fresh Beat Band comment. Johnathan loves that show. Loving all these great Disney post. Can't wait for the boys to get a little older to take them. While they probably won't be into the whole Princess thing there is plenty of entertainment for everyone.
I know all about the small world concept of Disney. One year my family was on vacation there. As we were walking I look over and there is my cousin Brad standing there. They just happened to be there with two of my other cousins. The funniest thing is Brad and I lived across a cornfield from each other and spent much of our days together. Then here we were 6 states away and we just happen to run into each other. Needless to say my parents had to let us spend sometime together before leaving the park. Loving Ellie's 'cheese' face even if it's really fake and can't believe how much Gabbi has progressed out of her shell.
Seeing all your Disney posts are getting me so excited for our trip next month! I started a list of "must do" "must see" from your posts! Thanks so much and as always your girls are just precious!
Sorry only boys in my house so I can't say where to find purple boots but they are tooooo stinkin cute on her that's fa sho!
That look of love Gabbi is giving her doll is just pure precious! She's so loving, isn't she? It's so funny, seeing some of the looks on Ellie's face---you can just see the wheels turning!! There's no telling what she's cooking up :) Both of them are just darling, that's for sure!!!
I will keep an eye out for those purple boots while I am doing my own search for a pair of vinyl/plastic pink flowered rain boots!
And, the mystery tool of the day today was? I missed it this morning while I was busy getting "mo cheese, pease" for breakast!
Too cute!!! Bree is into the dance group...however, if Beyonce face doesn't grace the stage...she loses interest fast! *yeah...she has a college age sister* SIGH!!!!
Gabbi is just mesmerized!! I'm so loving these post!!
Ck your email...I may have a solution to the PURPLE BOOT/PURPLE colored sore toe problem! :D
Hey Melanie, we are going to Disney the first week of March. Was Epcot much fun for the girls? We are trying to decide between going to Epcot or going off Disney and doing Universal Studios.
Loving the disney posts. Looks like so much fun. Your girls are just too cute. And I totally get you on all the kid shows. I cant seem to remember the last time I watched an adult show. Ha Ha!!
Go to Universal with the kids. HOwever, Epcot has margaritas. Just sayin'! Mo
Gabbi looks absolutely giddy in that 1st photo.
How much fun they must've had.
LOL Thanks!!! My kiddos are spread way out so they are 14 and 6. I think Universal will be great.
I was pretty surpised to see Gabbi in the very first picture like she was posing and she had that little heel up ~ wonder if she is now planning for that to be part of her pose like Ellie's stance or just accident
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