Talk about lucking out! First, Todd is striving to be healthy this year.

Second: He cooks!

Oh, and a further bonus... my girls like it too! (Even if I have a bit of an obsession with SONIC Diet Cokes!)

I am being serious when I say my girls will eat just about anything put in front of them!

Our daddy can sho nuff cook too! String beans, Zucchini, carrots, salmon... all grilled!

Smartest thing I ever did was agree to an indoor grill that was quite a bit more expensive than the normal stoves. But hey... it's an investment in my health, right?!

And in my kids' health! ANd in Earl's health!

Ummmm ummmm. Thanks, Dad!

We love you dad. Hope your HEALTHY word suits you well in 2010!

I'm going to RELISH this good food for sho!
That looks yummy - do you deliver?!
SueEllen in Mesquite
Lucky girls - wish my hubby cooked! :)
a hubby that cooks! Grilling is the best cooking ever! That's awesome! And kids that eat the healthy food! Amazing! And no dishes too! Haha...just noticed you were eating on paper plates!
Hugs from Missouri,
I heard about this woman that gave birth yesterday to a little boy. He was born on 1-11-11 @ 11:11pm in room 11!!
I have a plate to go please!!! Move over Paula Dean, looks like we have another Southern cook that might "ruffle your tail feathers"!!
Yummy! My son is the griller in my family. My hubby wants to FRY everything.
Girlfriend, you drink carbonated drinks with a lap band?? :o)
That looks delicious - you lucky dawg! If you do deliver I want on the list!
Yummo!!!! That looks delish!!! I'd want to eat vegetables every night if they looked like that & I didn't have to cook them!!!!!
Looks great - and kids that willingly eat their veggies? Amazing!
Maybe Todd needs to start a blog for his grilling tips and recipes.
food looks delicious. i hope the healthy cooking lasts.....it's so easy to fall back into lazy ways. good luck
That sure does look good..he can fix the same meal when y'all come visit us. Sure hope the weather gets warmer..had to run the pool pump last night to keep the pipes from freezing. Looking forward to your visit.
Awesome on the healthy eating!! Great for all of us:)
Looks yummy!!!!!
You are very blessed with kids that will eat anything put in front of them...and healthy too!! My son is VERY PICKY! Looks YUMMY! You Go TODD!!
Wow looks great!! It's wonderful too that your girls will eat well :)
that looks so good im sure your hubby is a great cook. i wish we had a indoor grill in our house i dont like salmon but i can eat steak cooked on the grill.i love mine well done too im glad your girls will eat anything you put on their plate thats great way to eat and i hope they stay that way and dont get picky eatters. i cant wait to see what else your hubby comes up with to eat for you all. i sure it will be very good.. you got yourself a great cook thats for sure and he cleans up after himself too i wish my dad would.. hes a good cook but he sure can make a mess and dont clean it up ughh oh well i cant wait to see what he comes up with for supper tomorrow night well it s late and im heading to bed good night sweet dreams
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