Friday, January 7, 2011

Sweet times with girls x 3!

Can I just say thank you!? Thank you for all the encouragement! I didn't mean for my post to be a sob story or a pitiful me kind of thing! That just ain't my style! But, so many of you really sensed my heavy heart, and your words were rockin! Of course, I will continue to blog and I am touched by how many of you are reading it daily and chose to comment. Now, keep it up! At least every once in a while!

On that note... really HAPPY pictures! This past weekend I asked two friends to please, please, please come help me get my life organized.
I grossly underestimated what we would be able to get done. We only tackled the new Christmas stuff in Ellie and Gabbi's rooms, and that was a nightmare in itself!
The dress up clothes, new hair accessories, baby dolls and accessories, Barbies, DVD's, new game systems and all that goes with that.... and on and on and on!
This is Katherine. She works at MMPT and I knew that her gift is organization so I didn't shy from begging her to help me!
And you all know Veronicia! She, too, has that gift, lucky for Staci and me!
These three were oblivious! They took out as quickly as we could put up!
Yep. Mine were tormenting our clean up efforts, so what did I do?
I walked next door and brought over a third! Oh well, the more the merrier, right?!
Gabbi's room, in all it's disarray, really makes me happY!
I LOVE the color! I think it is serene and sweet and happy. It may just be my favorite room in this house!
And strangely, it is not very utilized. The kids play in there, and I guess that is a pretty important use of time at this age, but no one actually sleeps or changes in there!
A rare moment... Ellie sitting! And playing baby dolls at that! WHo is this kid? What did they do with mine?!
Awww... spread that snot all over your baby, ELlie!
That's right, make her crusty, baby!
ANd what can I even say about this living doll!?
She is absolutely sunshine! (mouthful of chocolate and everything!)
And, Madi, well. She is just our third child! I can only imagine the fun these three will have as they are growing up together.
This is one of those rare sweet moments that I just had to capture. I think I am going to use one of these as my new Facebook profile picture... be looking for it!
I mean, really. Can it get any cuter?!
Actually, yes, if I'd stopped to wipe any of their noses!

Gabbi is just pleased as punch to be playing with the big girls. They usually kind of leave her out. They are much "faster" than she!

And when they do include her, it is as their stunt dummy!
Oh yeah, mama. This is AWESOME!!
ELLIE!! STOP!! She LOVED the ride, just not the dump!
You put her right back in that wagon, Ellie! Right now. I mean it!
ANd finally, I give you this...
In an effort to further preoccupy the big girls, I let them decorate crowns.
ANd as I am sure you could guesss, they had to MODEL them for me!
Complete with POSES!
They really are pretty cute little girls! Just sayin'!
SO hope this post is happier than my last! We are on the road to Dallas to watch the Tigers play! Be watchin for the Groves, Raborns, and Hines families in the stands!!


Jackietex said...

Melanie, I follow dozens of blogs, but yours is the only one I make sure I read every single day. I love seeing your family (and your house)!

Amy K said...

Those girls never cease to crack me up!
Between the stroller pics and the standing in the window pics...too cute.
Have fun at the game!


P.S. I sent you an email about a possible canvas order.

Sandy said...

Have fun on your lil gettaway!! will be watching to see if I can see the "Famous" Mel!!

Amy said...

I just love seeing those three girls playing and having a blast!! To say they are cute is an understatement! When I was growing up I had a cousin that was 5 months younger than me, we are BFF's to this day. So thanks for taking me back to the good old days.
Have fun at the game and go Tigers!!

Vicki said...

So cute! Bring back memories of when I was younger and was always hanging out with my two cousins - we were all about the same age.

Have a great time at the Cotton Bowl!

Emily said...

Sorry I don't comment enough....but I read MoJoy EVERY day.....every morning when I get to the office in fact! We go back to SJ on Valentine's Day(14&15) for our next MRI and checkups. Her thinking is clearer than ever right now so I am expecting HUGE results!!!

Unknown said...

Those three girls are just too cute! I am loving Gabbi with those pig tails! And I LOVE the color of Gabbi's room. Your house is amazing! Wish I could come tour it in person. :)

Diana said...

Hi Mo ~ Well, you KNOW I LOVE your blog & the girls!
The picture of your two & Maddie around that little table playing dolls is beyond precious! Just beautiful, giving them all those kisses & love! They do what they are taught, and you & Todd taught them well. They imitate you & Todd loving them - wonderful!
I'm glad you have buddies that help you organize - it fells so much better after everything is in it's place.
I have a friend that I met when my girls were babies & she told me that any cleaning or organizing that you do from the moment they are born until they leave to get married is a waste of time - I thought "how true" but it does make me feel better when my house is in order. Good luck with that!
Have a wonderful weekend, and are there any plans to come to Colorado this winter?
I just can't wait to meet all of you live!!!!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Diana from Colorado

snekcip said...

Well darnit girl! The one day I did not read, I see I made the blog!! I've been away from the computer with a sick baby! Dreaded "strep throat" again! I just hate when she is sick! We are on the road to recovery however! It's back to the Dr today for a recheck! Just wanted to let you know how much I ADORE YOUR BLOG and you now I'm always here! I love the fact that our girls are all the same age and I do hope to have them meet each other one day!

I'm loving the picture of the girls and their dolls! There is nothing sweeter than watching little girls "play house"!

Hey do me a favor, can you send me a msg on fb and let me know where you found Ellie's boots! I got to have em!!

Pepper said...

Mo, I love your blog. I am not very good about commenting but I will do better. I enjoy it each morning and would hate to think of my day without you.

tricia said...

you are so lucky to have such good friends who help with cleaning up your house.

i love to see little girls playing with baby dolls.

gabbi's room is so delicate;i love it!

Anonymous said...

I would have loved to sit with those girls and play with those dolls - neither of my girls were "baby doll" girls - Barbies, yes, Barbies on horses, yes - but now baby dolls - I missed that - have fun on your trip. I also think Gabbi's room is so warm and relaxing and girlie. Her bed looks scrumptious.

Donna said...

I have commented only one time when I had a panic attack that you were not ever going to blog again. I have followed your family since the St. Jude days and came to your site through Emma Grace. I have known "Trish the Dish" as we have called her here in the big town of Prairie Grove, AR, for many years. I even dreamed one time that my daughter and I just showed up at your house one day and while you were friendly I thought you were a bit more reserved than I expected. Then it hit me, that while I "KNEW" you, both from the blog and because I KNOW Trish, who KNOWS you /ha, you had no earthly idea who we were!! I follow your blog every day and even though I am so bad and never comment, I would feel as if I lost a friend if you stopped blogging. I truly enjoy reading about you and your family.

Susan P said...

Oh goodness, going to the game tonight too but I have to say I am on a tiger hunt. BTHO LSU. Gig Em'!!!
:) Love your blog!!

Emery Wilkerson said...

Sorry I do not usually comment, but I do LOVE your blog & getting a peek into ya'lls fun world full of little girls!!
I have to say that I LOVE LOVE Gabbi's room color as well. It catches my eye everytime you post a picture from in there & just makes me happy looking at it! So peaceful!
Have a good weekend!! And GEAUX TIGERS!!!! Woohoo! Will be cheering them on from my living room with a big bowl of chili! :-)

simplykristi said...

Great photos! :) I am an everyday reader. I so enjoy reading your blog entries and seeing the photos. Keep the entries and photos coming!

Kristi near KCMO

Bj said...

Too cute...those girlies are gonna be close FOREVER!!!

Renee said...

Those girls are precious but man they wear me out just reading! GEAUX TIGERS!!!!! LSU LSU LSU!!!

Dawn said...

The first close up of Maddie almost took my breath away. She looks so much like Jake in that picture. I don't always comment, but you know I always read. A lot of times I share with my Todd what y'all are up to. Have fun in Texas. Geaux Tigers!

Mbeaty19 said...

Flipping through the channels last night and found the LSU game. Have to admit I ended up watching it. Wow what a game. This was my first LSU game I've seen and probably one of the first college games I've watched. Really enjoyed watching them play and was scanning the crowd looking for all of you. Hope you all had a great time.
Love your blog to. I've tried that organizing with all the boys stuff and have that same it's out faster than I can put it away. Sad thing is I only have one taking it all out. Love the pictures of the girls playing. The color in Gabbi's room is so peaceful and it seems like it may even have a bit of a calming effect on the girls. Glad Maddi & Ellie include Gabbi in their play (even if it's as another baby doll) Love the posing girls also. Ellie's outfit is so fitting of her.
Keep all the blogging coming. Love reading about all the Groves (and Raborn) family adventures.

Theresa Shirley said...

I loovee Gabbi's pigtails!! You can just see the happiness beaming off each of those little girls--so sweet! It's so precious that you're capturing all these important moments to look back on....if you're like me, you can't remember without looking at pictures. Hope ya'll had a great time at the game. Ps...I know I've said this many times, but...I LOVE your BAH!!!

Beverly said...

Loved every picture! I'm smiling big time!