Sunday, January 2, 2011

Ok, so this is going to be a fuhuuunnny post. Know why? There's not one single picture of one of the people represented here which is actually good. NO. I mean, really really not good! With that said, don't you worry, friends! I have included a similarly horrid photo or two of myself just for good measure and so you don'tt hink I am being partial in some way.

The purpose of this post is to show the "talismans" I made for me and my friends to wear to help us remember our words! We all gathered at Staci's on the first, as Todd the Bod had made a bean soup, (to die for!), which included all of the basics for the first, including beans, cabbage, etc. Veronicia had been at my house helping me organize the girls' closets to squeeze in all the new stuff. Then, she and I went to Staci's, where we found her orgainizing her closet, and Staci and I were actually still in pajamas!

We seriously did NOT know that Don had texted several of our friends to come over to have dinner with us for the first! Anywhoooo...

as we sat there, totally humiliated as couple after couple showed up, I decided we needed to discuss our "words of the year" and share with each other WHY that would be our words.

First up... Veronicia. She chose Still. Or Steal. Or Steel. She felt they all pertained. She wanted to "still" believe (lots of fertility failures this year) in the possibilities. She wanted to be stand firm as steel and wanted to remember to not let any circumstance "steal" her joy. She will be steadfast and hopeful in this coming year. Sooo.... I made her this. It has that nut that represents her "steel". It has two dangles which, to me, represents she and her baby, which I am sure is to come, and the little white pearl is the egg/ ovum/ baby which she is believing in "still".
Example number one of very hideous photo of Mel, NOT realizing ANYONE was coming over!!
Ok, next up. Staci! She chose "Order"! She had been organizing all day, but also wants to see order in her schedule, order in how she raises her kids, order in her home, etc. So....
I made her a talisman which had a big golden "O" for order. I made the rest of the talisman, "happy" because I know Staci will NEED this upbeat part of her necklace to bring her back to her happy place when her attempt at "order" is about to consume her.
Above photo... my nails are EQUALLY hideous!!
Next up... Tashia. She is choosing to "simplify" in 2011! Therefore, we KNOW she needed a necklace which was "simple"!
I told her I see her as having two main areas which need her focus this year... her work and her family. They are represented as the two ends of the bar in the center. The pearl represents Tashia, swinging in the balance.
And ta-da...this would be Tashia's equally attractive photo. You are welcome, Tashia!
Tashia's daughter was only there momentarily, but she chose "cherish". This is her necklace. She left early. Taylor would NOT have been there hanging out with us had she not been grounded! Just sayin'! It was fun having you there for about the first 30 minutes though, Taylor! CHERISH your senior year, my dear!
Ok, next up, Ana. Ana says her word this year will be "trust". Trust in herself, her friends, and in God's perfect timing!
With that, we have the gear at the bottom which represents God's timing, the feather, which, to me, demonstrates a friend's soft support, and the ball which is Ana, standing alone, strong and independent.
Naturally, Ana didn't take a bad picture. Turd!
We're just waiting on her to age like the rest of us!
Ok, now onto Penny. Penny chose "Joy" as her word. I LOVE that word. Just sayin'!
So, as I am looking through my goodies to choose what I want to use to help her express her word and wear it all year long, I know it has to be "upbeat" and happy!
I said, "Of course, we need swirls!".
Johnnye walked through the room, and being the feminine male of the bunch, he decided he needed a word too! NOt only that. He needed a talisman necklace, he felt, too! Soooo....
here you have, "more". He chose "more". He explained all the "more" he needs in his life right now... some of them a little too vulgar to mention here, butttttt, he also had some fairly noble "more's". One of them being more accounts at his insurance agency, so I made his a gold circle symbolizing prosperity and circled with gold wire.
and then came Paula... she said her word this year is "Embrace". She has really been struggling with the idea that her firstborn will be going to college in the fall! I mean, cries at pep rallies, sobs at the last football game, etc! Sooo....
I loved this red coral which, to me, showed one trunk with two divergent roots, which come back together at the bottom. I told her it was just time for them to split a little, but they will always be bound together. The nuts above represent, John and 5 of his best friends, who are practically Paula's foster kids. I mean, over at her house DAILY!! The ball on the top, opposite side of the pendant, is Paula. The wing is obvious, as he is leaving the nest this year.

Again. Nice picture!
Oh my ! Pretty!!
Which brings us to my word for 2011! RELISH!
I want to relish the time I have with my girls, as I already have forgotten so much about Ellie at Gabbi's age. It pains me that I can't remember some of those special little moments. I am going to CONCENTRATE on them as they are happening. Similar to you, blessedmomof3! In fact, relish is a synonym of "savor" and I almost chose that word too! However, I liked relish because...
I also think of Relish as a topping, something that makes food a little more appetizing or exciting! I want to make sure our family life has the RELISH on it that makes it special!
My talisman is busy! It is full of relish! It has two wings to remind me that life is not guaranteed! We never know God's plan for our lifespans. It specifically reminds me of Jake's short life and how I need to RELISH my time with my girls, because neither me nor they are guaranteed a tomorrow! Also, I have coins (10 and 1) which Staci gave me for Christmas, which represent my favorite number (11!!) and the upcoming year, 2011! The bright gold rings mean "special", "shiny", extra glitzy, the "relish" I am hoping for in our lives! When it comes to that definition of "relish", I actually envision more "sprinkles" than I do that green relish on hotdogs! Remember those Santa Claus cookies? That's how I want our lives. That's how I want them to remember their childhood. Just a whole lot of "extra" special!
So there it is. Thanks to those of y0u who shared yours! I bought a lot more supplies today for anyone who might like their own talisman or charm to wear to signify their word in the coming year. Let me know your word, WHY you chose it, and I will try to design something special for you. The cost will depend on the components used! All the pieces are pretty unique, as hopefully, you saw in the above pics.
So SURELY there are more than 5 of you who have a word! Let me hear them. And tell me why! I am still beating myself up for last year's word of the year debacle (spelling?!). I am so sorry to those of you who wanted to do the 52 week deal, who I messed up. The whole "move" threw me WAY off course, where I lost boxes , supplies, my cues of questions I had prepared for the ENTIRE year! I was NOT in a good place to take on such an endeavor! Again, I apologize!
Ok, let me hear from you. I am ready for a great year!!


Mbeaty19 said...

My word this year is 'CHANGE' I need to make so many changes in my life this year. Change the amount of time I set aside for my boys (more is better). Change how I see myself (know how I look on the outside doesn't influence how I am on the inside). Change how I take care of myself (Make healthier choices to improve the image I have of myself). Change my point of view on life as it is (Be happy with what is right in my life to block out the negative). Change for the better (Find joy in my life and hold onto it) Be the change I want to see in the world (I can't control what others do but can make the changes in my life that make influence others) ~And the list goes on and on!!!!~

Sarah said...

My word this year is BELIEVE. I need to work hard to continue to BELIEVE there is a miracle waiting for my sweet Cooper. I need to keep believing that God has a purpose in all of this, though we may not know it yet. I need to believe that my other 3 kids will be okay, no matter what lies ahead for their baby brother. And I need to try harder to believe in myself. I doubt myself too much with everything I do and I can't be the best mom, wife, friend, and caretaker for Cooper if I do that. So BELIEVE it is.


Auntie Mip said...

Hi Mo and Happy New Year.

I am a long time reader and sometime commenter. I followed Jake from diagnosis to his flight home. I am also a pediatric oncology nurse. I am really trying to take a new approach in 2011. I had my heart broken into a thousand tiny pieces in 2005. I am finally recovered and feel like this is the year to try something new. So I have chosen a word and if you would consider a talisman I would love to hear your thoughts. My word is "embrace". I want to embrace this new year. I want to embrace challenges with optimism and hope. I want to embrace the possibility that perhaps there could be love again in my future and I want to embrace the life I have as it is now or with any change that might come my way. In 2011 I choose to embrace happy.

Let me know what your thoughts are. i assume you can see my email...let me know via your blog if you need it.

God bless your beautiful family...may you relish each and every moment 2011 has to offer.

Jackietex said...

My word is energy. I have been lacking energy for the last two years and I spend a lot of time sleeping, rather than enjoying, embracing, and especially living. Hopefully that will be the biggest gift of 2011.

Amy K said...

My word this year is RESTORE. There are several aspects of my life that are important for me to restore, after a very difficult 2010.
A few things I want to restore are: health/life, happiness, relationships, my focus, my perspective, and a few more personal things.
I am taking Ali Edwards One Little Word class this year to keep my word visible in my everyday life, and have begun the first project, and am really looking forward to it.

No need to apologize for the 52Q from last year. We all know how extremely busy you were, but as your blog tells the story, you did live out your NESTing.

Many blessings to you all in 2011.

Jamette said...

My word is Bloom-2 a: a state or time of beauty, freshness, and vigor b: a state or time of high development or achievement. This will be my word for the year. The definition states it all!

Unknown said...

TIME is my word. As I get older, time is on my mind a lot. I need to take the time to smell the roses, time to enjoy a good book, time to daydream, time to give a kiss or hug, time to give someone a kind word, time to work, time to play, time to spend with others. I would like to order a talisman to remind me to take TIME for myself. We all are so busy in our daily lives, that often that time gets put aside. Let me know what you have in mind.

Hallie said...

My word for this year is HEALTHY. I want to do things that are HEALTHY for my mind, HEALTHY for my body and HEALTHY for my heart (as in my spiritual heart). I would love to have a talisman created by Mel to remind me everyday.

nineisenuff said...

It took me a lot of time to find my word. I don't want it to be too passive, but I don't want it to feel harsh, either. I need to be able to apply it to all areas of my life: My faith, my family, my work, my finances, my home, my hobbies. After a lot of deliberation, including studying Ali Edwards' list of 2010 words (there were 600 of them left by commenters on her site), my word is GROW. I want every part of my life to grow in 2011. I would love to have you make me a talisman! I will send an email.

Yvonne said...

My word this year is savor. I need to savor what is happening in my life. My boys are growing up quickly. My oldest son has his first girlfriend which has us sharing our time with him. My middle son just turned 13 so all those teenage moments are heading our way and my youngest son is still happy and always willing to be with us. I need to take each moment that each of them offer and savor it, because it will never be the same moment again. Times seems to go faster the older I get and they older my boys yet.

connie said...

my word is relish going to relish the time i have with my family doing things i love to do with them and do my beading and crafting and just enjoying life to the fulliest this year. i want you to make me a necklace please tell me how much it will cost i will pay you as soon as you tell me the cost thanks alot love ya P.s i hope you dont mind me using your word i just loved that word and it fits what iam going to be doing this year

kleens said...

My word is FAITH. I need to have more faith in myself, GOD and my family.

Zhohn said...

LOVE this entry! You are amazing, Mo. Your girls are so very thankful to have a family like yours!
I've had a hard time choosing a word, immediately I came up with "change" then quickly went to "acceptance". I've decided on GROW. I want and need to grow in so many ways. Grow closer to God, closer to friends and family and stop shutting people out. Grow at work...and the list goes on. I BELIEVE my life will GROW this year!

Mindy said...

I'm still contemplating my word! Your necklaces turned out fabulous.........let me think the rest of the day. I'll get back at you!

Kathryn said...

My word this year is REMAIN. I was very ill in September, very ill. To top it off, had a whopping reaction to one of the meds keeping me alive, and that reaction pretty much wiped out a lot of my short term memory. It may or may not come back. However, I need to stop fussing about that. I need to concentrate and embrace what REMAINs. I need to be happy with what I have! I am happy that my family is helping me and loving me. I still can't yet sew, or scrapbook. My hands are too shaky, but that also is getting better. REMAIN. I can still read, and type.

Colorado Marj said...

My word for the year is "PRESENT". I have spent the last couple of years living in a rush and I want to be PRESENT for my husband, my children and my friends and family. I want to feel the wonder of my teenager's life and smile, the thrill of my husband's touch, and the emotionally-loaded sigh of a friend. I need to be PRESENT to feel all of that ... and so, for me, I choose to be PRESENT as much as possible in whatever situation I find myself. Nursing school, home, church, basketball games, parties, etc.

a_manda said...

"Better" is my word---better mother, better organizer, better cook, better blogger, better crafter, better friend, better patient, better pet owner, better exerciser, better church go-er, etc. All things better to start a better life for myself!

Alisha Bolyer said...

Hey Melanie,

I am trying to decide on my word! I am stuck between humble and content. I guess maybe they kind of go together. I want to be content in the things I have and the blessings that God has given me. I want to be content, but not complacent. Does that makes sense? I don’t want to be so content that I don’t want to better myself (spiritually) but I want to be content. I also want to be humble in God’s presence. I want to really know who he is and give him total control of my life. Boy is that hard to do! Thanks for making me think about my word again this year! I would love to see what kind of necklace you could come up with. Can you give me a ballpark figure on a price?

Blessings to you,
Alisha Bolyer
Minden, LA

Anonymous said...

"SETTLE" - there are some major issues with my girls that will need to be "settled" in the 2011 - mainly because they "settled" for situations or choices and now the price is being paid and changes need to come and I need to "settle" them in their new places, lives and situations. I will need some prayers this year - this will be tough.

The Shoemake Family said...

My word is Joy... My mother named Joy died on Dec 23 and it has been horrible. Life is short and I want to make sure to have JOY this year. It has been very hard so far but my boys remind me daily to have joy.

Lisa said...

Hey Aunt Mo!! I picked my word about a week ago. I was thinking about what I wanted to focus on with my word and decided that FOCUS was the word for me. There's so much I need to focus on in a better way. I can't wait to see how FOCUS plays out in my year!!

charlotta said...

I've thought about this for a couple weeks and I decided that my word for this year is ENJOY. I get so wrapped up in work, Scouts for my Son, Dancing with my Daughter, Housework, Bills, Husband, that I really don't take time to ENJOY any of it. My babies are 9 and almost 7 and I really want to have fun with them while i'm still cool in their eyes. I am going to take more walks, Read more books, play more games, swing high on the swing, and actually ENJOY my life amd the blessings that are in front of me.

charlotta said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
sococo said...

Totally feel Paula's pain! It was just as emotional for me and both of my "babies" graduated. I have survived, with one here, and one in Lafayette, but I assure Paula it is another step on the path of our journey. A hard path, to let them go, plus they think they are FULL grown~lol! It is bittersweet!

Sarah B said...

My word for this year is 'FOCUS'. I want to focus on my family - on being a better wife, a better mother and a better daughter.
I want to focus on my relationship with God.
I want to make sure I focus on the important things and not all the little things that always seem to require our attention.

I want to enjoy this year and take time to enjoy every moment. Life really does go by too fast and I don't want to miss anything!

Krista said...

My word for 2011 is REALITY. I will turn 40 this year and need to face the fact that I am aging...and with aging, I need to take better care of myself, exercise more, eat healthier, and enjoy the little things. My New Year's gift to myself is a great, whimsical plaque that says just that..."Enjoy the Little Things"! I would LOVE for you to make me a talisman! Let me know if you can squeeze one more in!

Steph said...

My word for this year is "BALANCE". I have school, family, work and church and everything else, and I need to keep it all in balance to keep myself healthy.


Robin said...

I know that I was all gung ho last year with this at the beginning... and then i never followed through with making the book... but I STILL felt my word through out my whole year... and often would find myself getting back to that word... HAPPY. I AM happy... you told me me HAPPY is a choice. I made that choice.

This year I thought... I choose EQUITY. as in... my actions... my relationships I want to have EQUITY. I want to build EQUITY in how I live and my examples I set before my children. I want to be a person of EQUITY. I want to continue to build a marriage and store EQUITY in it this year. Make Memories. I want to be an employee that grows and has EQUITY in how I serve my company. Building EQUITY and making it all worth something. To build VALUE.

Anonymous said...

hi mo-i love your idea of having a talisman for our special words. i have chosen 'declutter' as my word this year. i need to declutter my mind-get rid of all the thoughts and worries about things i can't change anyway. i seem to spend so much time thinking about things that might happen that i don't fully experience my life. once i clear out a little space in my mind, i need to declutter my classroom-i've taught elementary school for 30+ years-i have a lot of stuff! i also want to declutter my house-i like my 'stuff' even though i know that my possessions ultimately won't bring me joy. hopefully with my mind and surroundings decluttered, i will be able to hear the voice of God more clearly! maybe 'listen' will be next year's word. i would love for you to make me a talisman-just let me know how much i owe you. thanks!

jneman said...

2010 was a a rough year for me health wise. I had a heart attack at the age of 43. I chose the word FOCUS this year. 2011 is a year for me to FOCUS on me and my health. FOCUS on my family and friends. FOCUS on my faith. FOCUS on hobbies and talents (something I have put behind my work) Focus on learning - this may be the year I go back to school.
Would love to have a talisman - let me know your thoughts/cost.

TravisTrio said...

My word this year is PERSEVERE. My husband is being deployed in March for a year. With three little girls, I know we just need to get out of bed everyday, take the time to miss him, and keep going with our daily lives. We have been through Katrina, so we know hard times... but Katrina took our possessions, this is taking our husband/daddy for a year. For us, a day or week is too long away from him, so a year....

We just need to PERSEVERE.

Unknown said...

This post really got me thinking ... not just about me, but about my family. I can't say much, but we've been through so much the past 5 years and we will *hopefully* be getting closure on this in February. I'm so excited and even slightly overwhelmed at the possibilities.
So my word is RENAISSANCE. 2011 will be a new beginning or rebirth for me and my family.
I am interested in getting a talisman for my mother to help remind her of this new beginning and remain strong in February. How would I go about doing that?

Tracy said...

I faded out a bit on this last year, but my word for this year is going to be CHANGE. I have already put a few things in place at the end of last year and plan on continuing them this year. I want to change my: attitude, weight, finances this year! I will be 40 in December and dont want to go into another decade feeling the way I have for the last decade.

Jen Ehlers said...

I've been following your writing since Jake's CaringBridge days. There were many times I sat in my office and either laughed or cried at the posts.

I've enjoyed your MoJoy blog since you started it! Too bad I didn't open a gmail account until last week so I could post!

Anyways... after much deliberation, I have decided that my word this year will be EMBRACE. I need to embrace change, embrace myself, embrace my family, and embrace my friends.

This year I really need to make some changes to help me feel better emotionally (work situation) and physically (more exercise and better eating). I like structure in my life and struggle with change--and this past year presented quite a bit of it! I am working to EMBRACE change and the feelings that go with it, rather than fightening it.

I might be interested in a talisman! What woudl you propose?

SamC said...

I am choosing "change" also. I saw this quote about a month ago and it really has stuck in my mind: "Be the change you want to see in the world." Mahatma Gandhi

I am six months out from my lap band surgery so I am for sure "changing" inside and out. I feel like a butterfly that is coming out of my cocoon!

Vicki said...

My word this year is "ENJOY". My boys are getting older - the oldest is a Junior in High school and my youngest is in his last year of middle school. They are both growing up so fast and I want to enjoy the time I have with them. My husband will be retiring from the Air Force in June after 30 years so we will have more time together to enjoy each other and our family. I want to have fun making memories that will last for a life time.

Jen said...

My word for this year is "thankful." After years of waiting and hoping, and one long year of doctors and medications, I am now 21 weeks along with our miracle. I want to spend the next year being thankful for the gift we have been given, and thankful for all of our friends and relatives who have been supportive and strong, helping us through our journey.

Sharidrew said...

I have been trying to come up with my word for this year. It's been tough. I still need to remember my word (Patience) from last year as I don't know that I put it to good practice! However, this year I think I will go with JOY. I need more of that in my life. Trying not to sweat the small stuff. Give it to God! And try my best to see the Joy that is around me. (and if it isn't around me, then I need to change that!) Thank you for sharing your life with us Mel. You bring out the best in people!

Hugs from Missouri,

randybethmo said...

Well, I haven't been online lately. Been under the weather. Totally liked this idea last year, so this year my word is going to be CHOICE. Every day there are choices to be made in all facets of the day, life everything.... Thanks for providing this again...!! I just LOVE your site!

Legally Challenged said...

My word for the year is "timing." I need to start getting things in order, managing my schedule, and waiting for the right time to do things instead of jumping the gun. Patience is a virtue that I do not possess.