They say opposites attract! And well, let's just put that old cliche to the test!
Our bathroom (Nope, we still don't have bathroom mirrors! Don't go judging. Just haven't taken the time!)...
His vanity.

All clean and clear of clutter.

My side. FULL of clutter. Drawings of me and a sack of diamonds (I have NO IDEA how she came up with that one!) by Ellie, a Valentine frame sans photo, my make up bag, Gabbi's bow, a frame with me and Gabbi Girl in it, a scalp massager, and a styrofoam cup (most likely full of Diet Coke).

Then, my side of the bed.

HIs side of the bed.

Mine has my Bible, my beloved Afrin nosespray, Ellie's shoes, a drawing pad for Ellie/ Gabbi nighttime drawing, a turquoise bracelet, and an alarm clock not even plugged up!

Oh, and then it kind of extends on down to the floor beside me! Multiple game players on the side of the bed for the girls and my "game player" plugged up there too!

His side, a tidy little charger for his phone, a nice coaster should he bring a drink to bed, and well, that's it!

I guess it's true. Opposites attract!!
New talisman information to be posted at 3:00pm today. Check it out.
This could be a post about me & my hubby!!! Although the pictures of your side aren't near as cluttered as my stuff! lol!
Your space seems to accomodate necessities for you AND two little girlies. That entails a certain amount of stuff! My space would be neat and tidy if I could move my kids' stuff over to my husband's side. By the way, is Todd's word..."Simplify" this year? He's doing GREAT!
your side looks ok its just you have your girls stuff there and his dont they must like your side better which is ok right? oh where is the new talimans post at its 10 20pm est time and i still dont see it? maybe your busy wiht elli and gabbi i understand that. just cant wait to see if mine is in the new ones cant wait to get mine.. i love your new stuff that you are coming up with you are so good at it i wish i was as good as you are... i love the pics of what you was talking about his side and his side.. keep on bloging for us i love reading them and seeing the pics of your precious girls and all well im going to go i will check back before i go to bed hugs to you and your girls
oh how I wish my side looked as half good as yours! I have a clock that is plugged but can't for the life of me get it set! So I just use it for listening to my morning program and rely on the alarm on my phone!
Love this post. Can understand what you are talking about. My husband and my bathroom and nightstands are the same way. Just mine is A LOT more cluttered than yours. His contains three clocks (two alram clocks set for different times and a clock radio) a lamp, a coaster, a box of tissues, small charging stand, and a coin bowl. In the drawer he keeps his cell phone, keys, wallet, some papers, flashlight, and some childhood memories. Mine contains books, pictures, clothes, pens, paper, crayon container, camera, lamp, and two phones, and Caller ID. Alongside the table I also have more books, photo boxes, heating pad, and a couple of notebooks. Even worse is since we rearranged our bedroom I had to get a smaller stand so the top of my dresser contains a lot of my stuff also. Can you tell which one of us needs to declutter?
Love your furniture and those bathroom cabs are fab!
Just went upstairs to make sure I was correct.
His side:
Weather radio
Current book
My side:
Two bottles of water
Six books
Giant box of kleenex
Empty bottle of water (did bring that down with me to recycle)
A button from God only knows what
Two pens
My husband and I are alike....neat like Todd. I hate clutter;stresses me out.
I was trying to "like" Tricia's comment...heehee...I dislike clutter too. However, I'm the only one in my house who seems bothered by it. I'm a little OCD...but not terrible! Sometimes things just get moved from one pile to another pile somewhere else! Sometimes, I wish I had a maid....but then I would probably just clean before she came over! Love your house Melanie!!
Hugs from Missouri,
Sorry I do not write comments often, but I wanted to let you know everytime I sit down at the computer I long onto your blog. I enjoy it tremendously. It has been a such a help lately since my 4 year old grandson had heart surgery, and some Mo'Joy was certainly needed. (the surgery being the reason I am late on responding to your previous blogs). Please keep blogging if you can fit it into your schedule.....Lots of love being sent your way from Michigan (where it is very cold today).
I don't think your side looks bad at all! You're sharing with two little cuties, so I think it looks perfectly normal!
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