Monday, January 3, 2011

My fruity kid!

I seriously have NO IDEA where she found these teeth... OR... who showed her how to don them!

I only know that she came right in to the adult area at Staci's the other night and announced, "Mom,look at my teeth!". That kid ain't right!

Thanks to all of you who shared your word of the year. If you didn't, please read the post from yesterday and add yours! I like "knowing" my blog buddies! AND, I have a few requests for talismans, and I cannot wait to work on your goodies! I wore mine to work today and, I swear, it reminded me all day to relish my day. In particular today, I relished the time I spent with each handicapped child I "played" with in the school system. It made all the difference! What a fun day I had. And I got to brighten theirs!
I've already made one talisman. It is for a special pediatric oncology nurse! And it is for someone who needs to EMBRACE her life and all the great things coming her way in 2011! Email me Auntie Mip. I have a new email by the way. If you haven't gotten an email response from me, it is because I abandoned my old email... cold turkey! Upon the move, I lost "comcast", and found
Keep those words a'comin'!!


kimybeee said...

i hope to meet that child some day in person just so i can squeeze her and enjoy all of her little quirks!! she is the "relish" on a hot dog for sure!!

happy new year!!

Stacey said...

Great teeth! I wasn't going to come up with a word but I have decided I could use one to live by. My word is going to be self. I hope it doesn't sound selfish but I just spend 20+ years caring for two parents and a good friend with different illnesses. They have all passed away now. Two within the last 6 months and I think I need to take some time for me. Have a great day!

Anonymous said...

Oh my, what a character.

Kellye Hoogland said...

I love my necklace and bracelet that you made! David did good!! (HEE HEE!) Thanks for the hat and scarf! I wore them a bunch. I will drop them off soon!
My word is ENJOY! I need to enjoy everything and not sweat the small stuff! I want to enjoy the time I have with Jay as he will be a senior next year! (SNIF SNIFF!!)