Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Just a little outfit she threw together!

Know what?! This blog brings me great comfort at times! '

Now don't get me wrong. It can also be pretty doggone time consuming sometimes too! And when I am spending WAY too much of my "free time" loading pics to share, and then like only 1 or 2 people comment (although I am ALWAYS thankful Trish and Amy K! and lately snekcip!! oh ,and Diane!) , I think WHY am I doing this? Does anybody even read this anymore?!
By the way, YES, She really DID come in in this outfit which she "threw" together all by herself!
But back to my contemplative self...
Today was a pretty bad day at work! I had fun. I am practicing RELISHing in my patients and the time I am honored to spend with them. But, well, as is going to be in any self owned venture... things just happen!
and people you really trust and love will let you down. They will disappoint. Today was such a day!
But then, I go to my email. and then my Facebook page. And for whatever reason so many of you decided to choose today to leave me the most flattering messages.
Messages about how much you LOVE reading the blog. And how it inspires you. And how it is like a "spirit stick" that helps spread energy!
And you just don't know how much I needed to hear that .... TODAY!

I am thankful to those of you who take the time out of your day to read the blog. And particularly to those of you who take the time to let me know you are reading by dropping a little comment!
Some choose to do it publicly, and some took the advantage of my email ( and left me kind words.
So today, just know that I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY needed it, and appreciate it, and am humbled by your nice words.
For the most part, people are good! We stick together. ( for the most part) and for that I am glad!
Have a really great Thursday!


Lora said...

i love your blog and i check in daily for updates. i don't comment but your style and zest for life inspire me!

Nascar88_20 said...

Even tho I rarely comment, I read your blog almost daily (and if I miss a day, I'm sure to catch up the next). Your girl has definitely got some fashion sense goin' on!

Enjoy the game Friday!


Michelle said...

I'm always reading too! It comes up in my reader and I don't often come over to comment but I love your blog! :)

jneman said...

Your blog is one of the few must reads every day for me! I appreciate your sharing and often making me take time to reflect. Thank you!

Debbye said...

Your blog is a daily must in my life. Your girls provide so many giggles and great memories for us over here in CA. Thank you for sharing your lives with us!! Here's hoping for happier days in 2011!

blessedmomof3 said...

Love your blog. I read it daily, I just don't always comment. I love reading about your precious girls and their daily escapades. They are a hoot!! I am also greatly inspired by your passion for life!! Thanks for taking the time to share with all of us. It is appreciated and enjoyed.

tamthenurse said...

I read everyday and started years ago. I'm not much of a leave comments kind of girl but I had to let you know how much I enjoy your blog and appreciated all the work that goes into it! Can't figure out how you fit it all in but I love checking everyday and seeing a new post about what going on in your home!! Hope you have a wonderful New year relishing your family and life!

Kat said...

Hi! I started reading Jake's CB page very early on in his illness. After he went running off to Heaven to play, I checked in daily to see how everyone was doing, most especially Hunter and Hayden. I find that they are on my heart so often, even now. Anyway, I followed you to the blog when you started and read it daily. I have come to feel like you're a good friend who is just chatting with me! ;) I adore your baby girls!!! At the time that Gabbi came into your lives, my life was changing drastically too; my 25 yr old daughter and her three boys moved in with us (a real blessing that she got away from the abusive baby-daddy) and life as I knew it turned upside down! The little boys were 13 months old (TWINS!) and 7 weeks old (our singleton). So everytime you wrote about the challenges of having babies so close together, it sounded just like our house!!! And dang, it was hard, and I'm not even the momma! Now when you post about E and G, I can so relate and I just laugh and laugh! Your Ellie girl is somethin' for sure, what a crazy, delightful, beautiful handful that girl is! And precious Gabbi, how I melt when you talk about her sweet and silly moods, her love of animals, and that big ol' grin. She sounds exactly like my youngest grandson, Garrett, who is 2 yrs the cotton b7 mos. He is a little doll ... He'd make a great boyfriend for Gabbi! ;) Well I certainly didn't intend to write a novel! That's what I get for playing on my iPhone in the middle of the night! Have fun in MY town, Big D, this weekend. I have lots of friends going to the Cotton Bowl, unfortunately most of them are Aggies. But some of them will be sporting their purple and gold! Good Luck!!

Sorry this is full of typos (due to the auto word fill in) and all smudged together. For some reason my phone won't let me go back??? Oh well! TTFN!

Kathy Sanders, Dallas

Kat said...

Hi! I started reading Jake's CB page very early on in his illness. After he went running off to Heaven to play, I checked in daily to see how everyone was doing, most especially Hunter and Hayden. I find that they are on my heart so often, even now. Anyway, I followed you to the blog when you started and read it daily. I have come to feel like you're a good friend who is just chatting with me! ;) I adore your baby girls!!! At the time that Gabbi came into your lives, my life was changing drastically too; my 25 yr old daughter and her three boys moved in with us (a real blessing that she got away from the abusive baby-daddy) and life as I knew it turned upside down! The little boys were 13 months old (TWINS!) and 7 weeks old (our singleton). So everytime you wrote about the challenges of having babies so close together, it sounded just like our house!!! And dang, it was hard, and I'm not even the momma! Now when you post about E and G, I can so relate and I just laugh and laugh! Your Ellie girl is somethin' for sure, what a crazy, delightful, beautiful handful that girl is! And precious Gabbi, how I melt when you talk about her sweet and silly moods, her love of animals, and that big ol' grin. She sounds exactly like my youngest grandson, Garrett, who is 2 yrs the cotton b7 mos. He is a little doll ... He'd make a great boyfriend for Gabbi! ;) Well I certainly didn't intend to write a novel! That's what I get for playing on my iPhone in the middle of the night! Have fun in MY town, Big D, this weekend. I have lots of friends going to the Cotton Bowl, unfortunately most of them are Aggies. But some of them will be sporting their purple and gold! Good Luck!!

Sorry this is full of typos (due to the auto word fill in) and all smudged together. For some reason my phone won't let me go back??? Oh well! TTFN!

Kathy Sanders, Dallas

Debbie said...

I read your blog daily. I do comment sometimes. Your girl's make me smile, and I need that smile right now. So know I am reading..

God Bless~
Debbie Jean

Kat said...

Hi! I started reading Jake's CB page very early on in his illness. After he went running off to Heaven to play, I checked in daily to see how everyone was doing, most especially Hunter and Hayden. I find that they are on my heart so often, even now. Anyway, I followed you to the blog when you started and read it daily. I have come to feel like you're a good friend who is just chatting with me! ;) I adore your baby girls!!! At the time that Gabbi came into your lives, my life was changing drastically too; my 25 yr old daughter and her three boys moved in with us (a real blessing that she got away from the abusive baby-daddy) and life as I knew it turned upside down! The little boys were 13 months old (TWINS!) and 7 weeks old (our singleton). So everytime you wrote about the challenges of having babies so close together, it sounded just like our house!!! And dang, it was hard, and I'm not even the momma! Now when you post about E and G, I can so relate and I just laugh and laugh! Your Ellie girl is somethin' for sure, what a crazy, delightful, beautiful handful that girl is! And precious Gabbi, how I melt when you talk about her sweet and silly moods, her love of animals, and that big ol' grin. She sounds exactly like my youngest grandson, Garrett, who is 2 yrs the cotton b7 mos. He is a little doll ... He'd make a great boyfriend for Gabbi! ;) Well I certainly didn't intend to write a novel! That's what I get for playing on my iPhone in the middle of the night! Have fun in MY town, Big D, this weekend. I have lots of friends going to the Cotton Bowl, unfortunately most of them are Aggies. But some of them will be sporting their purple and gold! Good Luck!!

Sorry this is full of typos (due to the auto word fill in) and all smudged together. For some reason my phone won't let me go back??? Oh well! TTFN!

Kathy Sanders, Dallas

Kat said...

Crap! I have no idea why my comment (aka novel) posted THREE times!!! So sorry!

Love to all the Groves,
Kathy aka Kat :)

jejejetson said...

Hi Mo,

you are right, it must be frustrating to write and not to know if people still read it. But I can tell you, I read every day and love it, since years... even followed jakes page for a long time. I love your style to write and I would like to cuddle your kids myself...well therefore I am a bit too far away...

So just keep going, we want to see how the kids look like when they start school :)

Oh, I think your girls would love it here those days, we have plenty and plenty and plenty of snow, can bild up slides, little houses to hide in there, have a snowballfight,build up a snowman and and and and... we never had that much before here...

Sincerely Angela

Amy K said...

Sorry to hear about your difficult day. I think we all have to have those days to be especially thankful for the good ones!
And, then at the end of the day, you get to go home to those adorable babies of yours!!! That's always got to be good for a smile and a laugh!

Today is a new day, with new blessings...

Bj said... sure to check your email this morning! I too, read your blog EVERY SINGLE DAY! It is one of the highlights of my morning. When I arrive at work (City Hall, Minden)...I am usually greeted with, "Did you read Mo's blog this morning? That little Ellie is amazing."...or some similiar statement. We love following your family and most of us ladies feel somewhat like "aunties" to your baby girlies. Please don't ever stop, cause we would miss you so very much. Thanks for all the good you do......we love ya! (BJ)

Mary T said...

Love your blog and read it everyday. Always brings a smile to my face. That Ellie is sure to entertain! Thanks for taking the time to update. Hope today is a much better day for you. :)

Zhohn said...

Wishing you a better day today.
I read your blog everyday, just as I did Jake's CB page. Love reading about your girls and of course, all of Jake's family.

Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Still here...still reading every single day! Love to hear all about what your lovely family is up to. Thanks!

Brenda said...

I love your blog. I read it daily and if I miss a day, I always go back and catch up. I rarely comment but you are an awesome person and have a great family. God bless you for taking the take to do the blog and share your family with all of us.

Linda said...

Hey Mo....I'm like Kat, I started following you when you were posting on-line with Jakes story and what a WONDERFUL job you did. You have such a way with words and stories that it makes your readers feel so connected to you and your family and the ones that doesn't have a big family(like me) makes me see just how much I am missing. PLEASE keep blogging and know that you have more readers and followers than you probably will ever know and the lives you touch doing so.

I love your crazy life!

Mary said...

I read your blog daily also and dont comment much. Your zest for life, family & friends inspire me to be a better person. Your children are precious angels. I started out by reading the blog about Jake, talk about a precious angel.... He made my heart smile with his attitude for life. I dont know if any other kid would have been able to handle everything he went through, but Jake did great. Ellie has a great fashion sense about her. She sort of reminds me of the girl on the tv show Blossom. She dressed like that too. Have a great day

Sharidrew said...

I'm so sorry you had a bad day! I want you to know that I read your blog every day! I look forward to it. You start my day off with laughter and love as it just jumps from the computer screen! I don't always comment. Selfish, I know. But sometimes I feel like if I "stalk" you silently then I'm not a freak for "loving" your family. Does that make sense? I guess it's the whole not knowing you personally but feeling like we are besties. I tell people about my friend in Louisiana and then find my self feeling a little weird for calling you that. So, I guess what I'm trying to say is that it isn't that I don't read daily and appreciate your words...I DO! I guess I just feel strange making a comment on every post. However, I shouldn't feel that way because we are "friends" and I should comment like I would if you were telling me these stories in person! Right?

After all of that...know that you are definitely loved, appreciated and a joy to "talk" to.

Hugs from Missouri,

kris said...

O.k. sorry I do not leave many comments. I should, because this is one of the blogs I go to every morning and it makes my day. It always makes me smile. You inspire many people and make their day's brighter - we should return the favor and I am glad some did. Have an awesome day!!

Vicki said...

Mel, I read this blog EVERY day. I stop by a couple of times a day just to see if you've posted. I love hearing about Ellie's antics (and seeing had wardrobe choice's) and Gabby's preciousness (it that a word?) also bring a smile to my face. I've even told my hubby and sons about some of the things you've posted. This blog is definitely one of the highlights of my day. I feel like I really "know" you and your family - you remind me of my family back in Florida (I'm in Colorado) and reading your blog is like having a little "slice" of home. Thanks for taking the time to share your life with me.

Have a great day and enjoy the game.


Kathryn said...

I read every day, but typing is still hard. Love you.

Beverly said...

That girl is something! Love those gloves! I check in with you every morning. I don't comment as often. But your blog is my morning smile that keeps me going through the day. Thanks for keeping me smiling!

stephleighjenkins said...

I religiously read Mojoy every day and I must admit that if you miss a day, I'm a little sad!! Love hearing about your sweet girls' and the rest of the family. I have been a follower since you posted on Jake's caringbridge. I live in Louisiana also and although I don't post very often, I think you are an AMAZING person!

Anonymous said...

Girl! I am here everyday! It even hurts my feelings a little when you skip a day! Hahaha!


Stacey said...

You're on list of sites I check every morning. Part of my morning ritual. Hope today is a much better day.

Hey tomorrow is Friday already!


SamC said...

I check in on ya'll every day, I just don't get to comment each day.

I have "known" you since before Jake became an angel. You are a part of my life.

I am planning a trip down your way sometimes this year so maybe we can finally meet!

Theresa Shirley said...

Oh my goodness Melanie---never EVER think that I'm not reading your posts, or that they don't matter---I am rather obsessed with reading them EVERY day!!! I don't know what I'd do without my "Mo fix" :) I love reading about your family---your zest for life, the fun and love your family shares....makes me appreciate the things that are truly important in life. I have been through a lot in the last year, but always "relish" looking up Mo' Joy to see if there is a new post! Truly there are a lot of days that you have brightened my day & cheered me up so much!! I so hope that my daughter & I can come to one of your art retreats to meet you in person--that would be awesome! Thanks for continuing to share with us---love you & that sweet family!! Much love from Dallas, GA.....

Renee said...

Love the blog! Love the pics too! I read daily and try to comment often. Girl, that Ellie is a diva in the making. Too stinkin cute!

Oh yea I almost forgot --- GEAUX TIGERS!!!!!!!

Becky said...

I, like so many others, DO read your blog every day! I LOVE to see pics of the girls! Ellie reminds me a lot of my 5 yr old... VERY independent, sassy & definately has her own style! Somedays we have to "choose" our battles, and decide if the outfit she is wearing is really worth fighting over! I LOVE seeing the BAH and reading about the special bond you and Todd "The Bod" share. I love all the family & friends that gather at your house all the time! Wish I lived closer so I could come visit! I also love reading about Jake!! I followed his site when he was battling his cancer (not sure how I even found it, but I fell in LOVE with him instantly!!) I have a cousin who passed away when he was 8 yrs old from ALL, so we know the pain of the cancer world!
Loving your blog and hope you keep sharing your awesome life/family with us!

Jen said...

Mel ... I have been a loyal reader for years - followed jake's caringbridge page. I am such a lurker, but wanted to let you know I was out here and thoroughly enjoy reading all of your posts - I feel like I know your family.
God Bless ...
Jen Martyn
Ontario, Canada

Lisa said...

I'm a faithful daily reader! Love your blog and thanks for sharing your life with us. I like to think that if I lived closer, I could be part of your group of friends (I'm not some crazy stalker, you guys just know how to enjoy life and I am a creative soul!!)! Keep on writing and sharing the pics.

Unknown said...

You are very inspiring to all of us that have very busy lives...we do appreciate you.

Audrea said...

I read your blog everyday and I am one of those that do not take time to comment... sorry. Your blog makes me grin, makes me happy & truely inspires me. All of us busy moms have to stick together. Wishing you a wonderful day and thanks for sharing your family with us... it is wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I read your blog most every day and also followed Jake's caring bridge. While I enjoy reading it, I rarely comment because honestly what can a person say about your girls everyday? Yes, they are cute and smart:)

Hallie said...

I am guilty as charged. I read your blog EVERY day, but I rarely comment. I promise I will try to do better in the future. I love reading about the daily adventures of the Groves family and am completely in love with your two girls. Ellie cracks me up every day and Gabbi melts my heart. You are truly blessed.

Sandy said...

Sorry Mo you had such a bad day. Everyone is entitled to them! I don't comment each day cause I don't want you to think I am a "stalker"or "pest"!! I looove your blog/fb I check it every single day just to get my fill!! I don't motivate until I have had my time reading your blog. Thanks again for allowing me to be a friend. Your blog inspires me more than you will ever know!!

tricia said...

Ellie the Fashion Diva stikes again!

Mo, I believe that if you take the time to 'read' a blog,and you enjoy it as much as I do that you come back daily...why noy take the time to comment. Yes I LOVE the girls pictures,but I come to hear from you because your words not only entertain me but inspire me.
If I don't comment it's because I am away w/o access to a computer.

Proud Grandma said...

I don`t leave comments often but I read your blog every day and really look forward to seeing pictures of your two adorable children and also of your family and friends and your home etc. and I love to read what you have to say as you have a real gift with words - keep the updates coming!!!

Anonymous said...

Callin' me OUT!!! Yes you are and I so deserve it! I check your blog EVERY day - never even thinking that my message would help you - so, please know that I love reading your blog, I am sure it is very time consuming and as much as it helps you, it helps me (and many others) as much, if not more, to "know" your family. Ellie is so much like my grown up Stephanie - she also would put together the most crazy, yet beautiful and stylish in her eyes, outfits and parade around the neighborhood - her dad was so embarrassed - hence, the divorce! Comments will come often from now on, that is a promise - that is only fair - that is what is right - and that is what I will do.

Anonymous said...

P.S. I am a Facebook failure! I get on my page but have no idea what to do after that - so sad!

Anonymous said...

I miss those days. My daughter used to dress up all the time in outfits that had me wondering....where did you find that stuff? I love your blog. I read it every day. Guilty...I don't leave comments every day. I picked the word "cherish" for 2010. I will cherish more of the times I spend with my daugher. she is 8 now and time is going so fast. She loves crafts so I'm going to go with that as one of our special bonding times!!
Your girls are beautiful. You are blessed. Take care and wish we could send you some of the snow from Wisconsin, it's only January and we've had enough :)

jmckemie said...

Sorry about the not leaving comments but, for the most part, figured reading them too up so much more oour free time... :)
I, for one, check evey day - sometimes more than once if a new post is not up yet! Your honesty, yur attitude, your beautiful family are a true spirit booster each day. Cannt wait to see what each new day holds for you.

Lisa said...

That sweet girl certainly has developed her own sense of fashion style!!! I love reading your blog and don't comment often . . .hope today is filled with joy!!

Lisa said...

oops - meant to check email follow up comments :-)

Sparks said...

I love your blog, and read it daily, but never find the time to leave you a comment... How sad!!

I'm sorry you had a horible day, but today I bet brings you many new blessings. As you have been to so many of our lives, even the ones you have never met!!

Have a blessed day!!

Unknown said...

I'm quilty too. I try to read everyday, and if I miss a day, I go back and catch up. That Ellie is a fashionista. What two beautiful girls you have. I'm still interested in the talisman. I feel like you are one of my friends also. Have a really great day!

randdmom said...

I read your blog EVERY day (unless I'm sick or out of town and can't access on my phone), but then I catch up when I'm back online!!! So, yes, people still read, care, and take pleasure in being a part of your life via the internet! I don't comment much, because how many times can I say how adorable your girls are without sounding like a stalker!!! Your house is amazing too! And your canvases, oh, my! Anyway, keep posting, keep sharing photos, and keep knowing we love you!

kelly said...

Count me among those who read every entry! Love to see your girls growing and smiling, your families and friends embracing life, and your can-do attitude. It always brightens my day or gives me something to ponder. Don't comment too often, but I really enjly it...oh, and my word this year is "present" as in I'm trying to live in the moment and be present, especially to my family.
So thanks for the inspiration to pick a word.

Anonymous said...

Yay,so glad you were uplifted when your spirits were down. I don't comment much and honestly it was because I didn't think you read each and every comment. But I do read your blog and I LOVE it. I often read and giggle because having two girls just 16 mos apart (7 and 6) I went thru ALL of what you are. Your Ellie could be mine,all about dress up,accessories,makeup,bling,purses.
You inspire me all the time. Your positive and encouraging spirit makes me want to be a better mom and wife. Whether you realize it or not u are touching more people with a simple post,or two, or three lol. thank you and now that i know u are reading the comments I will do so more often.

Brandi said...

I love your blog. I have read it daily forever but this is the first time I have ever left a comment. I met you at St. Jude with Jake. My husband and I came to RMH with Lauren King Ministries for about 3 years and we became friends with Clint, Heather, Corbin and Nathan Gulde (and now Esther). We met you at Corbin's party when he finished chemo. I have a little girl who is 3 and it is so funny to see your little girls grow up and how similar Ellie and my little girl are. It is so funny. Have a great day!

Shannon said...

Hi Mo -

I know this post isn't in the correct spot, but here it is.

My word for the year and my favorite word is BELIEVE. I think you can have faith, have trust, have love, BUT if you don’t BELIEVE it makes it all so hard.
I BELIEVE in God to help me down the path with my son. He has several disabilities, and every day is a new challenge.

Also, wanted to mention a good read book for you. The title is Heaven is for Real by Todd Burpo. It was written by a pastor in my home town of Imperial, Nebraska. His son at the age of 3 had a near death experience and went to heaven. It started coming out in his conversations over the course of a few years they have collected so much information. It really brings warmth to life.

Also, please know, I read your blog almost daily, but don’t always comment.

Linnae said...

I read ... I like ... I just never comment. Your kids are hilarious (especially #1 daughter!!!) and I feel as though I "know you" even though we both know I don't.

Keep writing, photographing, sharing. I'll continue reading.

Denise said...

Mo ~ I read your blog everyday even though I rarely comment, and I really ENJOY it!! Sometimes I laugh out loud. And I love watching your babies grow and have oodles of fun in the meantime.
Regarding the reason for your bad day yesterday, well, all I can say is that it happens to the best of us every now and then, but our true friends help patch up the hurt and put smiles back on our faces. You've always given me the feeling that you wear your heart on your sleeve, and being so open will leave you vulnerable to some nastiness that lurks around out there. And I'm really sorry this had to happen to you.
Keep your lovely chin up, then take a peek at your kiddies and smile yourself silly.
Luv ya!!

Marti said...

Hey Melanie - I don't always comment but I ALWAYS read. It is my pick me up after work. I teach Special Ed. and you help remind me to "relish" in the "joy" of life. I sit back as my own 2 children are screaming at each other and think back on my kids who were out of control and realize - Life is Good!!! I then can laugh at all that took place and realize that my heart is full and my life blessed. I have a wonderful family and am able to go to work each day doing what I love to do!!! Then I have a glass of wine :)!

Jenny said...

You have more readers than you could ever know!! The girls and I at the Jude are always talking about your blog and all the fun creative things you are making and such! You are an INSPIRATION to many and you also have a lot of people that look up to you! You are one AMAZING woman!!! Oh and I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading your blog all the time!

Amy said...

I read EVERYDAY, sorry I don't comment more. You inspire me everyday. I love watching your girls grow up and your family grow closer. You are a special woman and I love you bunches!!!

Stacy W. said...

I love your blog & check it daily. You are such a talented person and your girls make me laugh often. You are loved!

Kristin said...

Sounds like someone blew it -- don't they know you got a big ole posse out here in blogland that's got your back???? What were they thinking????

I am a regular reader, but like many do not take the time to post a comment. Sorry about that.

I have been a regular follower since the Jake days. Cried when he passed and rejoiced when you (and your sister) were blessed with the girlies into your lives. I have 3 girls (ages 11,9, and 7) and your stories bring me back to their younger years.

Keep it up sugar -- we need the humor and the passion you express so honestly and regularly.

Lisa L said...

I always read your blog - it really uplifts me. I'm sorry I've rarely commented before. Things going wrong at work really suck..sorry you had to go through that...

Belinda said...

OK I admit..I am a stalker who seldom comments...I am sorry!! Ill try to do better :( I LOVE LOVE LOVE reading your blog...have almost daily since the caringbridge days!! You have a beautiful family......thanks for sharing with us!!! Hope your day is going better!!

connie said...

hi mo im sorry i havent commented on here lately i promise i will do better i love love coming here reading your blog and seeing the pics of your preicous girls and of you and your work and your whole family. i love how elli dresses herself and picks out her clothes she is so into it too she knows what she wants to wear and the colors are so cool. gabbi is so precious she still lets you pick out her outfits she is so sweet i love reading about her. i just love reading about what you post mo i will do my best to post more to your blogs. i also read your fb page too i saw the pic of you and todd i think you said yall are in tx getting ready to watch the football game this weekend have fun up there.. cant wait to read about your adventure up there and see the pics..
hugs to you

Denise said...

I read everyday! I love looking at your sweet babies and seeing what they are up to.

Maria said...

I love your blog! I check in every few days and am always refreshed by the funny stories you tell about your family. Keep the stories and pics coming!!

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry I don't leave comments more often.....I guess I didnt think you cared what I had to say....your Ellie is such a card and todays outfit looks right out of a magazine advertisement! She's got some serious style! Love her! I'm hoping that your tomorrow is much brighter than today - one good thing about today is that by tomorrow it will be yesterday!!! Enjoy your weekend in Texas!

jbaj said...

I read every day. My life is so hectic and I don't always comment but you are one of the few that I make sure I check every single day. Love your energy and your positive positive outlook on life!

Amy said...

I too read all the time, love seeing your girls growing up and reading all the silly stories that you share. I have followed your blog for so long way before precious Jake passed away.

Thank you for always sharing!

Amy said...

I too read all the time, love seeing your girls growing up and reading all the silly stories that you share. I have followed your blog for so long way before precious Jake passed away.

Thank you for always sharing!

Pam said...

I read your blog everyday. I don't comment often but I would really miss you. Please continue to blog.

Rohrbachs said...

I read all the time as well. Just don't leave comments. It is fun to read and it nice to read about another fellow adoptive mom's journey in life with her kiddos. :)

em said...

Your blog is great! Your photos and comments are very entertaining! Please keep it up!