Saturday, January 1, 2011

Hey you! Happy 2011! 2011! Yeah!! 11!! It's gonna be a great one!!
I have a lot of planning and talking about planning and sharing from 2010 and even sharing my WORD! Have you thought about yours?!
But seeing as how it is 11:00 and I just got in (again!), I am tired, and my girlies are not gonna allow me to do a big long post! They are a bit demanding of ol' mom at bedtime, and because my new word dictates I should be present with them, I have to make my blog post a quick one!
Just check back tomorrow. Probably midday-ish and share your word, plan, words of wisdom with me and the other Mojoy readers! Nighty night peeps. It's been a long, great first day of the year!!


kimybeee said...

i am too attached with my believe to change it! can't wait to hear yours!

tricia said...


My word is 'calm';to not sweat the small stuff. not worry about what others think;if it's ok with me,then it's ok.

Ronda said...

I'm going with stretch.

Unknown said...

I almost went with the word treasure. However, there was a word I kept coming back to. A simple concept, but one I want to work on this year....HAPPINESS. I want to do things on purpose that make me happy.

jmckemie said...

My word for this year is "perspective". My husband recently lost his job and not any prospects so far. I know that keeping things in perspective will go a long way towards keeping life on an even keel; help to keep worry to a minimum and ease tensions a bit. Will it matter tomorrow? How about next week, next month, next year?
Cannot want to hear what your word is for this year.

blessedmomof3 said...

Savor - that is my word for this year. I want to spend this year savoring the special moments in life that pass all too quickly.