I can't believe it's taken me a month to get Hayden's 15th birthday party posted. Can you BELIEVE he is 15?

And can you BELIEVE he chose Olive Garden out of every place in town he could've chosen for his birthday dinner?!

At least they gave us the back room so we could have a few monkeys free to roam!

This is Hunter and Hayden (and Jake, and Maddi, and Ellie, and Gabbi's) MimMim! She is actually mom to Hunter's dad.

Staci was just about as fired up about Olive Garden as I was! Wait. Maybe she really was! She looks so happy!

Hunter brought his main squeeze around for the first time EVER!! He is now 16 (to be 17 in May), and maybe he thinks we are worthy now! Yay. Big moment in our family's evolution!

These two couldn't get over the endless breadsticks.

They decided to eat the breadsticks with the salad tongs.

Hayden Bieber and his two grandmothers.

Is it just me, or do you think he resembles Justin Bieber?!

These are two of the chicas who work at Staci's store.

And in true Gabbi fashion, she climbed all over me like a little spider monkey!

And then petted me, and hugged me, and kissed me, and I just sat back and patiently reminded myself to RELISH it!

Yep. I am relishing!

By the time we left, we had totally redecorated the entire back room! You are welcome, Olive Garden wait staff!

Don't worry. I'll strongly recommend another site for the next celebration!
As for Hayden. I love that boy. I worry about him sometimes. I know he had a very abnormal childhood, in light of growing up with a brother with cancer and being away from his mama during some very formative years. He lived with me and Todd, but I ain't mama! And Hayden was a Gabbi as a baby/ toddler! He loved (LOVES) him some mama! I would appreciate some prayers for him. He sometimes struggles, but I know he'll find his way! Junior high can be a challenge!
Happy belated birthday HANDSOME HAYDEN. Our young people have so much to face during these times. Yes, Hayden and Hunger both endured something NO CHILD should ever have to witness and that's *the death of a sibling due a hideous disease* I have often wondered how Hunter and Hayden are doing emotionally. Saying for both Hayden and Hunter. Indeed, all of our young people needs our heartfelt prayers.
Yes I think he looks like Justin Beiber....and Hunters girlfriend is cute...He is so manly looking...They are very handsome...
Happy Belated Birthday Hayden. And Olive Garden is a great choice!
Alright Mo--what's wrong with Olive Garden? I used to love it before I went on this blasted diet! Yes, Hayden does look like Justin Bieber--does he appreciate that, or does it embarrass him? I will certainly say a prayer for him. I agree, both of those boys had to go through a rough, rough time--that no children should have to endure. Both of them have grown up sooo much since I started my journey of following your family. And they are both so nice looking! The pics of Gabbi loving on her Mama are just too sweet--how precious are those memories?
Can't believe how the boys have grown. So happy you continue to be such a big part of their lives. Happy Birthday to Hayden!! I can't imagine facing the challenges and various directions his life has met. He is so blessed to have a family that loves him, thousands of people praying for him, and of course that heavenly angel looking down on him everyday.
Happy Birthday! Doesn't matter if it is late, good wishes are always welcome.
Happy (late) Birthday to Hayden!!! He is some kind of cute! I'll keep Hayden in my prayers (along with Hunter). I can't imagine what it was like to endure those days of Jake's illness and very untimely passing. Those teenage years can be so tough without losing your brother to cancer. Give Hayden a hug for all of us - even if it is late.
Happy Birthday Hayden!
Hey! I have Hunters' 'squeeze' in my class!!! She seems quiet, but sweet!
I'm thrilled to see and read a bit about Hayden (Happy Birthday, Hayden!) and Hunter. I think of them so often and pray for them, so it's good to know what they're doing. I felt like I *knew* the entire Raborn family as they journeyed with Jake. I pray for Staci and Don too. Very precious people. Thanks for a glimpse into their lives, Mo! And hey, is that Gabbi Girl growing up fast or WHAT?!? Yep, RELISH those moments of hugs and kisses, because we all know that all too soon she'll be rolling her eyes and flippin' that hair, lol! Blessings on your day!
Hayden DOES resemble Justin Bieber, but I think Hayden's much cuter...just sayin'!
I know he had a great time with his family...praying for him.
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