Say hello to my little Gabbi Girl and her therapist, Kristi. Kristi works with Gabbi on things like taking her socks and shoes off. Gabbi has always had a little bit of trouble with her fine motor skills. She still struggles to even pull the tabs on her diaper to help me get her diaper off.

Gabbi is jusssst beginning to help me get her pants off. She definitely needs my help still for her shirt! OT is also helping Gabbi Girl better use a spoon to eat by herself without a tee total mess!
She seems to respond well to her treatment. In fact, they are hardly even seeing her now. (But we need to start back).

Just a little glimpse into another part of our busy lives! I'm blessed to have the opportunity to give my girl a leg up in the areas she needs it most.
That's wonderful that she can get the help she needs, and that she has a Mama that recognizes EXACTLY what areas she needs it in. Just from your descriptions, and by looking at the pictures of her, it looks like she has already come a long way!! What a beautiful little girl--a ray of sunshine :)
Go, GG! I am proud of you, little one.
She is so stinking cute who cares if she can't do those things. lol
God placed Gabby with the right Mama! He knew where her needs would be identified&attention received quickly. Of course He knew where she'd be loved the most!
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