Know what I love about the princesses? They are always in character! Talking in that high pitch, very intonated voice that you hear on the animated movies.
And their facial expressions. They are always "on"! I would be seriously tired of being so sweet and animated all the time. But, I guess that's why I didn't work at Disney. Right?!
Remember this double french braid look, because I will post later this week on WHY I had to get up and do this number on her hair! It involves some teenagers and pre teen music. Lawdy!
As for Gabbi, all she wanted to do was HUG and HUG and HUG the princesses!
They'd try to walk away, and she'd go back in for one more. She is without a doubt the lovingest kid I have ever seen!
She would approach them with her arms held high, and with a glimmer in her eye! ANd a HUGE smile on her face!!!
We went in in street clothes, but mama didn't raise no fool! I had these dresses tucked in my backpack, because I knew as soon as we saw the main characters of the day, Ellie would be hyperventilating and panicking because she didn't have her dress on!
When I saw Aurora come in, I immediately stripped Ellie Sue down and slapped on her dress. She said, "mom, she has her collar up just like me!". This, because she had hated that dress (which she had me buy the day before) when we got it home and she couldn't get her collar to stay down. Oh, the stresses of toddlerhood!
Gabbi really couldn't care less. She just wanted to hold them, and kiss them, and pet them... regardless of what she was wearing!
She was overheard saying several times, "hold me", to the princesses.
And here we again have the princess expressions and high-pitched princess talk.
I gotta admit, I love how everyone at Disney World, from the ticket salesman at the front gate, to the guy selling balloons, to the people operating the rides, to the princesses, call the girls "princesses".
"well, here you are, Princess. Here's your pink balloon."
"Ok, Princess, are you ready to get on the teacups? Will you be riding with your mom or dad?"
Oh my, oh my. Be still my heart! Who do I spy?!
"Hold me. HOld me."
It is interesting how Ellie only got into the princess thing in the past few months. So, at Gabbi's age, she was clueless. And because, and ONLY BECAUSE, Gabbi has an older sister, she is into the princesses a whole year earlier.
I think I may have to blow this one up in a poster sized photo and mount it on foamboard for the wall. I LOVE this picture!
Did I mention animation?!
Cinderella was kinda the ultimate for Gabbi. Primarily because we watched that video about, oh, 20 times on the way to Florida! over and over and over.
What am I saying? We are watching it now! Seriously! 10:15 at night. And she is just leaving the ball, it is almost midnight, after all!
Another fun thing about the Norway Princess Breakfast is the processional they have with all the little girls. You are told to stand and follow the princess nearest your table when the announcement is made.
If you look closely, you will see Miss French Braids right up there behind Ariel. Gabbi is lagging behind. I went around the corner to catch them with my video camera, and...
Gabbi was no longer behind Ariel. I panicked momentarily, then caught a glimpse of her trailing along behind Rella! She knew who she was choosing!
Another fun thing about the Norway Princess Breakfast is the processional they have with all the little girls. You are told to stand and follow the princess nearest your table when the announcement is made.
Ok, maybe the funniest thing is this.... Mary Poppins at the Princess breakfast. Everyone knows Mary Poppins is NOT a princess. Look at Ellie's face as Mary tried to entice her to take a photo with her.
Ellie was kinda like, "ummmm, nah. I'd rather not!"
Actually, I can't blame her. She had no idea who Mary Poppins was! I MUST buy her that video!
I couldn't even get Gabbi to look up from her yogurt!
Poor, poor Mary Poppins. I was working damage control trying to convince the girls to be interested and polite.
I couldn't even get Gabbi to look up from her yogurt!
ughhhh... ok. Now we're talkin'! ARIEL!!
The huggin' bandit strikes again!
It's really sweet how obliging they all are! I know they must wear home a lot of snot at the end of a day!
Luv it - The pictures of the girls with the princesses are the best. Gabbi looks at them would melt your heart. I'm sure meeting your daughters was the highlight of some of those princesses days to. Two truly amazing little girls. How could they not fall in love too?
I know what you are talking about kids not knowing Mary Poppins. It's sad how some of the classics are forgotten in this day and age. I loved Mary Poppins and can't even convince my niece to watch it :(
Loving the pictures and keep them coming.
What special times for your girls. I love, love, love Ellie's hair in french braids!
Their expressions of adoration for the princesses is priceless.
TFS your Disney adventures.
Mo, these are some precious memories you are making with your girlies! They will always, ALWAYS, remember these good times. You and Todd are such good parents and I am thankful that God blessed you with two sweet baby girls!!
I love those pictures! Disney Princesses weren't invented when we took our children. I mean, of course there were princesses, but they were just characters in the movies. Except Cinderella.
Our younger daughter was seven when we took our crew. Her love was King John. She looked for him for days and days. Couldn't find him anywhere. Finally, there he was, and she ran up and gave him the biggest hug! Told him she'd been waiting her "whole life" to meet him. He was very kind to her.
Having 2 boys, we never did any of the princess stuff, so this is fun seeing thru your girls' eyes.
Those pictures are just great, really melts your heart!! Poor Miss Mary Poppins though, ha ha!!
I so gotta get my baby there one day!! Love the pics Mo!! I think more than one is frameworthy!!!
We haven't quite gotten into the Disney Princess just yet,however, she loves the movie The Princess and the frog and LOVES Tatiana!!
I had to laugh at Poor Mary Poppins, I mean you are competing w/Princesses and glitzy dresses, heels and accessories and here comes MP w/a "saucer" on her head, knee hi granny boots and an umbrella! Ughhhh....NOT!
I haven't signed in a long time but still enjoy reading your blog with your sweeties! Being the mom of 4 boys... can I tell you how absolutely precious and priceless these pics are from the princess breakfast?! Brought a tear to my eye! Sooooo happy that you and your girls can experience this! Wow! I want to be a little girl again, too! :)
oh my gabby is truly smitten. the look on her face is priceless. ellie's hair is so grown up looking. what a magical time
Sweet sweet little girls! That look on Gabbi's face is just the most precious thing ever. She is just completely enamored! Ellie looks almost a LITTLE shy in one or two of them. It is hilarious the way she's looking at Mary Poppins. Glad you're getting to make these sweet memories with your girls!
I love, love, love Mary Poppins, and with two trips to Disney under my belt, I'm still not able to get a good pic of her. One is from the night parade, and just as she turned to face me, most of her lights on her dress went off. The other is from a daytime parade, but that daggoned Burt kept waving in front of her face. You need to educate those girls!!
Love it - those are great! Would have been so much fun to take that in!! Show me more!!
oh. i hate we missed that character dining. please tell me you took gg to 1900 park fare at the grand floridian. a wonderful "rella" character dining. it was the best one we went to and we went to 7 of them. so glad ya'll had a good time!
Priceless memories.....
Oh wow! I am so jealous. It looks like you had such a wonderful time. I love Disney. I am looking forward to our next trip in a few years. Mary Poppins may not be a Princess, but she's my favorite. The pictures are adorable. Looking forward to the rest of the pics!
So cute! My nieces 3&4 are so into princesses- they are heading to Disney in March and are having breakfast with them at the castle. So glad to hear it is worth it. They are so excited to go!
Love the pics! Especially the Cinderella pic with both girls!
My husband and I just got back Tuesday night from Disney World. We were there from Jan 26th to Jan 31st. We took our 21 month old daughter and we did the dinner at Cinderella's Royal Table. It was fun and my little girl Emme was much like your little Gabbie. She was in awe of the pretty princesses and just wanted to hug and kiss them and not let go! lol And I too love how everyone called my little girl "princess", it's so cute!
Looks like your girls had a wonderful time! :)
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