A little overdue, butttttttt.....SO worth the wait!

Each one of my clinics put up a bare brown tree trunk with branches. Then, we cut out several shapes of leaves and pass them out to our patients each time they come in for about three weeks or so.

Some clinics do a little better than others! This clinic ROCKED it!

I think I will just let you read and enjoy.

You will notice that some of them were written by patients themselves, and many were written in the same handwriting, but have different names on them.

I loved the concept. And I think most of the staff and patients did too!

In fact, there was talk of doing ornaments on a bare Christmas tree to keep it going into the next season. I just didn't get around to it!
You always have the neatest ideas! I love this!Wishing you could have stuck with the the 52question project. That was the first thing I got excited and all crafty about! *sigh*....oh well... :(
Looooovvvvveeeee it!
Love that idea! VERY cool. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family. May you be blessed beyond your imagination!
Hugs from Missouri,
such a great idea!
I am doing this at my shop next year....remind me please! I LOVE this!!!
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