With that, let's look at the fruit of his loins...
This is my cousin, Courtney, and her son, Tanner. Courtney is the daughter of Kenny, my dad's only brother.
This is Courtney's sister, Amber. She, Courtney and Dane, who you will see in a minute are my only first cousins on the Massey side! That is how it will be for our (mine and Staci's) kids when we are old or dead and gone. They better stay close, because at this point, there are only 5 of them... Hunter, Hayden, Maddi, Ellie and Gabbi. It is sometimes up to the following generations to keep things rolling along as they always have! I am a fan of tradition!!
What is it about GIRLS that knows the importance of keeping families and rituals rolling right along? I mean, I can only imagine if it were left up to Hunter or Hayden to call and decide who would be making the dressing and set up the times and dates for holiday get togethers! Ha!
This is Keenan. He is Courtney's oldest son and lives primarily with Kenny and Penny. Too bad his name's not Lenny! Ha. I am so funnnnnnnny!!
For whatever strange reason, I swear, it seems like every man in the bunch wants to hold Gabbi! This was true at mom's family soiree', it's true when we are in any public arena, and it was true this night as well! I think maybe it is the challenge of seeing just WHO she will choose to go to! And once again, it was NOT Hunter!
Hey, there's Staci! Havent' seen much of her lately, huh?!
And I think Dad told us he waited until the 23rd to go buy his tree which he put out on the porch where we celebrated. He said he thinks he'll do that every year, as it was 75% off!
This is my first cousin, Dane's, little girl. She is only couple of months younger than Maddi and about 4 or so months younger than Ellie! I have no idea why we never get them together, as they had a ball playing!
Hayden is the quiet one who really hardly ever says a word at the family outings!
I really think he thinks he is just too cool for that! Whatev!
This one's pretty cool too! ANd was it Kimmybee who said she remembered Hunter shaving his little 10 year old head to offer support to his baby brother?! I have so many memories that I just shoved down and really forget about! Glad you reminded me of that one. THat proves that he is a tender hearted young man! I needed that reminder! Sweet boy!
This is Dax, Amber's youngest kid... kid brother to Payson. What's up with all those dark brown eyes?! Staci and I have blue eyes, our dad's being crystally blue! Then, our cousins all have this dark brown, almost black eyed thing going on!
This one's pretty cool too! ANd was it Kimmybee who said she remembered Hunter shaving his little 10 year old head to offer support to his baby brother?! I have so many memories that I just shoved down and really forget about! Glad you reminded me of that one. THat proves that he is a tender hearted young man! I needed that reminder! Sweet boy!
This is Payson and Amber.
ANd meet Brenna, Cousin Dane's baby girl. Sister to Chloe. And also daughter to April. You lost yet?!
These girls were like three peas in a pod the whole night!
Strangely I can remember our first Christmas with the three of them... Chloe being about a month old. Maddi about 3 months old, and Ellie weighing in at big 5 months. They were all three dressed to the nines, and we laid them in a circle to capture that first Christmas with a whole slew of new baby girls!
See? MOre of those black eyes!!
And as you can imagine, Ellie thought Payson was just about the coolest thing since sliced bread! Wearing a peace sign shirt and all!!
And then it happened... a neighbor brought over his puppy, a miniature dachsund!
Gabbi Girl was DONE!
Gabbi Girl was DONE!
Ellie conducted a make up seminar!
She did everything from eye shadow to blush to lips!!
I'm gonna tell you... this girl ain't lacking in confidence! And somehow she convinces her "subjects" to stay still and accept their lots!
i made the blog - i made the blog lol!!! yes it was me that remembered hunter's shaved head - i bet you couldn't pay hayden a million to shave his cool do! lol
i think ellie did a brilliant job with the makeup - she will be famous someday like bobbi brown or she may choose fashion and be the next vera wang! that gg must have a puppy dog to love - she nnnnnneeeeedddddddsssssss it so bad. find a weenie rescue in your region and get her a gently used weenie dog to love!
can't wait to see more christmas fun...
Looks like you and your fly has a great Christmas. Love the poses. Love the makeovers. Oh, and I think GG needs a dog.
I'm so loving all the tradition of family Christmas. Keep the posts and pictures and stories coming. AND can I say that Hunter is a good looking young man. I love seeing Ellie paint up everyone! And Gabbi steals my heart with every picture. Can't wait to see more. Thanks for sharing.
Coming from a large family (I have 7 siblings), I'm all about tradition! We are usually 30-40deep in FOLKS during the holidays! I can remember us getting together w/our cousins for Christmas celebrations and the tradition has carried own with our kids and pray that our grandkids carry on the tradition!
I gotta say Maddi's outfit was just pure adorable!!There's just something special about a girl in leggings w/ruffles!! She is such a dollbaby!
Ellie is on her way to become a makeup artist and hoepfully Gabbi is on her way to become an owner to a new puppy! *hint-hint*
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