Todd also has this tradition of signing very random people's names to all my gifts. For instance...
Ellie got many many paper doll type toys which all requre outfit changes! I was hoping that would keep her preoccupied for a while! and maybe keep me from having to wash her typical five outfits a day!

We are scheduled to return to Disney World soon, so we had to limit our princess intake to "small". I know we will have all the princess we can stand in a few weeks!
Gabbi Girl got several learning toys.
And as for me and my gifts, wellllll....
The tags just kept getting odder and odder! This is from Phil Knight, coach of the Lakers. ??
ANd Reggie Bush... plays for the New Orleans Saints. Oh, and used to date Kim Kardashian. How did he ever find the time to buy me something?!
And then there was this one from "Colin". Ok, then!
As well as one from "Sasha".
And a handsome purple bow. Guess who wrapped that one!
ANd Stuart SCott, the black announcer on ESPN who has the eye that doesnt' match the other eye. ANyone recognize that guy?!
Ok, back to normal Christmas things!
Wait! This was kinda classic. He got himself a DVD he'd been wanting!
And this one was from Drew Brees, the New Orleans Saints quarterback. TG, what's with all the sports references this year? Come on man, you usually branch out a little more than this!
And as the morning wore on, Gabbi Girl lost some key parts of her clothes, and knelt to bond with Earl.
And then what happened, I swear, I wish I had on video!
Earl lifted his arm and put it around her just like you or I would.
They laid there and spooned briefly. That is a love affair! Gabbi loves Earl and Earl loves Gabbi. As for me... Earl is LUCKY to be in my house right now! He got sprayed by a skunk earlier this week! And it was AWFUL! But, you know... it is Christmas. So, I had my compassionate gene going! And the dog does LOVE my girl!!
We are scheduled to return to Disney World soon, so we had to limit our princess intake to "small". I know we will have all the princess we can stand in a few weeks!
ANd Stuart SCott, the black announcer on ESPN who has the eye that doesnt' match the other eye. ANyone recognize that guy?!
Thank you, Santa, for some awesome memories!
Well, I had been in a very foul mood all day. Then I read your latest blog post. I was literally throwing my head back and laughing over Todd's gift tags. Cracks me up! Thanks for the laugh...I really needed it! :-)
give earl a hug from me cause he is so sweet!
we do the goofy nametags at our house too! one year we labeled all of our gifts to our pets so the kids didn't know who got what. We have also used the funky from weird people too! i don't know the espn guy, but i will look for him from now on! lol looks like everybody had a great christmas!
p.s. my 7 year old yellow lab wants you to know that earl would love a weenie puppy. my chloe was very set in her old dog ways until we got my daughter's dorkie (weenie/yorkie mix) in august. now chloe acts like a puppy too and has so much more fun!
Looks like Santa did good! I love the picture of Ellie riding Gabbi's bike with Gabbi running behind....classic big sister/little sister moments!
The Drew Brees tag had me singing "Personality..." like my son does every time the commercial for the personalized jerseys comes on with all the different ways to put Brees on a jersey!! That Todd is very creative....will we see what Melanie got from all her famous admirers?
HAHA And I thought my husband was the only crazy one that gives gifts from football players!! Every year I look forward to seeing who I get gifts from more than the gifts themselves. We are lucky to have such fun guys!!
Awwww Earl is too sweet to GG. The smile of E's face when she spotted the 4 wheeler - priceless. I think Todd's weird tags are too funny. I would love to get a gift from Reggie and Drew. :)
Loving the Christmas tags and the pics! Priceless!! Nothing is sweeter than a girl and her pooch! I gotta say that Gabbi/Earl is the exact replica of Bree/Paris! My girl loves that dog to no end! Stinkiness and all!! I'm always telling her "not to hug Paris, because she's stinky and she gets this look on her face and says "Momma! That's not make her sad when you say that"!
I mean how can I argue with that!! :)
PS What did you get to "de-skunk" Earl. There is something over the counter you can purchase at Walmart I believe. I actually bought Paris a shampoo that eliminates SKUNK ODOR even though she hasnt had that encounter! She stinks that bad sometimes though! Thank goodness raccoons dont have a "stinky gland" because our poor dog would have been "sprayed" a long time ago!
Where did you get those adorable pajamas for the girls??
Love those sweet girls!! Gabbi and Earl are just precious. She just has a way with animals of all sorts, doesn't she? I noticed in the coloring pics that she is coloring with her left hand in most of them. Is she left-handed? Just wondering....cause I am too :)
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