Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hide and Seek!

Sorry about the skipped post. Several of the therapists are off in my clinics, and I can tell you which one is NOT! Me! SO, I have been a bit b-u-s-y for the past few days!

I did have Robin, at work, help me load up a few new photos today to share. Like this one... of my kids.... Yooooo hooooo... where are you?!
THERE you are! You SOOOO had me fooled!
So much fun they had to do it again. Like, ummm, 3o more times!
Never changing hiding spots, just pulling back the curtain and tucking in all over again!
"Here we are, MOM"!
Got that punctuation wrong above, but don't feel like changing it. Just wanted you to know I knew. Here we go again....
"Hey, Mom, see if you can find us." Ok, Ellie.... where in the world would I start looking?!
I don't know. Maybe, HERE!
Do you know that your dad would have a heart attack if he knew you were playing in the "stand" under his big football TV. The one in his beloved man cave!?
The very one that should be mounted on the wall by now, and not sitting on a makeshift TV stand that is actually a member of my art room paraphenelia!
Oh, girrrrrls, where are you?!
Seriously, this went on for a while!
But how can you resist THIS?! This happiness? This sisterly cooperation?
I would've absolutely done this as long as they wanted! Then... dad walked in! And we were escorted from his room and asked to never return. That's ok, girls. We'll get even with him. In about 11 years or so when you are both hormonal, and having cycles, and dating, and needing money, and meeting friends at the mall, and rolling your eyes, ..... yep! We'll get even alright!!
It's our annual turkey frying day! Hope you are having a good one too!


tricia said...

such sweet joy on those precious baby faces! i love it!

Amy K said...

Those "surprise" pics are priceless. How could Dad kick them out when seeing such cuteness? Hee hee hee!

Tracy said...

Gorgeous pictures, they look so happy! When my daughter was about that age she would say: "Mom, come and find me under the table!"