Saturday, October 9, 2010

Pretty little Gabbi Gull.

This baby is so pretty! And I don't know if there has a been a kid who is more attached to another human being than this one is to me! She can play pretty independently as I peek in on her at daycare or other places, but, let her see me, and.... It is OVER! Independent play that is!
Anybody had one like this? When does it end? I love her loving me. I just can't take the whining and crying when I am not holding her. There's a little bit that I attribute to her not speaking well. She graduated from speech therapy, but is about to be re-initiated! A little perk of owning a therapy company!!
She can't really clearly tell us what she wants. I know that must be so frustrating!
See that big fat scar still down the side of her cheek? Any suggestions on that one? Anybody had good success with a facial scar going away completely?! Geesh, I hope this one does!
Anyhoo... had these sweet pictures of my little angel baby and thought I'd share. And then, as usual, the thoughts and words just started flowing!
I love my Gabbi Girl!


Unknown said...

Get those vitamin e pills from walmart(or healthfood store)and poke a hole in it and squeeze it on her scar. My niece was eaten up by a dog on her face when she was around 2 and thats what the plastic surgeon had my sister do...I think it was 2 or 3 times a day and always put sunscreen on when she goes outside. Now 7 yrs. later you have to look really close to see any scars. And hers was BAD!!

Christina said...

Yes it will fade! Allie split her bridge of her nose apart twice 2 weeks apart learning to walk "properly" sans rhino crusiser/body cast at 2.5 her preschool photos were double black eyes!
What about a small PCES board for when she can't express what she wants (Kendryk is getting this now!)Kendryk is my clingiest baby so far and your older than us. Could it be a sensory overload I find when K gets overloaded she clings even more!

tricia said...

Gabby is so precious. Some kids are clingers and some are not. The more exposure she has to other kids her age the less attached she'll be. But if she's not communicating well she sees you as the one who 'gets her' and she relys on you.

Use vitamin E several times a day on the scar and ALWAYS sunscreen.

Beverly said...

Gabbi is precious. A beautiful little girl. I've been out of town for 3 days and I missed you guys so much! What? You didn't know I was gone? Go figure. Catch up was fun. That Ellie has a personality entirely all her own. I love your little girls. I so wish I could meet them.

Cassie12 said...

Mo - what a cutie that little Gabbi is. My little granddaughter, Sofia, who is now 3 is a real clinger to her Mom. We say she is always on her Mama's hip if Mama is around. When Mom is not around and she is with us, she does not have to be packed around and does everything for herself, but as soon as that Mama arrives - she's with her. She is getting a little better about it, but she loves her Mom. It's okay, they grow up too fast and soon will want nothing to do with their Mama's. Love reading your blog.

Renee said...

No help with the scar, but as for the whining--stay consistent and don't give in to the whining. Try getting her to use her words or even attempt to use words even its just a small sound. Good luck. Whiny and clingy can send a mom in to overload.

Amy K said...

Adorable pics Melanie..her hair is getting so it! The last photo looks like she is studying so intently. Sweet girl!
I don't know about the scar; however, my "baby boy" was soooo clingy when he was younger, and definitely a whiner. Unfortunately, I think I was an enabler in his case. I knew he was my last (and only boy), and I really kind of doted on him; hence the clingy mama's boy he became (and still sort of is). He also needed speech therapy...some connection there???!!
The good news is, even though he's still a cuddly, loving little mama's boy, he has become very independent, good student (reading almost 2 years ahead of his grade level - so PROUD of him!) and friend.......he's 7 and a 2nd grader!!! We're making strides...
Gabbi will too!
Many blessings....

Michele said...

She does look like an angel. Precious girl! Thanks for the pics!

Cheese Lady said...

I had a velcrow baby too! but now he's 13, parents are EWW your going to miss that she doesnt hang on you! I felt the same way! He will snuggle still- but only if no one else is home!