Ok, so I was out at Dad's house not long ago and he asked, "well, I don't suppose you have a need for a 3/4 bed?"

Huh? What's a 3/4 bed? It, I now know, is a bed that is slightly smaller than a full bed and larger than a twin. I thought.... why not? SURE! Let me see it!

And when I saw it, it was cute enough, but I KNEW it had to be white if it were going in my Gabbi Girl's bedroom!

Enter TEAM Gabbi Girl! I needed recruits to get it all done in a single afternoon!

So Pops and Rita came over and we got crackalackin!
First, we used power sanders to take the top layer of finish or varnish or whatever off the antique furniture.

Then we put on a coat of white paint. Todd came out to join in on the fun at this point. (ANd I have decided I need a power sander. I loved it!) Dad, you reading this?

Once it was all white, I thought I would do a little distressing.

I think it turned out so cool!

Just perfect for my little baby girl. She is so sweet and innocent, and I think the design of this bed just screams, "gabbi"!

Then came the time to put it in the bedroom.

And we had three little monkeys who wouldn't really leave us alone to get situated!

Hey girls, get up! We need to make this bed!

They were so excited to just have the bed in the room.

Finally we convinced them to let us get some sheets and a cover on the thing.

And although I really like this bedding, it has been substituted for one with a little more "pep".

Also, because again, as much as I love this sweet bedding, I just HAD to have a little more color!

So, whatcha think!?

I think it was a very satisfying day with a satisfying project. Thanks, Dad and Rita for your help!
That's a beautiful and PERFECT bed for little miss Gabbi! Love the three girls in the bed!
There were 3 in the bed, and the little one said, "Roll Over, Roll Over".....
Cute bed!!!
it is beautiful!! as an antique collector, it kinda pained me to see you paint it, cause the finish looked really good. it really turned out great and i love the distressing!
how have you gotten by without a power sander???? i have a mouse and use it for everything!
When I was little me and my sister who is 20 months older than me shared a 3/4 bed. :) Ahh what memories of sleeping with my sister :) I now appreciate sharing a room with my sister.
Love it!!
That is a beautiful bed!!! That will take her all the way thru out her life, well until she's grown and gone. Those 3 lil monkeys in the bed are adorable!!! Can't you just see them as they grow? They will be best buddies.
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
It's so pretty - perfect for GG.
I love to see repurposing projects.
You must get a sander. And a drill, and a jigsaw, and a....
I love my tools!
The girlies are perfectly perfect in that bed!
I don't think I've ever commented before, I'm a follower from dear Jake days.
Thank you for sharing your adventures ... the bed is awesome and the girls = adorable!
And you continually amaze me with your energy!
Love that bed!! I think it's perfect for Gabbi!!! I found one similar to this size *at a resale shop* and called around for a mattress *before purchasing it* and couldn't find one for the love of me! It had to be "special ordered* and wanted waaay to much money to ship it!!! I was sick I had to leave tje bed frame/headboard behind! Ughhh!
So where do you buy bedding and a mattress for a 3/4 bed? It is beautiful and looks like it fits her.
I was wondering the same thing as Sandy...do tell!
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