Oh man, does this kid ever crack me up!

These "big girls" would be who Ellie considers her best friends. She ahs no time or use for little girls. I think they bore her!

I mean, do they do back handsprings up in loft? I think not! Do they let her borrow their handmade Justin Bieber shirts? I think not. Do they wear bows the size of Jupiter? I think not!

So then, WHY would she want to hang out with little girls?!

Could you see in all of the above pictures that she was so mesmerized by the big girls who came over to visit that seh couldn't take her eyes off them?!

I think I have many, many pallet parties in my future!
Mo....I love reading your post...it's part of my daily routine....Thanks for sharing your blogs and pics with me...You have a precious family....Best Wishes for much love and happiness in your new home.
Oh lordy the things Ellie will learn early by hanging out with the big girls! Are you ready?
Well MOOOOMMMM---why in the world would she want to hang out with babies--when she is 15 herself??? That girl's got it going on! I agree with tricia's post--Lordy the things she'll learn early :) And then she'll fill Gabbi girl in too--lol....
Lol !!!!! how CUTE is her expressions with her big gurls friends. adorable.
So cute...and some wonderful "besties" I'm sure!
Your new BAH is definitely going to be the place to hang when your girls get older. Ummm, actually it looks like it already is! :)
I'm a little envious that you're still in the shorts & flip flop weather; we're in jeans/sweatshirts, warming up a little in the afternoon for short sleeve shirts & jeans.
Friday Blessings...
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